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Baltimore FC **UPDATED**


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So I stumbled upon the idea for a Baltimore FC once I saw the crest for the city of Baltimore. I loosely based my crest off that one, and used an icon of the city, the Emerson Bromo-Seltzer Tower, for the focal point of the crest. The Emerson Bromo-Seltzer Tower was once the tallest building in Baltimore and an adaptation of it seemed fitting on the logo, partly because of it's gothic look and also because of Baltimore's nickname, the Monument City. I made a few small changes to the tower, most noticeably the replacing of the clock face with a retro soccer ball (not a volleyball). Also, I decided the predominant blue color comes from the Chesapeake Bay (not really I just wanted an excuse to have it on there!). And finally, I stole Aston Villa's "PREPARED" because I needed something to tie it all in. So heres my first draft!


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Not bad, but that retro ball, as cool as it is...will remind people of volleyball right off the bat. I think a traditional soccer ball would do just fine and not take away from the feel of the logo.


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Yes Baltimore is sometimes referred to as Monument City, I don't know who does now, but it is in print some place. However the Bromo-Seltzer Tower was a monument to advertising it even had a big bottle of Bromo Seltzer on the top and the numbers on the clock face are BromoSeltzer. With all that being said, the tower is not iconic enough to be used as a stand alone in the logo. It isn't the Empire State Building, The CN Tower, the Liberty Bell or the Space Needle so using it alone just doesn't cut it. If you are basing it off the city flag you should go with the more iconic look of the black and yellow pattern in the flag. With out sounding to harsh I would say you missed the mark on this one.


Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.

P. J. O'Rourke

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Thanks for the C & C all! I made a few minor changes to the logo regarding the retro ball and the bottom of the tower. As for gueman, well I was waiting for someone to come school me with Baltimore knowledge. I'd be lying if I said I knew anything about the city. I just saw the crest and it gave me some inspiration. As far as the use of the tower, well obviously it's not as iconic as something like the Space Needle. But then what about Baltimore is? Yeah, they have the famous state flag. But both the Ravens and the University of Maryland have both cashed in on that one. Obviously this is just a concept and only pretend so it really doesn't matter if nobody outside of Baltimore recognizes it. It fits the feel of my logo.

So here's the update.


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So I stumbled upon the idea for a Baltimore FC once I saw the crest for the city of Baltimore. I loosely based my crest off that one, and used an icon of the city, the Emerson Bromo-Seltzer Tower, for the focal point of the crest. The Emerson Bromo-Seltzer Tower was once the tallest building in Baltimore and an adaptation of it seemed fitting on the logo, partly because of it's gothic look and also because of Baltimore's nickname, the Monument City. I made a few small changes to the tower, most noticeably the replacing of the clock face with a retro soccer ball (not a volleyball). Also, I decided the predominant blue color comes from the Chesapeake Bay (not really I just wanted an excuse to have it on there!). And finally, I stole Aston Villa's "PREPARED" because I needed something to tie it all in. So heres my first draft!

image deleted for space

i take it you havent been to the Chesapeake Bay lately...its not that blue...if its blue at all.

"I don't understand where you got this idea so deeply ingrained in your head (that this world) is something that you must impress, cause I couldn't care less"


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i like this a lot.

i'm trying to picture what it would look like if the blue was symmetrical all the way through but I don't think it would be a whole lot different.

I'm not a fan of the clutter up top with "Balitmore FC" and "Prepared" together, its got to be one of the other for me. Otherwise fantastic job. Hopefully MLS will grow enough for Balitmore to consider this!

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Mad, I agree with you about using the tower. I think for a crest like this along as the tower is well-known in Baltimore I don't think it necessarily needs to be something well-known outside of Baltimore. I think it is more important that it be distinctive looking which it is. Just a side note, is it just me or does Baltimore have like a hundred nicknames? I went to college down there and I recall hearing at least three or four of them and I hadn't heard the monument city one before.

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Mad, I agree with you about using the tower. I think for a crest like this along as the tower is well-known in Baltimore I don't think it necessarily needs to be something well-known outside of Baltimore. I think it is more important that it be distinctive looking which it is. Just a side note, is it just me or does Baltimore have like a hundred nicknames? I went to college down there and I recall hearing at least three or four of them and I hadn't heard the monument city one before.

Yeah I think Baltimore has like at least half a dozen nicknames, most of which nobody knows about. Haha

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The second version is much cleaner than the first one. That being said, the Bromo Seltzer tower isn't the ideal choice for a monument if you want a symbol of Baltimore. You would be much better off using the Washington Monument (which is older than the phallic symbol in Washington, for what it is worth -- and, yeah, I guess the Baltimore one is pretty phallic too).


I also you think you need to change the yellow/gold you are using. What you have looks kind of mustardy (for lack of a better word). Either change to more of a Vegas gold or use something more yellow. The current color looks like an unsatisfactory cross between the two.

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The second version is much cleaner than the first one. That being said, the Bromo Seltzer tower isn't the ideal choice for a monument if you want a symbol of Baltimore. You would be much better off using the Washington Monument (which is older than the phallic symbol in Washington, for what it is worth -- and, yeah, I guess the Baltimore one is pretty phallic too).


Pretty Phallic! I would say very phallic! As this quick recolor of you photo would show.


On a side note I always thought that was the monument on the City of Baltimore flag. BUT...it is not. The monument on the flag is the Battle Monument.


Oh and for the blue try more of an azure color, because that color was the used in the first flag of Baltimore. Way before Leopard and my time.

Another iconic symbol of Baltimore is Ft. McHenry.



Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.

P. J. O'Rourke

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