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New Logo for local football team


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I'm guessing you're not familiar with this logo?


Also, please be more specific whether you're talking about American Football or Soccer. From the looks of that logo though , I think it's the former.




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Logo looks good. I don't think there's any chance of it being confused with the Carolina logo; there are really only so many ways you can illustrate a hurricane. Wouldn't mind seeing another brighter colour (white?) added in to give a little more contrast.

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  • 1 year later...

Back again, with some new ideas on this rebrand ;)

It´s for a local Football Team in Germany, the colors are pretty much predefined.

Tried to catch some more of the Power of a Hurricane.


the "c" stands for the CANES as the Team is called here.


And a short test on a helmet (helmet by the awesome Davidson)


c & c very welcome.

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Looks good. I like the changes and addition of the "C" as wel. One thing I'll point out is that in the northern hemisphere, hurricanes rotate in a counter-clockwise direction. Not sure if that really matters to you or not. But if it does, you may want the flip the logo.


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I looked up their current logo, and this is an improvement. I'm assuming you're using the "c" because they're nicknamed the Canes? I notice the original logo uses an S. Have you tried that? Not only does it make more sense for their name, but it would give better flow, not to mention minimize confusion with the Carolina Hurricanes.




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I looked up their current logo, and this is an improvement. I'm assuming you're using the "c" because they're nicknamed the Canes? I notice the original logo uses an S. Have you tried that? Not only does it make more sense for their name, but it would give better flow, not to mention minimize confusion with the Carolina Hurricanes.

I would agree with what he is saying! If you look at my Seattle Thunderbolts logo just like that I think you could easily put the S in there which would make more sense.

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Thanks so far guys, appreciate it!

Don´t even know if the "S" in their current logo isn´t just an happy coincidence or if it was planed to look like that :D

Anway, tried it with a "S" too.

Wasn´t too happy with the feeling the Logo gets with a flowing S like in hugevolsfans Thunderbolts Logo.

But came out with a more edgy S:


Pretty happy with this one, but still struggling with a way to bring a grey or white color in the logo.

What u think about that?

BTW, changed the direction so it fits our hemisphere ;) thx for that

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