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Greatest Stadium Chant


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Well, I think it is sad that Boston fans chant Yankees sick at everything. If they are playing the Yankees fine, but it makes no sense at something else (like a championship parade).

Also, A major Reason why you don't hear alot Red Sox Suck at a Yankee-Red Sox game in New York is becuase a majority of Yankee fans don't hate the Red Sox, It's the majority of Red Sox fans that hate the Yankees. The hatred in the "rivalry" is mostly one sided because all of the big victories are from the other side.

Another reason Yankee fans don't yell RED SOX SUCK is that saying it is redundant. They would rather waste their energy by eating food (which would result in a net energy gain)

I saw, I came, I left.

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At the St. Paul Saints baseball games they designate a player from the other team every night, frequently an ex-Saint, as "The K-Man". If he strikes out during the game, everyone gets a lame coupon from Arby's.

Whenever the batter gets a strike or two on him, we all chant "Roast - Beef! Roast - Beef!"



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During "Rock & Roll Part 2" at CU, we have the ":censored: 'em up, :censored: 'em up, GO CU!". At basketball games, you can hear it echo for a good 15 seconds after the chant ends.

The best, IMO, is Duke when they introduce a player of the opposing team.

Announcer: "At power forward, Joe Smith....."

Crowd: "Hey Joe..................YOU SUCK!"

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I've heard "Wife-Beater" directed at 3 different people:

Jason Kidd (mostly in Boston)

David Justice (everywhere else)

Wil Cordero (from Boston fans while he played for the Sox)

never letting the players forget the dicks they have been for committing domestic violence

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During "Rock & Roll Part 2" at CU, we have the ":censored: 'em up, :censored: 'em up, GO CU!".  At basketball games, you can hear it echo for a good 15 seconds after the chant ends.

We do that here too, except it's "SU" instead of "CU" (obviously), we wave our arms back and forth during the da-da-da--da-da part and we follow it with the ever-popular "We're gonna kick the :censored: out of you!"

It got so bad, the chancellor banned the marching band, basketball band and PA music guy from playing it, so we just kinda yell the musical part. It's a miracle when the entire student section can get completely in synch and the other 25,000 fans in the Dome go silent and give us a standing O when we finish...College is good times.

I've heard "Wife-Beater" directed at 3 different people:


David Justice (everywhere else)

The best chant I've ever been a part of was the last game of the 1998 ALCS when we chanted "Halle Berry" at him. This was shortly after he made some disparaging comments about Yankee fans and, of course, when he was with the Indians.

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UW, the school tried to stop it here. Didn't work. So they just advertise that we're yelling "Buffaloes, Buffaloes, Go CU". If the band doesn't get to the part of the song where we yell it, we all keep the song going in our head. You'll hear silence, then BAM! We yell.

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They may do this everywhere, i know they do here at St. Cloud State, but when i was 5, i went to Dane Co. Colosium in Madison to watch the Badgers play, and the


chant with 7,000 people simultaneously pointing at the goalie was always an amazing site. Had to have an affect on a young goalie.

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Although it doesn't qualify as one of the greatest chants ever, I'll never forget a perfectly times chant that happened at a basketball game I attended in college. While sitting in the now-disbanded "Blue Lagoon" of Indiana State University, we were playing some Australian College All-Stars, one of their players had been taunting our student section for most of the game, so during one of his trips to the foul line, we started a chant of :

(To the tune of "Neener Neener Neeeeeener")




Oh! and about the carpeted gyms and basketball courts....I played on some in junior high school. My favorite experience was when my private school played this Inner City Christian School...the "sport carpet" was dark brown, and the foul lines and lanes were RED (their school's primary color). If it wasn't harsh enough with the red/brown combo, there was an area of carpeting around mid-court that had some sort of mildew/padding damage. When you'd come dribbling across mid-court and bounce on this one area....the ball would DIE like it was under-inflated. It took us a whole half to adjust to it and not bring the ball across that area.

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At Ranger games they used to chant "beat your wife Potvin beat your wife" to Dennis Potvin.

I think "Potvin Sucks" is the greatest chant ever, simply because people will be chanting it long after anyone can remember who Denis Potvin is or what he did to deserve his own chant. It's taken on a life of its own.

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