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Potential good news for Yankee fans


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Like many of you, I suspect you're sick of the politics, debates, ads, etc. Just something to consider however...

According to many polls, it would appear that Senator Obama, the Democrat, is out in front of Senator McCain in the race for the White House.

The last 8 World Series titles the Yankees have won (2000, 1999, 1998, 1996, 1978, 1977, 1962 & 1961) all happened while a Democrat was President of the United States. The last time the Yankees won a World Series with a Republican president was way back in 1958, when Dwight David Eisenhower, our 34th Chief Executive, was in the White House, when the Yankees defeated the Milwaukee Braves in 7 games.

The Yankees World Series losses with a Republican president include, but are not limited to:

2003 - Bush

2001 - Bush

1981 - Reagan

1957 - Eisenhower

1955 - Eisenhower

And of course, during the 8 year term of Nixon/Ford (1969 - 1977), the Yankees never made it to the World Series, until after Jimmy Carter, a Democrat, became president on January 20, 1977.

So for Yankee fans who are conservative or Republican, and are dismayed by the poll results, take heart. Having a Democrat back in the White House may just improve the Yankees chances of winning it all in 2009!!!

I'm Bill McD. and I approved this message.

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Just another reason why we need John McCain to be President.

Well, hold on, let's not be so hasty.

Sure, we'll be force into being a socialst society and having our money raped from us...

...but a Yankees win is a Yankees win. :P

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And of course, during the 8 year term of Nixon/Ford (1969 - 1977), the Yankees never made it to the World Series, until after Jimmy Carter, a Democrat, became president on January 20, 1977.

I'm pretty sure they made it to the World Series in 76. They got swept by the Reds but they did go to the World Series.

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Just another reason why we need John McCain to be President.

Talk about suddenly being torn. Now I'm not so sure about voting for Obama. Then again, The Red Sox won their last two under a Republican President. Sorry, it means more to me to make sure The Red Sox don't win. I'll live with socialism, higher taxes, forcing women to have abortions, hating America, and seeing Yankees win it all if it means The Red Sox don't win again.




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And of course, during the 8 year term of Nixon/Ford (1969 - 1977), the Yankees never made it to the World Series, until after Jimmy Carter, a Democrat, became president on January 20, 1977.

I'm pretty sure they made it to the World Series in 76. They got swept by the Reds but they did go to the World Series.

Its winning the World Series that matters for the Yankees.

They also lost in 1981, 2001, and 2003



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Interesting coincidence for sure...

The worst part about that is... There are some people out there who's vote would actually be determined by silly crap like this.... *sigh*



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Interesting coincidence for sure...

The worst part about that is... There are some people out there who's vote would actually be determined by silly crap like this.... *sigh*

More of them than you even want to think about.




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Interesting coincidence for sure...

The worst part about that is... There are some people out there who's vote would actually be determined by silly crap like this.... *sigh*

More of them than you even want to think about.

Heh, for me, it's just reassurance that I'm making the right choice. :D

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