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MLB Home Field Advantage


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Do you think that the All Star Game should decide who has the home field advantage in the World Series??

I like the idea of the team with the better record getting the advantage. Hell, the old method of alternating between divisions and leagues seemed to be okay, but the current system made claiming the best record a desirable advantage. Why on earth can't the World Series be determined by win-loss record then? Some might say, "well, what if they have identical records?" ... then just use the tiebreaker method. Don't get me wrong, the sport is great but the ASG is a fan's game. And Joe Blow, who may score the winning run and never see the World Series, shouldn't decide who has the advantage. I have a feeling I'm not the only one who sees it that way :P

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I agree, even though it helped the Cardinals this year. I read somewhere that MLB wants to know who World Series sites in advance so they want something that sets home-field advantage ahead of time. I would give it to the league with the team with the best record at the end of the season. At least then, that team is rewarded with home-field advantage if they make the world series.

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Everything about the All-Star Game is stupid. A fun exhibition game should not determine anything but league bragging rights for the year. And fans have done nothing but prove they shouldn't get a vote for who plays in the All-Star Game. There's no reason why Derek Jeter, who's chronically old and can't hit or field, should still be making All-Star Games. If you want the ASG to determine home-field advantage, then you need the best players out there, not the biggest names. And the Home Run Derby sucks now.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - All-Star Weekend is one of the few things the NBA does right. It's a huge event every year and they don't need the game to determine anything to make it one.


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Do you think that the All Star Game should decide who has the home field advantage in the World Series??

Absolutely not. It's one of the dumbest things Bud Selig has done in his run as commissioner. It hasn't raised the ratings or the interest in the ASG one bit. Either let the best record decide it or go back to alternating seasons like it used to be.




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Do you think that the All Star Game should decide who has the home field advantage in the World Series??

Absolutely not. It's one of the dumbest things Bud Selig has done in his run as commissioner. It hasn't raised the ratings or the interest in the ASG one bit. Either let the best record decide it or go back to alternating seasons like it used to be.

Could not agree more. Every-other year was OK. Best record is also flawed but would be better. Prince Field hit a big homer in the ASG. Should the Cards give him a ring?

The reaction to the ASG tie was totally knee jerk. Just make a rule that the ASG ends in a tie after, say, 12 innings...once fans are used to it, it'll be fine. That ASG was one of the most entertaining ever. The only problem was how off-guard they were caught when they made the decision (and that they did so after what ended up being the AL's last chance...should have given it an extra inning). I totally agree with Lights Out...if you are going to make it "the fans' game" and let them vote, then it can't count for anything.

As for what decides it, I have three ways that are better, in no particular order:

  • Every-other year. Yeah, it's kind of lame and it kind of goes back to when the leagues where more separate, but there is a fairness (see below)
  • Best record. Pre-interleague, there would be no value to the best record because teams played totally different schedules. Should a 96 win NL team be favored over a 95 win AL team? But now there is interleague and it's still roughly as good as alternating.
  • Total NL vs. AL record in interleague. This would be flawed in that games between two last-place teams would come into play, but again...just as good as the other ways.
  • And just for fun...a fourth...records of the two WS teams vs. common opponents. With interleague, they'd have some common oppoents.

I really struggle with the notion that they have to know in advance, since they cannot really know until the LCSs are over. I guess if the ALCS is over, they can know where they are going instead of waiting one more day to see whether the 98-win team or the 89-win team wins the NLCS...seems lame to me. If they can do it in the NBA/NHL, they can do it in MLB.

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Do you think that the All Star Game should decide who has the home field advantage in the World Series??

Absolutely not. It's one of the dumbest things Bud Selig has done in his run as commissioner. It hasn't raised the ratings or the interest in the ASG one bit. Either let the best record decide it or go back to alternating seasons like it used to be.

The reaction to the ASG tie was totally knee jerk. Just make a rule that the ASG ends in a tie after, say, 12 innings...once fans are used to it, it'll be fine. T

Or, how about simply allowing position players who were substituted for to re-enter the game? Allowing that would have solved a multitude of problems during the infamous tie game a few years back. Not to mention that allowing players to re-enter the game wouldn't be anywhere near the joke that having the ASG decide home field is.




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I'm a Cardinals fan - what gave it away : )

I really think the HF Advantage should go to the team with the best regular season record between the two teams in the World Series. In this scenario using the Rangers and Cardinals, the Rangers would have had Home Field Advantage.

Side Note: I also don't really get why you can't play your division in the first round. While I guess it prevents some repeats from the last few days of the regular season, it's really is kind of silly. The top team in the League should play the Wild Card team no matter if they are in the same division. It was that way this year in the NL, but in the AL it would have been like this: NYY vs TB, TEX vs DET.

In addition, I'm assuming the reason the first round is a best of 5 is to keep the World Series out of November as much as possible, but really they should have best of 7 all the way through. 2-3-2 format is probably best travel wise in all series.

In any case it was a awesome World Series. I do have to say that a couple of umpires had very odd strike zones. Maybe we need a uniform strike zone and for it to be ENFORCED...pfff yeah like that will happen without robots for umpires. :)



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I've never liked it and I still don't like it since my team got home field this year when they didn't deserve it. But in 04 it went against the them so things evened out in the end.

Even still, its a horrible way to decide. I'd almost rather it be a coinflip. Its makes just as much sense.

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MLB makes rule changes to ensure that Wild Card teams do not get home field advantage. Except in the World Series where the result of the All-Star game is more important...

If the two teams played during interleague play, home field advantage should go to the team that won that series...

Otherwise, take the interleague records of ONLY the 4 playoff teams from each league and whichever league has the best total gets home field advantage, UNLESS only one of the participating teams is a Wild Card, in that case the league with the division winner representing them gets HFA...

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