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Strategizing the rebuild of the Columbus Blue Jackets


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What scenarios do yall think could help them out, would like to see, or is likely to happen? We all know that they need to rebuild top to bottom. With that said, here's my take:

Trade Rick Nash*: The 'Build around a superstar' technique has been an obvious flop for many years in Ohio. Nash has RIDICULOUS trade value. With that said, plenty of teams (WPG, PHX, NYI,) are probably more than willing to overpay for Nash and he is still tapping in to his prime. Bottom line here, you need to harvest picks and draft DEPTH. They have no depth and it's showing in the AHL. Last year, the Springfield Falcons finished in 12th place in their Conference. Two years ago (09-10), they finished in last place (15th) and failed to make the playoffs. This year, they are currently in 14th place in the West with a record of 18-20-1-2 (Thru 41 GP). With that said, there is no denying that they need to draft more depth.

Another scenario: Trade Steve Mason (and maybe a LATE pick or 2). Steve Mason, like Nash, still has considerably high trade value. BUT, he needs some serious fine tuning from a good goal tending coach, possibly even some time in the AHL (maybe a season?). They need to redraft a top goalie and not throw him into the NHL right off the bat. Either put him in the AHL for a year or 2, or send him back to his developmental team/ College. Bottom line, Steve Mason IS tradeable out of Columbus.

What say you forum?

*Eventually. Nash has an NMC until 2014-15 (effective last yr) and an NTC 15-16 thru 17-18.


BigMac's posts make me want to punch babies.

Hockey is weird and I love it.

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Move them to Quebec!!!!!111!!!! :upside:

All sarcasm aside, the Blue Jackets are a hot mess. The only viable trade assets they have right now are Rick Nash and Vinny Prospal. However, there's no telling what they could get for their services, but I anticipate that it will not be a lot of serviceable players or draft picks in return. By the way, which NHL team is foolish enough has the audacity to trade for Steve Mason? He's looked lost in goal ever since his rookie season.

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Move them to Quebec!!!!!111!!!! :upside:

All sarcasm aside, the Blue Jackets are a hot mess. The only viable trade assets they have right now are Rick Nash and Vinny Prospal. However, there's no telling what they could get for their services, but I anticipate that it will not be a lot of serviceable players or draft picks in return. By the way, which NHL team is foolish enough has the audacity to trade for Steve Mason? He's looked lost in goal ever since his rookie season.

-Trade Rick Nash and suck even more

-Draft Nail Yakupov and he busts due to constant knee problems

-Move to Quebec City



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Why are you against Columbus fans? It's not their fault this team has been run poorly from day one. Hockey can work in Ohio if they had good people running the Jackets, and yes they should deal Nash.



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In all honesty, there's countless stories right now of people who have invested in season tickets since the start who are just fed up with ownership not giving a :censored: and not really trying to put a winning product on the ice to the point that they won't be renewing their season tickets.


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Why are you against Columbus fans? It's not their fault this team has been run poorly from day one. Hockey can work in Ohio if they had good people running the Jackets, and yes they should deal Nash.

Hello Atlanta Thrashers owners (ASG)

and the previous post too..


BigMac's posts make me want to punch babies.

Hockey is weird and I love it.

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I agree about Columbus being mismanaged right from the start. The problems there begin with ownership and trickle all the way to the bottom of the organization. I find it incredible that the owner won't fire a GM who has run his team so far into the ground. It seems like every draft, they tried to do the exact same thing: pick a young Russian with insane amounts of skill who wasn't NHL ready, and try to immediately place him on the big-league team, then hate on him when he doesn't perform.

They need to trade Rick Nash (for an arseload of prospects and draft picks), trade Prospal (for whatever they can get for him... maybe they'll be lucky and get a first), trade Carter for a return on par with what they gave up for him, and bring in a half-decent goaltender so that Mason can go back to the minors and work on his game.

Before they do any of that, though, they need to fire every single one of their professional and amateur scouts and their GM, or else they will trade for crappy overrated players and waste their draft picks on more busts.

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In all honesty, there's countless stories right now of people who have invested in season tickets since the start who are just fed up with ownership not giving a :censored: and not really trying to put a winning product on the ice to the point that they won't be renewing their season tickets.

So they're kindof like the Pirates of the NHL?

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They could kidnap some all-stars after the game next year and force them to play for Columbus.

Yeah other than that, firesale.

the worst helmets design to me is the Jacksonville jaguars hamlets from 1995 to 2012 because you can't see the logo vary wall

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