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2010-11 NBA Season


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One overtime win against the Knicks separates the Cavaliers from a 32-game losing streak. Since their November 16th win against the 76ers, the Cavaliers are 3-35. This is something magical.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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Imagine if the Cavs did go 0-for-the-road this season.

Then we can say we saw two of the weirdest seasons ever in pro sports...one NFL going undefeated in preseason to alldefeated in the regular season, and one NBA team go 0-for-the-road. What's that, 41 games?

Damn...damn...damn...(LeBron) James......

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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This is like the first time I ever even looked at this tread.

Infrared, we really got under looooooooooooooooogodude's skin!

BTW what did we agree on in the Obama thread that pissed him off?

I don't remember the details. It had something to do with The Constitution I think.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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Imagine if the Cavs did go 0-for-the-road this season.

Then we can say we saw two of the weirdest seasons ever in pro sports...one NFL going undefeated in preseason to alldefeated in the regular season, and one NBA team go 0-for-the-road. What's that, 41 games?

Damn...damn...damn...(LeBron) James......

The Wiz Kids are the ones staring at 0-for-the-road. The Talent Sans Cavs have a 3-25 road record this season. But anytime you can get all Florida Evans on somebody, I'm all for it.

The Wiz Kids are going to win road games down the stretch. Minnesota, New Jersey, Sacramento, and a couple others are going to be better at tanking than the Wizards, so they'll luck up (or :censored: up) and get a roadie at some point. Plus, the good teams are going to be resting their ol' dirties at some point, too.

As for Cleveland, they're gonna win something, but seeing a team lose 29 of 30 games, especially when that team's owner is a crazy person, is amazingly wonderfully great. These dudes literally haven't won a game in TWO MONTHS, 0-for-December, 0-for January, too.

I want this winless streak to continue for the remainder of the season for three reasons:

1) Dan Gilbert's (and the buttsore Cavs' fans) reaction to The Decision.

2) I want to see the 1973 Philly Sixers record broken.

3) It will allow people to use the term "epic fail" justifiably.

Come on Cleveland! Only 34 more consecutive losses to go. You can do it!

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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This is like the first time I ever even looked at this tread.

Infrared, we really got under looooooooooooooooogodude's skin!

BTW what did we agree on in the Obama thread that pissed him off?

I don't remember the details. It had something to do with The Constitution I think.

-Dan was right about the Constitution? That's unpossible :P


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You chase me around this place and make idiotic comments to my posts, yet I'm the immature one? -Dan was right about you....hey, wait a minute...that's what got this started in the first place right?

Anyway, I'm done with you. It's time for you to move on and make up some new internet enemy to help you fill those lonely nights spent in your basement with a kleenex box and a bottle of baby lotion. I'm not going to waste my efforts on someone who can't even spell logo. And before you even say it, no one gives a flying :censored: (or believes it for that matter) that you misspelled logo as part of an "inside joke." To the outside observer you're just some guy who can't spell. My guess is you think that adding "dude" to your screen name makes you seem more hip than the typical lonely fat guy who spends his evenings trying to start arguments on the internet because it's the only way he can experience any kind of human interaction. If I were more "mature" I might even feel sorry for you. Since I'm not, I guess you'll just have to settle for the fact that you finally got me to pay attention to you.

There, now you have a reason.

PS: Sorry about that run-on sentence towards the end. B)

At least you acknowledged that you started this :censored: (by making fun of my username (how creative)). I just hope that by the time I'm your age, I'm not spending my free time harassing guys half my age on an Internet board. If I ever get to that point, I would seriously have to consider suicide.

Sorry chief but I didn't start anything. You and -Dan were arguing over something in the Obama thread. I agreed with -Dan (which is rare in itself but that's another story) and it pissed you off. Since then, you have been harassing me every chance you get. The threads will bear me out on this so let's stop with the "big bad infrared is harassing me" bull- :censored:. Hard as it may be for you to comprehend, I couldn't care less about you or your user name. Frankly, you bore the hell out of me. Now go away. The Lakers and Rockets are on NBA TV and I'd much rather watch that than waste my time arguing with you over nonsense.

I just took a minute to read your "tell-off" rant (post #903). That's some seriously disturbing :censored:, man. I'm sorry but I find it hard to believe that that isn't at least partially based on some personal experience. It's too deep and detailed not to come from within. Too much information. Scary. You need help, man.


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Imagine if the Cavs did go 0-for-the-road this season.

Then we can say we saw two of the weirdest seasons ever in pro sports...one NFL going undefeated in preseason to alldefeated in the regular season, and one NBA team go 0-for-the-road. What's that, 41 games?

Damn...damn...damn...(LeBron) James......

The Wiz Kids are going to win road games down the stretch. Minnesota, New Jersey, Sacramento, and a couple others are going to be better at tanking than the Wizards, so they'll luck up (or :censored: up) and get a roadie at some point.

What sucks though (for Wiz fans at least) is that the Wiz won't face MIN, NJ, or SAC on the road again this season. They already blew their chances there, and they were actually pretty soundly beaten by all those teams on the road. Shows how worthless this team has been this season.


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You chase me around this place and make idiotic comments to my posts, yet I'm the immature one? -Dan was right about you....hey, wait a minute...that's what got this started in the first place right?

Anyway, I'm done with you. It's time for you to move on and make up some new internet enemy to help you fill those lonely nights spent in your basement with a kleenex box and a bottle of baby lotion. I'm not going to waste my efforts on someone who can't even spell logo. And before you even say it, no one gives a flying :censored: (or believes it for that matter) that you misspelled logo as part of an "inside joke." To the outside observer you're just some guy who can't spell. My guess is you think that adding "dude" to your screen name makes you seem more hip than the typical lonely fat guy who spends his evenings trying to start arguments on the internet because it's the only way he can experience any kind of human interaction. If I were more "mature" I might even feel sorry for you. Since I'm not, I guess you'll just have to settle for the fact that you finally got me to pay attention to you.

There, now you have a reason.

PS: Sorry about that run-on sentence towards the end. B)

At least you acknowledged that you started this :censored: (by making fun of my username (how creative)). I just hope that by the time I'm your age, I'm not spending my free time harassing guys half my age on an Internet board. If I ever get to that point, I would seriously have to consider suicide.

Sorry chief but I didn't start anything. You and -Dan were arguing over something in the Obama thread. I agreed with -Dan (which is rare in itself but that's another story) and it pissed you off. Since then, you have been harassing me every chance you get. The threads will bear me out on this so let's stop with the "big bad infrared is harassing me" bull- :censored:. Hard as it may be for you to comprehend, I couldn't care less about you or your user name. Frankly, you bore the hell out of me. Now go away. The Lakers and Rockets are on NBA TV and I'd much rather watch that than waste my time arguing with you over nonsense.

I just took a minute to read your "tell-off" rant (post #903). That's some seriously disturbing :censored:, man. I'm sorry but I find it hard to believe that that isn't at least partially based on some personal experience. It's too deep and detailed not to come from within. Too much information. Scary. You need help, man.

Or it just happens to be the "go-to rant" for insulting someone on the internet. Why people feel the need to accuse someone/defend themselves constantly to a bunch of strangers on the internet is beyond me.

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You chase me around this place and make idiotic comments to my posts, yet I'm the immature one? -Dan was right about you....hey, wait a minute...that's what got this started in the first place right?

Anyway, I'm done with you. It's time for you to move on and make up some new internet enemy to help you fill those lonely nights spent in your basement with a kleenex box and a bottle of baby lotion. I'm not going to waste my efforts on someone who can't even spell logo. And before you even say it, no one gives a flying :censored: (or believes it for that matter) that you misspelled logo as part of an "inside joke." To the outside observer you're just some guy who can't spell. My guess is you think that adding "dude" to your screen name makes you seem more hip than the typical lonely fat guy who spends his evenings trying to start arguments on the internet because it's the only way he can experience any kind of human interaction. If I were more "mature" I might even feel sorry for you. Since I'm not, I guess you'll just have to settle for the fact that you finally got me to pay attention to you.

There, now you have a reason.

PS: Sorry about that run-on sentence towards the end. B)

At least you acknowledged that you started this :censored: (by making fun of my username (how creative)). I just hope that by the time I'm your age, I'm not spending my free time harassing guys half my age on an Internet board. If I ever get to that point, I would seriously have to consider suicide.

Sorry chief but I didn't start anything. You and -Dan were arguing over something in the Obama thread. I agreed with -Dan (which is rare in itself but that's another story) and it pissed you off. Since then, you have been harassing me every chance you get. The threads will bear me out on this so let's stop with the "big bad infrared is harassing me" bull- :censored:. Hard as it may be for you to comprehend, I couldn't care less about you or your user name. Frankly, you bore the hell out of me. Now go away. The Lakers and Rockets are on NBA TV and I'd much rather watch that than waste my time arguing with you over nonsense.

I just took a minute to read your "tell-off" rant (post #903). That's some seriously disturbing :censored:, man. I'm sorry but I find it hard to believe that that isn't at least partially based on some personal experience. It's too deep and detailed not to come from within. Too much information. Scary. You need help, man.

Please. That's pretty much boiler plate "you are an internet loser" cliche talk right there.

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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I just took a minute to read your "tell-off" rant (post #903). That's some seriously disturbing :censored:, man. I'm sorry but I find it hard to believe that that isn't at least partially based on some personal experience. It's too deep and detailed not to come from within. Too much information. Scary. You need help, man.

For what it's worth, FNZ and Rams80 got it right. It was the typical "go to rant", "boilerplate internet cliche", you're a loser rant. No more, no less. I did it so you'd have an actual reason to dislike me. But you think whatever you want.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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The Heat and the Celtics? Really?

You gotta respect someone who's willing to go out on a limb like that and pick an couple of unpopular teams player.

I got where you were going with your original post, but...how often has Chris Bosh been hailed around these parts?

Don't worry, I'll wait...

Still waitin'.......

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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The Heat and the Celtics? Really?

You gotta respect someone who's willing to go out on a limb like that and pick an couple of unpopular teams player.

I got where you were going with your original post, but...how often has Chris Bosh been hailed around these parts?

Don't worry, I'll wait...

Still waitin'.......

Didn't Bosh get quite a bit of play way back in the "LeBron/Free Agency thread? Anyway, I sort of get where he's coming from though. Back in my 80's Lakers fan days, my second favorite Laker was Michael Cooper. (Kareem is my all-time favorite athlete which was why I was a Lakers fan in the first place. Believe it or not, I was a Milwaukee Bucks fan before that.)




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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When Chris Bosh was a member of Canada's team, he was loved around here.

Oh, and the Cavs lost...again...for the 22nd straight time...in a row...consecutively....

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Somehow I don't think they'll lose the 33 they need to usurp the '73 Sixers, but they can certainly blow the next two and claim the all-time losing streak record. Every Cavalier fan should be cheering them on in their noble pursuit. If you're gonna suck, suck big.

Now that this has happened, their redesign has gone from "kinda stupid" to "really stupid." The whittling down of their identity to just plain wine and gold has coincided with the whittling down of their team to a pile of dog crap. It has the feeling of an organization slinking and cowering back. Had they maintained their 2003-2010 uniforms, they'd just be really bad. With the oversimplified uniforms, they feel like they're shutting the whole thing down. Am I making any sense here?

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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Yes. The whole organization is like a dumped high school girl who stops wearing makeup, stops dying her hair, and hangs out with the band instead of the cheerleaders.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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