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Yes, Pujols deserved the award this year. However, it is beyond the normal "I AM a Cardinal" delusional homerism if you think Phat Albert deserved ANY of Barry Bonds' MVPs between 2001-2004. You've just gone straight to bat- :censored: crazy. Bonds had the greatest 4 year run of offensive production since that fat guy named George used to swat 'em out at The Polo Grounds.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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I think Jay is referencing Albert's comments after Howard beat him in '06 where Albert stated he thought the MVP should probably come from a playoff team.

Albert was wrong about the playoff thing. He did however deserve the award in '06 because he was simply better, but it wasn't by much...wasn't that big of a deal.

This year there was just no way you could not give it to him. One of if not the best players of our generation (and perhaps more than that...we'll see) had the best year of his career. He deserved it.

Congrats, Albert!

Oh yeah. Forgot about that comment. I wasn't too upset with that snub. Howard had a helluva year, too, and it really could've gone either way. Plus, The vote was done before the playoffs, and the Cardinals only got in with 83 wins and because the Central was crap. Of course, we all know what happened next. But again, that was after the vote. The snubs because of Bonds were the ones that really piss me off. He deserved them over him pretty much each year they were up against each other.

Sorry, I should have been a little more clear about that one. After all, it was a couple of years ago.

But yes, he deserved it this year, and he probably deserved it AT LEAST two of those years that Bonds got it. But I'll always think Andrew Jones deserved it in 2005. Too bad it looks like he won't get a chance to win another. But congrats to Albert

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Yes, Pujols deserved the award this year. However, it is beyond the normal "I AM a Cardinal" delusional homerism if you think Phat Albert deserved ANY of Barry Bonds' MVPs between 2001-2004. You've just gone straight to bat- :censored: crazy. Bonds had the greatest 4 year run of offensive production since that fat guy named George used to swat 'em out at The Polo Grounds.

I remember being disapointed about that as a Cardinals fan, but when you look at the stats for 2004...bonds was more than deserving. As good as Pujols was that year, Bonds was better.

He played more than a few games too...147 to pujols' 154. But the main thing...Bonds had an OBP of .600+ and slugged just over eight freakin' hundred. As for the traditional stats, Home runs were within 1 of each other and the RBIs were pretty close too. (100 or so for Bonds, 120 for Pujols) Plus he beat Pujols by 30 or so points in BA.

It was one of the best offensive seasons of all time. Possibly only second to his 2001 season, maybe Ruth's 1921 season as well. Still...top 10 for sure.

Pujols has 2 and he deserves to have 2. You could stretch it and say he could have won in 2006 but he wasn't heads and shoulders above Howard that year or anything.

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I believe Pujols deserved to edge Howard in 2006, but anytime it's that close with the dummies* who vote for the award, you can't really complain.

I probably wanted Albert over Bonds everyone of those years Jigga mentions, but Bonds had great stats. One year I really do remember feeling Albert deserved it for some specific reason, but I don't know which one it is or why, nor do I really care to look it up, it is what it is, and I think what I said before would stand in this case, too.

* - One of these genius baseball writers put Albert 7th on his ballot and another (I'm hoping it wasn't the same guy) left Howard off his all together. How do these guys get a vote?

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* - One of these genius baseball writers put Albert 7th on his ballot and another (I'm hoping it wasn't the same guy) left Howard off his all together. How do these guys get a vote?

In '03 some Chicago writer left Delgado off his ballot because "Toronto wasn't a playoff team"... yet he voted for A-Rod who finished for a last place team in Texas. That one never made sense to me.


Chris Creamer
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* - One of these genius baseball writers put Albert 7th on his ballot and another (I'm hoping it wasn't the same guy) left Howard off his all together. How do these guys get a vote?

In '03 some Chicago writer left Delgado off his ballot because "Toronto wasn't a playoff team"... yet he voted for A-Rod who finished for a last place team in Texas. That one never made sense to me.

Turns out it was a guy from Milwaukee. Check out this laugher...


With the Cardinals finishing fourth, I voted Pujols seventh on my ballot. I don't consider MVP to be "the most outstanding player" award and therefore don't just go by who had the best stats. I like to credit players for lifting their teams to the post-season or at least keeping them in the race until the very end.

I understand that the Cardinals would not have been even close to the wild-card berth without Pujols, but I still like players who elevate their game in crunch time and lift their teams to new heights. And I thought Ryan Ludwick had just as much to do with keeping the Cards in the hunt as Pujols did. St. Louis did stay in the wild card race until mid-September, but mainly because the Brewers and Mets were gagging at the time.

It's a subjective vote and every writer has his own preferences. That's why I voted for Sabathia second and Ramirez third because even though they played in the league only half a season they were primarily responsible for putting their teams in the playoffs.

Here's the way I voted:

1. Ryan Howard, Phil

2. CC Sabathia, Mil

3. Manny Ramirez, LA

4. Carlos Delgado, NY

5. Aramis Ramirez, Chi

6. Prince Fielder, Mil

7. Albert Pujols, Stl

8. Ryan Ludwick, Stl

9. Ryan Braun, Mil

10. David Wright, NY

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How is his explanation not valid? Personally I agree that Pujols deserved MVP this season, but I think that the writer's explanation is more than reasonable (though I probably would have put CC and Manny ahead of Howard this season - Howard's "clutchness" is very overrated.)

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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It's not valid because the Cardinals WERE in the playoff race 'til the end. I know he cops out of that by saying the Cubs and Brewers were slumbering, but that's lame.

And then he says Ludwick was as big a part of that as Pujols (I love Luddy...he was our MVP for a while at the beginning of the year while Albert was flying under the radar...but he didn't have near the importance of Albert), only to put three Milwaukee players on the ballot.

I'd also suggest that Lidge (and somewhat Utley) were as important as Howard for Philly. Hell, take Lidge off the Phillies and put him on the Cards, and the Cards win the central and there wouldn't even be a discussion about this playoff stuff.

And Delgado?

He had what? A good month and a half that wasn't good enough to get his team over the hump? How is that even arguably better than what Pujols did?

I'm thankful this voter had a thought process and shared it, but having a thought process doesn't mean it's not a laughable thought process.

I don't mean to get defensive about this. I'm thrilled Albert got it.

Just can't understand the suggestion that 6 players were more valuable than Albert. Even if you buy into the last month of the season (Albert was actually great in Sept.) and postseason hype machine...Delgado throws a wrench in it.

I dunno.

No big deal as it turns out.

I'm still curious to know who left Howard off their ballot all together, too.

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If I'm a voter, I vote Lidge ahead of Howard. Utley was close to worthless in the second half.

You do get defensive when anyone even says anything that could even remotely be construed as something against a St. Louis player. Honestly, you're the Tank of the Sports in General board. That being said, Pujols was the best player and deserved the award. MLB would do themselves (and the BBWA) a BIG favor by just changing the name of the damn award to the MOP. Then at least there is less room for subjectivity.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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Well, Dustin Pedroia has been named AL MVP. :mad:

So who all is committing seppuku over this?

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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If I'm a voter, I vote Lidge ahead of Howard. Utley was close to worthless in the second half.

You do get defensive when anyone even says anything that could even remotely be construed as something against a St. Louis player. Honestly, you're the Tank of the Sports in General board. That being said, Pujols was the best player and deserved the award. MLB would do themselves (and the BBWA) a BIG favor by just changing the name of the damn award to the MOP. Then at least there is less room for subjectivity.

I know Utley had a bad second half, but Howard also had a pretty bad first half.

I'm a pretty big homer, but I'm fairly rational and I back up my statements with logic and facts. It's also inaccurate to suggest I defend anything remotely negative against a St. Louis player. It's just not true.

I'm patient and I don't freak out and attack anybody or lose my head worrying about everyone else's attacks.

I know you all like to have you're fun with my being a Cardinal and all, but that's no skin off my teeth.

It's also worth noting that while I can't think of anything particular I'd change my viewpoint on, I've done much maturing during my long tenure on these boards (just 21 in January...another large hole in your comparison) and likely would handle certain situations in a much different manner now than I did at previous times, and I'm sure that will only continue to be the case. I won't be any less of a fan, but my style of interaction certainly has grown and will continue to.

If you choose to dismiss everything I write because you have a skewed opinion of me, so be it.

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Holy S**T!!

I wasn't kidding; my jaw completely dropped when I saw this. Sweet! Like I said, I don't think he should have gotten it (I would have gone Sizemore-Mauer-A Rod-Pedroia), but still, this is awesome. I'm too young to remember when Vaughn won, so this is really cool. (Still, Morneau should not be within 100 miles of that trophy, but it is kinda cool how the top 4 were Red Sox-Twins-Red Sox-Twins. And who in the hell voted Jason Bartlett 5th? Longoria didn't even get a vote that high!).

I just came home and turned on the radio and the guys on EEI were saying they would hunt down whoever didn't put Pedey on their ballot, I was thinking "OK, so he must have lost then by a close margin, but who the f#$k won?!" Then I see it on Yahoo and just complete shock. Stupid radio people. :P

My condolences Mr. Matters. I hope you make it out of this emotional hole.

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It's the worst f-ing day of his life, you know...

First his hamster died, now this. Why God, why?!?!?!

Most Liked Content of the Day -- February 15, 2017, August 21, 2017, August 22, 2017     /////      Proud Winner of the CCSLC Post of the Day Award -- April 8, 2008

Originator of the Upside Down Sarcasm Smilie -- November 1, 2005  🙃

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* - One of these genius baseball writers put Albert 7th on his ballot and another (I'm hoping it wasn't the same guy) left Howard off his all together. How do these guys get a vote?

In '03 some Chicago writer left Delgado off his ballot because "Toronto wasn't a playoff team"... yet he voted for A-Rod who finished for a last place team in Texas. That one never made sense to me.

Maybe he meant to say Toronto was not an American team, otherwise that does not make much sense.



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Can't really complain too loudly about the Pedroia pick...I would have like to have seen it go to Mauer or Youk, but all in all, good job by the writers this year.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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