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Las Vegas 51's


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OK, I've had this done for about a month, and wanted to post it.

I had heard that the Las Vegas 51's were getting a new identity, but I thought the name was good for a MiLB team, and the primary wasn't too bad. So I updated the alien head, as well as creating some supporting marks. The first thing I did was change the colors to black/white/green/ and orange, to give it a more spacey look. I may need to drop either orange or green, I'll wait to hear what you have to say. I don't have much to say for the alien head, and the supporting marks are pretty obvious, a streaking U.F.O., an LV, and a 51's monogram. So, let me know how you guys feel about these logos, and let me know what I need to do to improve them. Thanks.



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I really like the colors, underused color combo IMO.

Also, the logos look really good, I like the alien and the spaceship. The font doesnt work for me though, I would try to find something more spacey or unique, rather than a generic looking font that could really work for any team


---Owner of the NHA's Philadelphia Quakers, the UBA's Chicago Skyliners, and the CFA's Portland Beavers (2010 CFA2 Champions)---

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Haha, I was gonna mention that they use that for thier wordmark. :lol:

I can respect the ideas, but i'd change just about everything. No one really uses the best color with having an "alien" themed franchise, neon green and black. You've taken away the one thing that I really loved about thier current primary, that the aliens head has stitching like the baseball. You've basically kept the same script, and "51's" logo and just changed the positives about thier package including the colors...

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OK, I respect your opinion, and I too liked the baseball stitching, so I tried to hide that in their with the marks on his head ,the marks on the left kind of mimic the pattern of baseball stitching, or so I tried to make it. Are you saying I should change the colors to green and black, and just keep that?

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Do not change to neon green and black. The colors you have now a sophisticated, and are used well. Neon green and black is very uninspired for an alien concept. Besides you should generally steer clear of neon colors for sports teams.



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not bad although i think a primary logo should not simply have the city name in it. should try and include the '51s' in there somewhere. one nit-picky thing on the UFO logo I think the lights should be more oval shape based on the angle and less circular. at least if i am looking at it correctly. the colors work fine by me. when I think of he 51s I think blue but thats why this is a concept. I think something pertaining to baseball, a bat, a ball, or seems in the head, would be a nice add since it is rather basic in arrangement as it is now.

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OK, I've had this done for about a month, and wanted to post it.

I had heard that the Las Vegas 51's were getting a new identity, but I thought the name was good for a MiLB team, and the primary wasn't too bad. So I updated the alien head, as well as creating some supporting marks. The first thing I did was change the colors to black/white/green/ and orange, to give it a more spacey look. I may need to drop either orange or green, I'll wait to hear what you have to say. I don't have much to say for the alien head, and the supporting marks are pretty obvious, a streaking U.F.O., an LV, and a 51's monogram. So, let me know how you guys feel about these logos, and let me know what I need to do to improve them. Thanks.



Why is the slant different? Didn't want to be uniform?

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OK, heres update #1. Although I liked the marks on his head, I put in the stitching.

I didn't change the font, but I repositioned it. I couldn't put 51's in there, because everything I did looked tacked on, or off centered. If anyone has any ideas regarding that, I wouldn't mind hearing them.


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have you thought about having the green fade into the white? I know gradients don't look good in sports logos but I really think it would work for this one. I'm just not digging the solid two-tone. I do like the addition of stitches though.

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Or you could try the "gradient" that Virginia Tech did for the procombat uniforms:


That should be a great way to incorporate a gradient, which i also think would fit perfectly here


---Owner of the NHA's Philadelphia Quakers, the UBA's Chicago Skyliners, and the CFA's Portland Beavers (2010 CFA2 Champions)---

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