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piratesfan16's MLB Series


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There's going to be a slight transformation in my MLB Series. I am re-introducing road grays into my uniform set. I also added an "easier on the eyes" background to help with presentation. Also, from here on, there will be 3 logos per team(one primary which is usually busiest of the three and will not appear on the uniforms whatsoever, one secondary with will appear on the sleeves of the jersey, and one teritary which will appear on the cap and is usually the simplest logo out of the bunch) and 4 uniforms per team(two primaries, two alternates).


I've made an update to the primary logo since last time. The logo is more streamlined with a baseball bat serving as the flagpole.


The scripts are a mix of eras themselves. The home script is a take off of their 1930's script which also happens to match their road script which is from the 90's. The home alternate script is from the 2000's which also is a take off of their 1960's-70's script. Then the road alternate script is from any era in Pirates history post-1948.


In addition to the scripts, the uniforms themselves are a mix of eras. The piping is from their 1980's-90's uniforms. The home cap is from the 1970's(somewhat). The home alternate is also similar to their 1970's uniforms. Finally, as stated above, their road alternate can be from any era in Pirates history post-1948


Also, the colors are black, athletic gold, white, and gray. C&C would be great. Thank you! :-)




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Pefection! This is awesome.

In the last game against Detroit, the time from ten minutes left to one minute left was probably the longest nine minutes of my life. But from one to zero was probably the greatest time I've ever had. I didn't want the clock to run out. It was such a great feeling: people crying in the stands, people jumping up and down, people cheering. Guys couldn't even sit up on the bench. It was probably the best minute of my life.

Ah, the "I'm kidding" - the universal internet excuse for saying something that others perceived as dumb.

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Thank you Cody21 and BigBubba.


Well, Minnesota is known for its beautiful scenery. I wanted to go with a more "Minnesota Wild" type color scheme instead of the Minnesota Vikings color scheme. Along with that came "Minnesota Wild" inspired logos. The first two logos show that. The primary logo is a nature scene inside of a Minnesota outline. The secondary logo makes use of the Gemini Twins constellation. This serves at the sleeve patch for the jerseys. The teritary logo an "M" logo ala the Twins former road cap logo.


The scripts are somewhat homemade. I basically wanted to standardize their scripts and give them more uniformity.


Green pinstripes for the primaries, a throwback, and a standard, all-purpose green alternate.


I'm not sure about this concept so I'm very much ready for some C&C. Thank you! :-)




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i like it except for the constelllation logo and the pinstripes.

In the last game against Detroit, the time from ten minutes left to one minute left was probably the longest nine minutes of my life. But from one to zero was probably the greatest time I've ever had. I didn't want the clock to run out. It was such a great feeling: people crying in the stands, people jumping up and down, people cheering. Guys couldn't even sit up on the bench. It was probably the best minute of my life.

Ah, the "I'm kidding" - the universal internet excuse for saying something that others perceived as dumb.

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The shade of cream you're using is a bit too "creamy"; try to lighten it a bit. I know it's the Wild's colour, but for a baseball home jersey, it's too dark. The primary logo could do without "Twins" written inside; I'd just put it below (similar to how Miami and Arizona did/do put the name under the official logo), but use just the state as the patch (no script). I'm also not a fan of how the "w" connects to the "i" in the "Twins" script, but other than that it's a good set.


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PotD: 29/1/12



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The place where the W and I link up in the wordmark doesn't look right, and the pinstripes seem a little unnecessary.

On the other hand, I like the idea of going with the Wild's scheme.

The constellation logo could look good, but maybe try just using Gemini's stats and none surrounding them, and making them look more like stars and less like dots. The lines between them don't look right, either... they need to be much less obvious. The idea's good, but the execution needs fine-tuning.

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1) I fixed the connection point in the "Twins" script by not having one. It's unnecessary and the script still flows fine without it. I also added stars as the dots to hte "i" in "Twins" and "Minnesota" both as a nod to their original 60's script, and to complement the new logos.

2) I made the Gemini Twins constellation more obvious by isolating them with no other stars around them. I also made the stars themselves more star-like.

3) I made a new primary logo which features a wider shot of the nature scene. It was made from two Minnesota state outlines horizontally crossing eachother. Another feature in this logo is the abstract face that appears on either side. Since they both have the same facial detail, they can be considered "Twins".

4) I changed the color to a light tan which should be acceptable as a primary home color.

5) The new cap logo features 3 stars which represent the 3 WS titles by the Twins. It probably looks a little tacky, but it was worth a shot.

6) I really wanted to keep the pinstripes because in real life, the Twins are an excellent example of a team who can wear them without it looking like a Yankees-copycat. Same with the road uniforms as well.







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You're better off doing something a bit more subtle to honour their World Championships (Three stars on the script? That would be tough to pull off, but it's worth a shot). This set is an improvement over the last one.


Nobody cares about your humungous-big signature. 

PotD: 29/1/12



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  • 2 weeks later...


1) I re-introduced vests into my MLB Series.

2) I know BigBubba said that the "Jolly Roger" cap was bad, but I wanted to give it one more try for the home uniforms. If you still don't like them BigBubba, I'll change them back to the standard "Keystone P" caps.

3) I changed the scripts to something that was more standardized.

4) The logos are slightly updated as well.







C&C would be great. Thank you. :-)




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Three things:

  • On the yellow alt, get rid of the jolly roger sleeve patch because it looks really redundant next to the chest logo
  • I'm fine with the jolly roger cap, but only as an alternate. Use the black keystone "P" hat as the primary, the gold one for the gold alt, and the jolly roger being an alt option
  • I love the cursive "Pittsburgh" script and I think it should be on one of the alts, perhaps in a fauxback fashion (after all, two alts with chest logos seems a bit redundant, even if the logos are different)

Overall though, it's a great set. PS - Weren't you getting rid of road greys?


Nobody cares about your humungous-big signature. 

PotD: 29/1/12



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Thanks BigBubba. I will apply all of those into a final update.


This concept is a complete 360 from my first concept. I decided to go with another "mix of eras" type concept that involves the infamous rainbow guts colors. In this concept, I wanted to try something a little "risque", but I also wanted to keep it simple and well-executed.

The logos are where I really need some C&C. What you're supposed to see below is an "H" and an "A" combining to form an abstract space shuttle.


The scripts are an update to the mid 70's - early 90's script. I added a "Houston" script with the same font type (I basically took parts of the Astros script to form it). I also slanted the script 10 degrees in order to give it a little character.


In this concept, I also introduce a new piping for the uniforms. The piping starts at the edge of the sleeves, goes up the side of the arm, and attaches to the piping around the collar.


The colors are midnight blue, hot pink, bright yellow, and sunset orange. The midnight blue serves as a color balancer for the bright, gaudy colors.


Notice the "mix of eras"? I have a little bit of 80's mixed with a little bit of 90's.


C&C would be great, especially on the logos. Thank you! :-D




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This is definitely a good way to modernize a look that screams "disco-esque 80s". My two suggestions would be to a) Make the racing stripes thicker. As of now, it doesn't really work because you have three bright colours together all very thin in width; thicken them so the colours are more discernible. I love the idea behind the primary logo, however the execution is lacking. I understand it's an abstract space shuttle, but it needs to resemble one a little more. A good start would be to make the things coming out of the side of the "A" rounded.


Nobody cares about your humungous-big signature. 

PotD: 29/1/12



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I'd go with the second one, only with all the colours incorporated and the bottom fixed (when I say "the bottom", I mean that little "point" at the bottom").


Nobody cares about your humungous-big signature. 

PotD: 29/1/12



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