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How the NFL would look in my perfect world.


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In this series, I will be creating concepts of how each team would look in my perfect NFL Some teams have *zero* changes (Oakland, Miami, Indianapolis, Seattle, Jacksonville, Minnesota, and New Orleans) some have slight, nearly indiscernable changes, some have an alternate uniform I think should be the primary with slight adjustments, and some are just in need of a complete and total overhaul. I will begin with the AFC East, and then the South, North and West, then move on to the NFC in the same order. Any and all feedback is welcomed. Let's begin with the New England Patriots:


I combined the ultra popular throwback look with the one they have now, got rid of the piping, and made the pants stripe ribboned, because i wanted it to resemble a battle torn flag. Alas, the pants stripe is by far the hardest thing for me to bring to life on this template.

Up next is the Buffalo Bills, who are getting a complete and total overhaul.

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Buffalo Bills: Let me be clear. I absolutely love the Bills design. What irks me about them is their identity is too close to New England's. I can't stand when division rivals look too similar. So I looked for inspiration for a new color scheme for the Bills, and all it took was a glance at another professional sports team in the same city to give them a brand new identity. It's beautiful. Dare I say, you too may see it as an upgrade. Here it is:


Let me know what you think. Do you prefer the old red white and blue? Or could this new color scheme work for the Bills?

Up next are the Jets, who are also getting an overhaul.

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Here are the Jets. Full disclaimer: most of you will not like this design. I gave the Jets the full Nike treatment. To be honest, it's still missing something, but i will update later. The uniform is meant to look battle tested, tough, and worn, but still have stealthy/speedy qualities.


Up next is the Houston Texans.

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Here's Cinci. The Bengals almost got it right, but black should have been the primary and orange the accent. let me know what you think.


Because the only thing I would change about the Ravens is drop the drop shadow on the numbers, I'll let you picture it instead of devoting a whole concept. The Broncos are next and I happen to already have them done, so here you go:


While we're at it, here is how I'd like to see San Diego forever


So again, no need for a mock up. Kansas City is next!

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Kansas City! I have always despised how disgusting the red and yellow look on the Chiefs. So I got to thinking. why is there no NFL team with a red and silver scheme? I gave it to the Chiefs. It would look awesome on the field against Oakland.


The AFC is done. If a team is not up here,it's because I think they are perfect as is.

The NFC East is going to be the most fun to do, so I'm saving it for last. Up next is the Bears, and it may be a shocker.

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I think that you are rushing these a bit to pump them out, some of the stripes look really rushed and I think you need to slow down and make sure each are perfect. I was the same way, pumping out heaps of concepts, just slow down, your browns and steelers are amazing because it looks as though you have put a lot of thought and time into them. just my two cents anyway.

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Hahah ya I kinda got to that point. I definitely want to go back and clean some of them up. I was also rushing to get to this one, which s the last one for the night/morning lol. If i was running the Bears, this is how I would dress them.


Packers will be next with slight alterations tomorrow evening.

That is a really nice idea but even just spending 5 more minutes to fix up the sleeve stripes and make them even would turn this from a good concept to a great one.

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Bears, Chiefs and Steelers feel kinda samey-same to me.

They're all basic sleeve stripes with different colorations. I'm not saying they're bad, but they do look mass produced, as others have pointed out.


5th in NAT. TITLES  |  2nd in CONF. TITLES  |  5th in HEISMAN |  7th in DRAFTS |  8th in ALL-AMER  |  7th in WINS  |  4th in BOWLS |  1st in SELLOUTS  |  1st GAMEDAY SIGN

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Please slow down. These look very unprofessional, and this is an example of a fancy template making sub-par concepts look reasonable.

The Patriots jersey looks decent, but the pants stripe is poorly executed and doesn't fit well with the rest of the set.

The Bills color change could work, but tone down the yellow a little. The striping is just bland and unimaginative, though. Also, the helmet stripe is messed up, and the helmet logo is way too big.

There's really nothing salvageable about your Jets concept, except maybe for the color scheme.

I disagree with your emphasis of red in the Texans, but that's a personal preference. However, as was mentioned before, the coloring of the logo reflects the Texas flag. Also, what's up with the off-center numbers, the block font used for the wordmark, and the demented pants stripe?

Your Titans concept has promise, but poor execution wrecks it. Study the actual Oilers uniforms more closely. Again, why the block font for the wordmark? Also, the T on the helmet is plain boring and the perspective of it is completely wrong.

The Steelers looks slapped together, and the helmet logo's perspective is off again.

The Browns are OK, but again, why the block font?

I disagree about the Bengals' primary color. Tigers are orange, not black, no? Maybe this could be made to work, but please take more than 2 seconds to draw the tiger stripes. I almost retched when I saw that helmet's execution.

The Broncos look OK, but the uniforms look disjointed.

Your Chargers concept is the best one here.

The Chiefs are boring, and for some reason they evoke strong thought of the 49ers.

I like the color scheme for the Bears, but the pants stripe is warped again. Also, you do know that the Bears have three sleeve stripes, not two, right?

Sorry for being harsh. Some of these are a start, but you've got to stop and think and take time to create each jersey instead of churning them out.

"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life.'" - John 14:6

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16

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He hasn't proven himself capable of a decently-made concept.

I'm a broken record at this point, but presentation is key. You presented us with 11 concepts and a picture in six hours. Not. Good. Enough.

The best part of this series is that you're going so fast it won't last the weekend. Then we can all go back to our lives without you flooding the boards with crap. Again.


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