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2012 MLB Season


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Cheer up Yankee fans, only 5 more years and $114 million to go on A-Rod's contract. Jeffrey Loria better not bail them out.

If only the Dodgers would, right?

I don't think they absorbed enough salary back in August.

I don't any team would be stupid enough to take A-Roid's contract. I think the Yanks are stuck with him. Suckers! :P

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This series was over when Jeter broke his ankle.

Cheer up Yankee fans, only 5 more years and $114 million to go on A-Rod's contract. Jeffrey Loria better not bail them out.

If he does, it will be the dumbest move he's ever made, and with Loria, that's really saying something.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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"Bless you boys!"

Anyone remember that?

My dad had Sparky's "Bless You Boys" book so I read it when I was a kid. Not sure why he had it, but I thought it was pretty cool.

Thanks to the Tigers I'll be able to watch the World Series now, even if the Cardinals make it. Congrats to the Tiger fans here.

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I won't run and hide. Tigers were flat out the better team, and deserve to be where they are going.

Yankee offense averaged 2.22 R/G, and 1.38 R/G against the Tigers. They scored 0-3 runs in every game except the first one (which they scored five runs in the 9th, or they would've scored 0-3 there as well). It was an absolute miracle they were even in position to get swept by the Tigers.

Tigers are now 10-3 in playoff games against the Yankees; 5-1 at home, and 5-2 at Yankee Stadium. The Yankees have officially found their counterbalance to the Minnesota Twins.


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Looks like you won't be playing in Final Jeopardy, then. Oakland's utter lack of conspicuous consumption disqualifies it from belonging to what we're calling the modern "hipster" culture. You must be looking for the rusty spaceship in Brooklyn. That you can probably still get high in the upper deck at some dog-days game with the Mariners is the last refuge of real realness.

That's actually one of the reasons they closed the upper deck entirely. It was so empty that you could walk to the last row and practically pull out a bong and light up without anyone even noticing. Raiders games are similar in that you can blaze up to your hearts content in the upper deck, but that's mostly because security is too afraid to come up and say anything to you.

It's also a product of the culture of the area. The most surreal sports moment I've ever had was sitting in a sold out AT&T Park watching Tim Lincecum close out the final three outs in the ninth vs the A's while smoking a joint, and not only NOT getting hassled for doing so, but actually having the father of three young kids in the row ahead of me ask for a hit.

Tried that once at a D Backs game and it was like the real world equivalent of getting six stars on Grand Theft Auto.

How would the Bong get past the bag/purse security check, though? ;)

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Well, this is the most awkward award ceremony ever.

Yeah, tell the Grim Reaper to stop hovering over Mike Ilitch. He's really crowding the shot.

I don't know if you caught the slow-motion hug between Leyland, and Dombrowski TBS layed, but halfway through Illitch joined in and started rubbing Leyland's arm. It was one of those things you can never unsee.

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So Delmon Young is ALCS MVP. I could not, if my life depended on it, name (without the internet) the person(s) that the division rival Twins received in return for him.

Disclaimer: If this comment is about an NBA uniform from 2017-2018 or later, do not constitute a lack of acknowledgement of the corporate logo to mean anything other than "the corporate logo is terrible and makes the uniform significantly worse."



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Looks like you won't be playing in Final Jeopardy, then. Oakland's utter lack of conspicuous consumption disqualifies it from belonging to what we're calling the modern "hipster" culture. You must be looking for the rusty spaceship in Brooklyn. That you can probably still get high in the upper deck at some dog-days game with the Mariners is the last refuge of real realness.

The hipster reference had more to do with you liking something that no one else likes. I'd be lucky to get one question right in the hipster category on Jeopardy!, and I'm really OK with that. B)

By the way, are you doing the show this week? You have three hosts on pins and needles waiting for an answer. C'mon, it'll be fun.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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