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WVU Pro Combats


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After a few glances of this game and WVU, I'll admit that the gun-metal gray isn't bad at all. However, I think that it'd look best with either red, orange, light blue, yellow-gold, (possibly) lime green, or just about any combo of the two (orange/yellow-gold, for example). The yellow-gold looks really good with the gray, but the navy doesn't quite.

I don't think that I've seen an actual red/orange/gun-metal gray combo in either college or pro sports. The Blue Jays used a graphite with their light blue, but that's long been abandoned.

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Of the overall look, I'm not a fan. As someone who's been going to WVU games since birth (well, one year old), they just don't look like WVU. I'm not even opposed to experimenting with different designs. (I really like their current normal look, and I'm a staunch traditionalist.) WVU has always been in gold and blue. I even liked the idea of the doing the rivalry jerseys against Pitt as 1) it was a tribute to the victims of Upper Big Branch and 2) it was during the rivalry game with Pitt. But it should have been a one-off.

The one thing I liked about them however was the numbers. The black-smudgy-coal-pattern notwithstanding, the actual face used for the numbers is pretty genius modernized-retro stuff. The image Raysox posted is actually inaccurate (even though it looks like it came from Nike). The numbers are essentially a modern reduction of the classic serif-block number set.

A 9 looked like:


(The 2 is a hell of a lot harder to see because for some reason, they made the tops of the numbers a super light grey? It doesn't even look like coal. But it's redux-seriffed like the 9.)

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Those unis are incredibly awesome.

Agreed...too bad they lost wearing them.

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