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Engage with SportsLogos.Net - A HowTo:

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There are several of us to write articles. You can see the author's name at the beginning of the article, and their brief profile at the end.

What do you mean "just post the news?"

What I meant is why does the site need to have an SL.net News* why couldn't Chris or another mod have posted this thread? I really don't care and have NO problem with the SL.net News posting I was just curious.

* Just to be clear I'm not talking about the actual site sportslogos.net/news I'm strictly talking about this poster SL.net News, especially when Chris and other Mods are active on the forums anyway.

Understood. This account is intended to be a single account that posts news. The replies here in this thread will be unusual, as the account is meant to post news with links to the story on the News site.

You question is valid: Rather than have the News section contributors, some of which do not have Administrator accounts here, or even accounts with very many posts, we thought it would be best to create an account we can share so that this account's posts are news.

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If we're providing suggestions, I have one: If you're going to market the news site as "news," then you need to clearly delineate between news pieces and opinion pieces.

Take, for example, this post. It's filled with personal opinions.

If it's labeled as an opinion piece, fine; there's a place for that. But if it's being labeled as "news" and presented on a "news" site, then it should just be the facts presented objectively and let the reader draw his/her own conclusion. It would be misleading to label and present as one when it's actually the other.

This is fair and accurate observation and feedback. We think there is a "Certain" amount of editorial license we can inject into the posts to liven them up, and to show some personality. The article you mention was, indeed, perhaps a little too much opinion. That said, the articles show the name, face, and bio of the author. The comments are attributed to that author. We think our audience can tell what are facts and what are opinions. That said, while the post you mention may be borderline, its not clearly OVER the line. It takes pains to point out inconsistencies, without calling names or providing too much conclusion for the reader.

In vaguely related news, SportsLogos.net News will now be shown in Google News results. This will demand of us a more rigid approach, one that will be more careful of this issue.

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Many posts here seem to be directed at the help you fine readers can provide towards getting the logos and uniforms updated on the main site.

We absolutely, completely crave that type of help. We welcome it. The simple fact is, we haven't been staffed at a level it takes to not only receive, but authenticate, then post new logos. We have to make sure every submission is valid. As badly as you may feel when a logo is missing, you'd be even more irritated if we posted something incorrect.

That said, we have more resources now, so we do, in fact, want to solicit this type of input, so we can perfect the logos.

Stay tuned, we will work on a template you can use to give us this info, so we can get all of your kind, generous help up on the site. Especially leagues outside of the "Big 4" where we have the most knowledge. Soccer, college, minor leagues... anything you think we need.

We will be in touch soon with a way to submit.

Thank you for all of your assistance.

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My biggest suggestion would be a better way to get new logos added to this site. I've sent numerous emails over the last few years trying to get you guys to update the logos for Nicholls State University with no luck and absolutely zero response from my correspondence. Is there a better way that process can be managed? I'd love to see my alma mater rightly represented on this site with its full logo package.

This. There's so many logos that are outdated or missing, and so many people on here willing to help find them.

This is sorely needed. The NCAA section is really lackluster.

Yes, the college section is bad, very bad.


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whats the difference between the concept and general design forums ? what type of thread goes in which ?

Concepts are for sports esthetic related things that people create and want to show off (logos, jerseys, stadiums, rebrands etc.)

General Design is basically the Sports Logos section but for non-sports related designs. It's not a place to post your own work, but rather a place to discuss non-sports related designs.


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whats the difference between the concept and general design forums ? what type of thread goes in which ?

Concepts are for uniforms and logos that you design. General design is for the unrelenting posting of spam because presumably some dumbarse linked that subforum to a Russian spam server.

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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I discovered this site because I decided to create a fantasy football league with all new teams built around the actual history of pro football intermixed with fantasy. I began looking for logo's to use as a starting point to create the leagues franchises before developing a unique logo for each team based on the general idea I set for each team which, having one team per state and then leagues in other nations, is quite an undertaking for what will amount to something for fans rather than profit. Finding this site was a surprise as i had really never thought about all the various teams and logo's until I found this site as while I always knew there were many of them out there, I never really thought about there being a site to preserve all the teams and logo's let alone fans getting to create their own versions of the logo's or going back in time to find out more about past leagues and logo's.

With all the controversy around the Washington Redskins right now, I've been divided on the matter as I don't see it as racist because a racist wouldn't name their team after a people they hate because then every member of the team and it's owner would be identified with that identity... kinda like saying a group of KKK members would adopt the name Washington Negroes for their team, that's just never going to happen.

Since I'm not allowed to start new topics, I'll just reply and if I find things around the nation / world that may be of interest to people here, I'll try to add something to the conversation where logo's and such are concerned. Looks like a great community.

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