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Indiana Ice Join U S H L, Unveil New Logo...

Brian in Boston

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The Indiana Ice (formerly the Indianapolis Ice of the Central Hockey League) have unveiled their new logo in conjunction with the official announcement that they'll be joining the United States Hockey League.

The polar bear is gone, replaced by a bigfoot/yeti/abominable snowman character. Is it my imagination, or is this bigfoot craze the hottest trend in sports logo art over the last year?


The new logo was designed by Flynnagain Productions of Toronto, Ontario.

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Thanks for the link, Mockba.

So... those are some of the logos that Flynnagain Productions is responsible for. Well, I must say that I'm a BIG fan of his work for the Everett Silvertips, Cape Fear FireAntz, Windsor Spitfires, Kingston Frontenacs and Medicine Hat Tigers.

Unfortunately, he's also responsible for such "turkeys" as the Cincinnati Cyclones, Belleville Bulls, North Bay Centennials, Drumheller Dragons and the Axemen.

Still, overall some very nice work.

Brian in Boston

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I too like some of his work, but it all seems to be from the same mold for lack of a better word. It all has the same style. This guy obviously has some serious talent and great idea, but I would like to see him make something out of his usual work.

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Hmmm... first Chicago, now Indianapolis. It seems like the USHL is slowly, but surely trying to put teams in all the major markets in the midwest. Not sure if this is a good move on their part.


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that logo reminds me A LOT of the old Edmonton Ice logo from the Western Hockey league...with some aggressiveness added...Back when they were sponsored by Molson or something like that. They had the same concept, with the yeti and such...they utilized that copperish color too.

Anything was better than that Polar bear with the purple color scheme IMO

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I like this guys work.

He's following a pattern almost, but we all do that. Sometimes people even ask for it.........

Sure does have a LOT of sticks in the logos all the time. Hmm.

Nice though.

Like his sense of light.

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He's good, and definitely the flavor of the month in the hockey leagues. Darn him.

I noticed the ubiquitous stick-in-hand poses, too. I'm sure that's what the client was asking for.

The Cincinnati Cyclones is a few years old now, but I've always liked that design. There are a few others that have a creepy quality when you look closely.

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It strangely resembles the Green Bay Blizzard to me, must be the Yetis.

Also, I am offended by an earlier post that said the nickname Ice is "retarded" use a different adjective to describe something please, It's not cool at all to use that word in any form I don't think.

*getting off soapbox*




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Also, I am offended by an earlier post that said the nickname Ice is "retarded" use a different adjective to describe something please, It's not cool at all to use that word in any form I don't think.

Your statement offends me.

As far as the actual logo, it is done quite well. I should have specified that my problem was with the team name, mostly.

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Also, I am offended by an earlier post that said the nickname Ice is "retarded" use a different adjective to describe something please, It's not cool at all to use that word in any form I don't think

OH! get over it "retarded" isnt as bad as everyone thinks it is, its just a word I mean are ya gonna tell me if I type F-A-G your gonna gimme gay rights bullcrap?

I mean its freedom of speech and its a messege board who cares. I mean yes words like the N word is not allowable but RETARDED is nearly not as bad as the N word so get over it....its not like pflava is meaning a mentally handicap kid made up the name ok? hes just saying its a weak and terrible name but by saying "retarded" your making him into a technically a "racist" against people with mental problems and im sure he didn't mean or want to say it that way... I hate word censorship

Also if your offended you don't need to post it by saying "Im offended by what a guy I don't even know said.." lemme cry about it...wheres my puffs with aloe and lotion?

sorry if i seem pissy its just its just when people complain about something as irrelevant as the word "retarded" it just sets me off.....


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