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Big East Redesign


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Not much difference from the actual Louisville set...

Also, I like how you used a little variety in your concepts this time. They have basically had the same style, the one that UConn concept has. The piping is usually the same, and the pants stripe is almost always the same. You mixed it up a little here, though.


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I believe Ucf and louisville both adidas schools.

And why did you steal Scottyspring's design? You can't just do that...

Slightly tweaking an actual jersey is OK, but barely changing somebody else's concept and calling it your own? Probably not OK.

Did Scotty give you permission?

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I believe Ucf and louisville both adidas schools.

And why did you steal Scottyspring's design? You can't just do that...

Slightly tweaking an actual jersey is OK, but barely changing somebody else's concept and calling it your own? Probably not OK.

Did Scotty give you permission?

To be honest, I don't mind someone using elements from my concepts in theirs, especially being I was credited, but it's just pointless to be posting the same concept I posted in my own thread a couple of hours ago in yours, regardless of giving credit or not.

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Credit given or not, it's one thing to modify someone elses concept and then post and give credit, but it's different when you post almost the exact same design and take it as yours. Not cool and a sure way to get you in trouble very quickly on these boards. There are some great designers on these boards who work very hard on their designs and having them snaked by others is not why they do it. I know I have only done a few designs myself but I know how much time it takes and I would hate to see something I've done re-posted under someone elses name. Sorry about that. I'll step down from the soap box now.

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Let's see what you got for USF.................oh, and get UCF outta my conference please. KThnx.

Yeah you wouldn't want to actually have to play the Knights, right? You guys have owned UCF so far, but now you're going to quit before you have a chance to lose. That's cowardice I can admire.

Years from now, when USF has faded back into obscurity, you'll regret not having a rival just down I-4 to keep fans interested.


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Oooooh.... you added clawmarks (or whatever those things are). Now everybody will forgive you for stealing his design! It looks a lot better than scotty's!

Nope. Seriously. Come up with a completely new design, and then people might forget about it, but not now.


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