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No black is needed...or wanted for the Cowboys.


I think that this comment was very rude. He tried hard to make this, and I'm sure he doesn't appreciate you saying "FAIL."

Please be more considerate.



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Dont care for the alts, but wheres the home jerseys!?

They always wear the White's so i didnt even bother making a Home & Away. The White is just the primary and the Blacks are alternates.

Plus the Cowboys due use black on the White uniforms. There is a black outline around the blue sleve stripes

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No black is needed...or wanted for the Cowboys.


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Overall its a good start to a concept, I believe you take out the black, and make it a navy jersey your on your way to a good concept.


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The black alternate makes them look like the Dallas Lions.

But yeah, I'm not feeling it. The only reason that black is on the Cowboys' 'home' unis is because, well, they're a mess. Mismatching silvers, black outline on blue sleeves, and the mismatching silver must be mentioned twice because that's just horrible. This would've have been an improvement if you kept just one silver and went with it...

So yeah, I say if you're gonna use black, use it as an accent/outline on a navy jersey.



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I don't have a problem with someone telling me a concept or an idea failed, just let me know where you think it failed. That's how we learn, constructive criticism. It works and yet it doesn't work. It works because it looks good, but the black doesn't work because it's the Dallas Cowboys if you understand where that's coming from.



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The black alternate makes them look like the Dallas Lions.

But yeah, I'm not feeling it. The only reason that black is on the Cowboys' 'home' unis is because, well, they're a mess. Mismatching silvers, black outline on blue sleeves, and the mismatching silver must be mentioned twice because that's just horrible. This would've have been an improvement if you kept just one silver and went with it...

So yeah, I say if you're gonna use black, use it as an accent/outline on a navy jersey.

I agree. Plus, the black jersey with dark numbers is a bad idea.


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Black...no. You need a blue/home/whatever you want to call it jersey too. Just because they don't always wear one, doesn't mean you shouldn't take the time to make an actual concept. The Cowboys actually wear their blue jerseys several times a year, I know whenever possible the Eagles try to make them wear them.


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None of the problems with the mis-matched silvers or blues were fixed, plus the addition of black clashes with the royal. Black and royal really shouldn't be used together, without some color in between that complements both (like the Mets orange, which complements the blue, and contrasts the black without clashing.)

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None of the problems with the mis-matched silvers or blues were fixed, plus the addition of black clashes with the royal. Black and royal really shouldn't be used together, without some color in between that complements both (like the Mets orange, which complements the blue, and contrasts the black without clashing.)

I even think that the black in the Mets color scheme is ridiculous next to their royal blue. I don't think it works at all.

To the OP, I do think it's pretty funny you made the home and the away the same uniform. Real cute. Haha.

As a kid I was always excited whenever the Dolphins, Redskins or Cowboys would play each other because that meant someone would have to wear their dark jerseys. White jerseys at home seem to be much more prevalent now than they were in the early 90's.

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On a practical note, NFL teams are only allowed to wear their Alternates twice a year. If 3 teams wear white at home vs. Cowboys, they would be in trouble. So having a non-white Road jersey is mandatory.

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So it's what they wear now with some black outlines added? That falls into 'black for the sake of black'.

I want to be candid without being harsh, so here's the truth as I see it: anybody can toss on a black outline. We're more interested in seeing your own personal creativity. Go for it!


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There is a little spot inside of me that kind of likes the black jerseys, but they do look an awful lot like the lions. As for people not agreeing for black with the cowboys keep in mind--the lions do not have much black either, they have a small black stripe and a black stripe on their helmets, yet they have a black uniform. I can actually see the cowboys doing this in the future.


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Saw this in the paper today and thought of this concept. Interesting that Mike Peters thinks the Cowboys already wear Black.


Oh, and please don't use Black as a primary color for Dallas, if your want to use Royal and Black, use Royal more prominently.

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