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Clemson football pants...


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So I'm flipping through the latest edition of SI...and I find this:


Now. The helmet stripe looks purple...but the pants really look blue to me.

Here's the 07 uniforms.


Now, question: Are those the same pants and someone did a bad wash job, or did Clemson actually bust out blue pants for a game last year?



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I put the schemes together based on the list put together by the user praeda. According to the list, purple pants were worn with both purple and white jerseys at some point last season.

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I didn't know they wore purple until a few years ago. Because of this reason I always thought they had the same color scheme and helmet as Illinois and Syracuse (at the time). I can picture Woody Dantzler wearing blue pants on the road.

on a side note I was just looking through google images and found this picture


How much better do both those teams look compared to what they wear now?


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there is definitely something wrong with that picture. I've seen plenty of Clemson and their purple pants, and i assure you they arent that blue. But actually, some of the older uniforms had some very "blue" looking purple in them...

another example is the Vikings, their uniforms from 1990ish until the new update looked blue some times, and purple the next...just a weird material probably.

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I can't speak for the actual color of the pants in that photograph, but Clemson DOES have a history of using Blue as an alternate to the Purple:


The scan doesn't do the pic justice, but I really think that the blue in the color sheet is the blue in those pants. I think it's weird though, because I figured if it was purple, it would match the purple on the helmet stripe. So, IMO, it's blue. But maybe the photo is messed up. Confusing.



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A couple of things you need to remember is that first, that's a scanned picture and a scanned picture doesn't always tell the truth as to what you see in person. When you take a picture you don't necessarily get what you see because our eyes see more colors than the camera can represent. Secondly, when a picture is printed, there are only an x amount of colors that can be printed within the color gama because of the mixing of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. If one of those colors is low, you're going to get a color change. Also when you print, realize that inks are translucent and what you are seeing is the paper through the ink. If the paper is yellow paper vs. a white paper it's going to change how the colors react when printed on. Now add to the effect that the picture was scanned and most people don't have their scanners calibrated properly to pick up correct colors, nor do they adjust the colors after scanning. That picture could've been scanned in not adjusted and then printed from a scanned picture on a different color paper, and then I think it was scanned again. I'm taking a guess those pants are "purple", though the definition of purple we could have a discussion of for a long time and there are purples that are more towards the blues and the light source could be bringing the blue out. What you see in light indoors vs. what you see outdoors can change depending on what inks are used on paper, and I'm taking a guess that this can happen with textile colors also.



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A couple of things you need to remember is that first, that's a scanned picture and a scanned picture doesn't always tell the truth as to what you see in person. When you take a picture you don't necessarily get what you see because our eyes see more colors than the camera can represent. Secondly, when a picture is printed, there are only an x amount of colors that can be printed within the color gama because of the mixing of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. If one of those colors is low, you're going to get a color change. Also when you print, realize that inks are translucent and what you are seeing is the paper through the ink. If the paper is yellow paper vs. a white paper it's going to change how the colors react when printed on. Now add to the effect that the picture was scanned and most people don't have their scanners calibrated properly to pick up correct colors, nor do they adjust the colors after scanning. That picture could've been scanned in not adjusted and then printed from a scanned picture on a different color paper, and then I think it was scanned again. I'm taking a guess those pants are "purple", though the definition of purple we could have a discussion of for a long time and there are purples that are more towards the blues and the light source could be bringing the blue out. What you see in light indoors vs. what you see outdoors can change depending on what inks are used on paper, and I'm taking a guess that this can happen with textile colors also.

So, can we tag this post and just have it instantly pop up everytime somebody posts some pic and claims its proof that some team either has changed their colors and/or used to have different colors? That would be great.

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I remember a few years back, someone was asking me about when the Bucks wore a "blue alt" during the Ray Allen era. I asked him to show me a pic of what he meant and it turned out it was just a bad photo of the regular purple unis. I'm assuming this is what happened here.

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A couple of things you need to remember is that first, that's a scanned picture and a scanned picture doesn't always tell the truth as to what you see in person. When you take a picture you don't necessarily get what you see because our eyes see more colors than the camera can represent. Secondly, when a picture is printed, there are only an x amount of colors that can be printed within the color gama because of the mixing of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. If one of those colors is low, you're going to get a color change. Also when you print, realize that inks are translucent and what you are seeing is the paper through the ink. If the paper is yellow paper vs. a white paper it's going to change how the colors react when printed on. Now add to the effect that the picture was scanned and most people don't have their scanners calibrated properly to pick up correct colors, nor do they adjust the colors after scanning. That picture could've been scanned in not adjusted and then printed from a scanned picture on a different color paper, and then I think it was scanned again. I'm taking a guess those pants are "purple", though the definition of purple we could have a discussion of for a long time and there are purples that are more towards the blues and the light source could be bringing the blue out. What you see in light indoors vs. what you see outdoors can change depending on what inks are used on paper, and I'm taking a guess that this can happen with textile colors also.

So, can we tag this post and just have it instantly pop up everytime somebody posts some pic and claims its proof that some team either has changed their colors and/or used to have different colors? That would be great.

But...sure what oddball says is absolutely true, and can be applied to about 99% of the cases we see here on this board, but let's also not lose sight of the fact that Clemson OFFICALLY recognizes Blue as an alternate for the Purple.

It may or may not be the case here, but the possibility exists that those pants are Blue.

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My head says they're purple because I never knew Clemson had blue in their scheme, now that I know they do... I don't know on those pants. Though I will say that when I first started watching college sports, I was actually shocked that Clemson was orange and purple and swore in the late 80's and early 90's that the "purple" was blue... it just might have been.



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Um, if you have seen Clemson play then you have no doubt about the color of those pants. They are purple purple purple. Now, back in the 90s they had an identity crisis and were using a shade of purple very near blue on the helmets while using a solid purple in the striping. But the uniforms now are certainly a disgusting purple.

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i'm with oddball and cc, i think back in the late 80s-early 90s it was closer to navy and not the "new" purple (which is very purple).

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I've seen Clemson's pants, and they are purple. I find it hard to believe that sometime over the last few seasons, Clemson has worn both the purple pants and these blue pants without someone noticing before they appear in an August edition of Sports Illustrated.

Bottom line: those are purple.

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I put the schemes together based on the list put together by the user praeda. According to the list, purple pants were worn with both purple and white jerseys at some point last season.

Clemson wore white jerseys and purple pants at Maryland, Duke, and South Carolina and in the Chick-fil-A Bowl. I have checked my own photo archives, and the pants are clearly purple in each of the four games. My guess is that the photo in question is from Maryland or Duke based on the sunlight.

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Clemson has never worn blue pants. Those are purple, just a bad image. Clemson used to use a dark blue on their helmets and jerseys years ago but they have been using purple more recently and I would imagine they will stick with that for the foreseeable future.

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