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Sorry But I Have To Vent...


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Well, seeing as how this got way off topic, I have to ask..

Paynomind, do you really go around teabagging people like a tyrant?

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Yes, and if i'd have known it was THIS kind of party, I'd have stuck my weenker in the mashed potatos.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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And if we had a Concepts Board, like I suggested, oh, months ago, then this wouldn't be a problem... :wacko:

1) people with short fuses over less-than-stellar concepts won't be bothered making one more click to flame someone,

2) newbies would have somewhere safe to post their precious concepts and get feedback from people who actually care enough about them to make a constructive comment,

3) people who want news/discussion on current issues (or dislike wading through endless concept threads) wouldn't just take a cursory look at the front page, see nothing worthwhile and go somewhere else, but might actually add some comments to the main page to keep debate going.

I know this is either going to develop into another "oh what does he know? he never posts" flamewar or else spiral offtopic again, but I think it warrants at least some coment in this thread.

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Where did you get that Ed Kilgore GIF?? Go Bluejays.

I made it myself from screenshots from a hockey video I have titled "Hockey the Lighter Side". Released in 1988. Very hard to find video now.

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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And if we had a Concepts Board, like I suggested, oh, months ago, then this wouldn't be a problem... :wacko:

and has been stated at that same time by myself and a few others, we tried a concepts board and nobody liked it! which most likely would be the reason why we dont have one now, wouldnt it? :therock:

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Anyone wanna steer this back on course?

Why dont you Red Sux/Skankees fans go start your own thread on this hallowed sports board, i beleve thats what "SPORTS IN GENERAL' is for, so i dont want to see the 'its a sports board arguement.'

When i first came here, i disagreed with Sy, who what adamate about keeping threads relevant to the subject, or otherwise just keeping them relevant. Now i see his gripe. There are so many available depots of discussion, we should try to stick on topic if at all possible.


That said, i think greg made some good points, and im sure it was an impulsive reaction to the number of uninspired concepts.

But my concepts looked like that when i was younger, you just gotta stick with it, and you get it eventually.

Download the 'Try before you Buy' versions, or get Kazaa and DL it, ya yah, illegal, meh to that. then go here to learn it


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IronChefShark - I really don't recall that being said at the time, all the discussion seemed to centre around was that certain prominent users thought the concepts MADE the board so it should be left as is...then the thread died. At any rate, sorry if I came across as being a smartass, just tired of seeing the same girievances brought up, then smoothed over with no real resolution.

Back to lurking :)

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