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New helmet template

MG helmets

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My laptop hard drive crashed and I lost all of the templates I use for my wallpapers (for my site, www.mghelmets.com ). So, I've been working on some new ones to change it up a bit. I've been tinkering with this one and would love some C+C before I go much further with. It always helps to have fresh eyes look at stuff.


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That's one pretty impressive template! Do you mind if I ask what software you used to produce it?

With regards comments the only thing I would point out are that you have three kinda flat spots, well they look more like corner points that should be smooth points on the curve in the dark shading. The first one is at about 45º from the front facemask mount and the other two are either side of the peak of the shading in the centre of the helmet. Smooth those points out and I'd struggle to find anything else to change on there.

Nice work.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

the large highlight dosnt look very good at all, but if you can fix that this will be a very nice template

also, your gradient is going the wrong way on the shell. your shadow area is touching that large highlight. the helmet should be darker at the bottom




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My laptop hard drive crashed and I lost all of the templates I use for my wallpapers (for my site, www.mghelmets.com ). So, I've been working on some new ones to change it up a bit. I've been tinkering with this one and would love some C+C before I go much further with. It always helps to have fresh eyes look at stuff.


[tongue firmly in cheek] The reflection at the top should only work if the helmet is sitting in Cowboys Stadium :-) Also, for it to be that close to two stripes on the field, it's got to be worn on one awfully big noggin.

It's where I sit.

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