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2009-2010 NHL Season


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The Canadiens are Canada's team

Well its about the only thing to be proud of lately for us Habs fans

"Of the 1,015 Canadians surveyed, just under half called the Habs the greatest hockey team in history, while two-thirds agreed the Montreal Canadiens are to hockey what the New York Yankees are to baseball."

Yes... that provides SUCH an accurate survey representing Canada. If they had gone for 10-20,000 then maybe I'd give it more credit. Too much unknown information about the survey to give it any real weight. <_<

Twenty-four Cups to 13 for the Leafs. I suppose it all depends on your criteria for determining how a team should be considered for such a distinction, I guess.

Nope, that's pretty much it. Habs win.

Here is an original idea - try coming up with an original response!

If you don't have anything useful to say, why not avoid pressing 'add reply'?

In all honesty, I'm trying to be objective and actually post something that isn't a waste of space. HINT HINT


Because Korbyn Is Colour Blind, My Signature Is Now Idiot Proof - Thanks Again Braden!!

Go Leafs Go!

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WOW. Vokoun gives up a goal, gets whacked upside the head by his own teammate, goes down 2-1 and ultimately 4-3 to lose the game. My best wishes to Vokoun that he can make a recovery from that...but lolpanthers.

This was the strangest thing I've ever seen at a sporting event. I saw Ballard hit Vokoun live, and was hoping he only grazed him or hit his shoulder instead. To make matters worse, Ballard took a second swing after he hit Vokoun....the second time connecting with the cross-bar before skating off in a hurry. It was like watching a live version of the Three Stooges.

Even though it was friendly fire, I wouldn't be against some sort of suspension for Ballard. It's reckless use of the stick, and can seriously injure someone.

Last report I heard, Vokoun was at a local hospital (Grady, I assume), and was awake and alert. Hopefully a cut ear is the worst of his injury.

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WOW. Vokoun gives up a goal, gets whacked upside the head by his own teammate, goes down 2-1 and ultimately 4-3 to lose the game. My best wishes to Vokoun that he can make a recovery from that...but lolpanthers.

Even though it happened through crazy means, how is someone getting injured funny?

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I laughed a little when the sound of the stick hitting the helmet but that laughter quickly turned to concern.

But that I'm sure will be in the top 10 of weird incidences this season.




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The Canadiens are Canada's team

Well its about the only thing to be proud of lately for us Habs fans

"Of the 1,015 Canadians surveyed, just under half called the Habs the greatest hockey team in history, while two-thirds agreed the Montreal Canadiens are to hockey what the New York Yankees are to baseball."

Yes... that provides SUCH an accurate survey representing Canada. If they had gone for 10-20,000 then maybe I'd give it more credit. Too much unknown information about the survey to give it any real weight. <_<

Twenty-four Cups to 13 for the Leafs. I suppose it all depends on your criteria for determining how a team should be considered for such a distinction, I guess.

Nope, that's pretty much it. Habs win.

Here is an original idea - try coming up with an original response!

If you don't have anything useful to say, why not avoid pressing 'add reply'?

In all honesty, I'm trying to be objective and actually post something that isn't a waste of space. HINT HINT

I'll just reply in that having a sample size of 1,000 in a survey/poll is not uncommon. You often look at polls on TV and the sample sizes are around the 1000-2000 range. Though, if you factor in the margin of error, it's still possible that the Leafs are still the most popular team... 19 times out of of 20. Besides, who cares what the most "popular" team is? I'd rather care about my team being the "best".

I saw, I came, I left.

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The Canadiens are Canada's team

Well its about the only thing to be proud of lately for us Habs fans

"Of the 1,015 Canadians surveyed, just under half called the Habs the greatest hockey team in history, while two-thirds agreed the Montreal Canadiens are to hockey what the New York Yankees are to baseball."

Yes... that provides SUCH an accurate survey representing Canada. If they had gone for 10-20,000 then maybe I'd give it more credit. Too much unknown information about the survey to give it any real weight. glare.gif

Twenty-four Cups to 13 for the Leafs. I suppose it all depends on your criteria for determining how a team should be considered for such a distinction, I guess.

Nope, that's pretty much it. Habs win.

Here is an original idea - try coming up with an original response!

You didn't really break new ground by ducking in for Leafs apologism

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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The Canadiens are Canada's team

Well its about the only thing to be proud of lately for us Habs fans

"Of the 1,015 Canadians surveyed, just under half called the Habs the greatest hockey team in history, while two-thirds agreed the Montreal Canadiens are to hockey what the New York Yankees are to baseball."

Yes... that provides SUCH an accurate survey representing Canada. If they had gone for 10-20,000 then maybe I'd give it more credit. Too much unknown information about the survey to give it any real weight. <_<

Twenty-four Cups to 13 for the Leafs. I suppose it all depends on your criteria for determining how a team should be considered for such a distinction, I guess.

Nope, that's pretty much it. Habs win.

Here is an original idea - try coming up with an original response!

If you don't have anything useful to say, why not avoid pressing 'add reply'?

In all honesty, I'm trying to be objective and actually post something that isn't a waste of space. HINT HINT

I'll just reply in that having a sample size of 1,000 in a survey/poll is not uncommon. You often look at polls on TV and the sample sizes are around the 1000-2000 range. Though, if you factor in the margin of error, it's still possible that the Leafs are still the most popular team... 19 times out of of 20. Besides, who cares what the most "popular" team is? I'd rather care about my team being the "best".

I know this is common practice, and I never really agreed with it. I'd rather see where they did their sampling in order to get a sense of the geographic regions who got the most say. I really don't believe that a small minority can really represent a large portion of the population, even with the margin for error. I'd rather just not see people waste time and money conducting this 'research' if they aren't going to try and sample a larger portion of the population.


Because Korbyn Is Colour Blind, My Signature Is Now Idiot Proof - Thanks Again Braden!!

Go Leafs Go!

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WOW. Vokoun gives up a goal, gets whacked upside the head by his own teammate, goes down 2-1 and ultimately 4-3 to lose the game. My best wishes to Vokoun that he can make a recovery from that...but lolpanthers.

This was the strangest thing I've ever seen at a sporting event. I saw Ballard hit Vokoun live, and was hoping he only grazed him or hit his shoulder instead. To make matters worse, Ballard took a second swing after he hit Vokoun....the second time connecting with the cross-bar before skating off in a hurry. It was like watching a live version of the Three Stooges.

Even though it was friendly fire, I wouldn't be against some sort of suspension for Ballard. It's reckless use of the stick, and can seriously injure someone.

Last report I heard, Vokoun was at a local hospital (Grady, I assume), and was awake and alert. Hopefully a cut ear is the worst of his injury.

If the NHL dose not suspend him, the Panthers should.



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WOW. Vokoun gives up a goal, gets whacked upside the head by his own teammate, goes down 2-1 and ultimately 4-3 to lose the game. My best wishes to Vokoun that he can make a recovery from that...but lolpanthers.

This was the strangest thing I've ever seen at a sporting event. I saw Ballard hit Vokoun live, and was hoping he only grazed him or hit his shoulder instead. To make matters worse, Ballard took a second swing after he hit Vokoun....the second time connecting with the cross-bar before skating off in a hurry. It was like watching a live version of the Three Stooges.

Even though it was friendly fire, I wouldn't be against some sort of suspension for Ballard. It's reckless use of the stick, and can seriously injure someone.

Last report I heard, Vokoun was at a local hospital (Grady, I assume), and was awake and alert. Hopefully a cut ear is the worst of his injury.

If the NHL dose not suspend him, the Panthers should.

Melrose on ESPN actually had a good point: If he had done that to a player on the opposing team, people would've been clamoring for a year-long ban. Obviously this didn't happen to a another player, but honestly, he should be suspended just for the stupidity of the whole thing.



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The Canadiens are Canada's team

Well its about the only thing to be proud of lately for us Habs fans

"Of the 1,015 Canadians surveyed, just under half called the Habs the greatest hockey team in history, while two-thirds agreed the Montreal Canadiens are to hockey what the New York Yankees are to baseball."

Yes... that provides SUCH an accurate survey representing Canada. If they had gone for 10-20,000 then maybe I'd give it more credit. Too much unknown information about the survey to give it any real weight. <_<

Twenty-four Cups to 13 for the Leafs. I suppose it all depends on your criteria for determining how a team should be considered for such a distinction, I guess.

Nope, that's pretty much it. Habs win.

Here is an original idea - try coming up with an original response!

If you don't have anything useful to say, why not avoid pressing 'add reply'?

In all honesty, I'm trying to be objective and actually post something that isn't a waste of space. HINT HINT

Pull the stick out of your ass, red.

To me, and I'm sure a lot of people, choosing something such as "the greatest team in history" is going to have something to do with number of championships won, remarkable players in their history, impact on sporting landscape, etc. Frankly, despite the number of cups thing, I have a lot of trouble coming up with remarkable Leaf players as opposed to Canadiens; I will submit that, at least in Canada, the Leafs are possibly a more influential team than Montreal, but I also wonder how much of that is due to them being shown on national television every week since HNIC has been on the air.

*edited portion* Although valid points have been made regarding the sample size, I'm not convinced a greater sampling would provide different results; obviously if more people from Ontario are asked, the answer is going to be "Toronto," if more from Quebec are asked, the answer is going to be "Montreal." It's when you get into the outlying areas or the USA that you're going to get a more subjective answer. The blind faith fans are going to be the ones that give a knee jerk answer to THEIR TEAM without any real way to back it up.

Finally, and I say this with all seriousness, if you don't like what I have to say, whether it's about the Leafs or not, hit the ignore button. I'm not here to please you. HINT HINT.

Welcome to DrunjFlix

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Today's Trivia:

Q: What will the League do about Ovechkin's knee-on-knee hit towards Gleason, in which Ovechkin also was injured?


This is Ovechkin's second game misconduct in three games.


Obviously, Gleason will be getting a few games for injuring a star player.

Welcome to DrunjFlix

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Finally, and I say this with all seriousness, if you don't like what I have to say, whether it's about the Leafs or not, hit the ignore button. I'm not here to please you. HINT HINT.

You're a mod, you are unable to be ignored.


Chris Creamer
Founder/Editor, SportsLogos.Net


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Finally, and I say this with all seriousness, if you don't like what I have to say, whether it's about the Leafs or not, hit the ignore button. I'm not here to please you. HINT HINT.

You're a mod, you are unable to be ignored.

I know. I wanted it to ruin his Christmas :)

Welcome to DrunjFlix

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Zednik was just an update of Clint Malarchuk. Hitting your goaltender in the head twice with your stick is likely unprecedented friendly fire.

I hope the Panthers go all out in putting on a comedy of errors all season long. First David Booth got absolutely pancaked for admiring his pass, now Tomas Vokoun gets whacked in the head by his teammate for giving up a goal. Do the Panthers have a mascot? I think it's time for a Mascot Mishap.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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