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Is Anyone Watching The Flames/canucks


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who is that announcer... he is saying Calgary really weird and it is annoying the hell out of me. CalGARY... like he is saying 2 names, Hi my name is Cal Gary. he could just refer to them as the flames but nooooo he has to annoy me to the point where I have to post a new thread to rant about it!!!! Go Gary. I mean Flames.

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I hear it too. Very weird. But I remember listening to an old comedy sketch called "Boot to the Head". It's the reading of a last will and testament. In the end, the deceased decides to leave all his money to the city of "Cal Gary" so they can afford to move someplace decent :)

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What... a... game.

I'm mainly watching this to find out who the Avs play in the next round, but man, I can't even believe that the Flames came back from 4-0 to take it to double OT!

And yeah... that Cal-GARY thing is kind of annoying after hearing it for like the 328492th time.

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Watching it on CBC--man my heart is pounding--Flames fan--

Great game---

and it's pronounced Cal-Gree---2 syllables...

(It's intermission)

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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and it's pronounced Cal-Gree---2 syllables...

...or at the very worst, CAL-guh-ree (3 syllables, accent on the first, the last two syllables jumbling together).

Well, that's almost acceptable...

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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Stupid ESPN technical Diffivuliteis a bunch of idiots

Comemrcials ahhhh oh great even better for the NBA.

There need to be a new sports network to rival ESPN.



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Watching it on CBC--man my heart is pounding--Flames fan--

Great game---

and it's pronounced Cal-Gree---2 syllables...

(It's intermission)

those wacky americans and their odd way of pronouncing our city names :)

I cringe every time i hear a baseball anouncer try to say Montreal or Toronto...





Chris Creamer
Founder/Editor, SportsLogos.Net


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Watching it on CBC--man my heart is pounding--Flames fan--

Great game---

and it's pronounced Cal-Gree---2 syllables...

(It's intermission)

those wacky americans and their odd way of pronouncing our city names :)

I cringe every time i hear a baseball anouncer try to say Montreal or Toronto...




...well, more like Tuh-raw-no, rhyming with the Nissan Murano. But yeah, I find those mispronunciations funny too.

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Watching it on CBC--man my heart is pounding--Flames fan--

Great game---

and it's pronounced Cal-Gree---2 syllables...

(It's intermission)

those wacky americans and their odd way of pronouncing our city names :)

I cringe every time i hear a baseball anouncer try to say Montreal or Toronto...




...well, more like Tuh-raw-no, rhyming with the Nissan Murano. But yeah, I find those mispronunciations funny too.

I thought it was Tronno.


oh and GO FLAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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Wow, what a heartbreak for the Flames and their poor fans... an amazing hockey match all around.

Yeah it is--but it would have been a heartbreaker no matter who lost...

There's still game 7 (and has anyone else noticed, but all the Canadian teams are going to a game 7! well, except the Oilers who didn't make it)

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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