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Wow great work on all the logos... I gotta ask for this one...

Toronto Tecumsehs from the old NHA

I'm looking for something more like a clean-up version than a too-modernized version

I mean I'd love to keep the vintage look of the logo rater than having something too modern

Thanks in advance


This one has me on the fence, not sure if I did it any justice. I decided to go with the logo below because between the two it just looked better.



Thank you so much Ren...!!!!

This is more than I expected!

Good thing you use the Lacrosse postcard as a reference (I thought it was too small to use)

The one I posted came from a pic of a player's sweater that I coloured for a project.

Anyhow, thanks again for the time you took to do this for me


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Ren, if you have interest in updating this Philadelphia Athletics logo, I would greatly appreciate. If not, no worries.


(I would prefer the elephant to be white, but the red A's banner on its back in their current colors.)

Thanks so much for saying you will update this. I still want the elephant to be white, but instead of using their current colors, could you please use this green and yellow:



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So I decided to venture out into the community college world of logos once again. This time it is for Virgina Highlands. I have a front facing wolf head I did a while back that I will probably incorporate to give it the same feel of their original you see here & post it sometime tomorrow, but for now all I have is the full bodied wolf. I considered adding some shading/highlights which I still may do later on but went with clean & simple. Added one with background to show white outline.



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If you prefer it in a different color combo just let me know.



this is really good. Nice update! Really like the grey version. The yellow tongue throws me a bit but the overall line quality is a great modernization.

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So I decided to venture out into the community college world of logos once again. This time it is for Virgina Highlands. I have a front facing wolf head I did a while back that I will probably incorporate to give it the same feel of their original you see here & post it sometime tomorrow, but for now all I have is the full bodied wolf. I considered adding some shading/highlights which I still may do later on but went with clean & simple. Added one with background to show white outline.






Definitely a redesign and definitely a huge improvement. Really appreciate the secondary logo with the "W" and the wolf in front. This needs to be their logo!

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Thanks Dunn, Yeah the yellow tongue is a bit odd I guess, just figured it got a little lost being gray & I didn't want to make it red so went with yellow. As I mentioned yesterday here is the wolf head I had from a while back. The black version has a slightly different font. Personally I like the full bodied logo but since I had the wolf head I said why not.



Wondering if I should've just started a new thread titled "Redesigning Community College Logos"

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Thanks Dunn, Yeah the yellow tongue is a bit odd I guess, just figured it got a little lost being gray & I didn't want to make it red so went with yellow. As I mentioned yesterday here is the wolf head I had from a while back. The black version has a slightly different font. Personally I like the full bodied logo but since I had the wolf head I said why not.



Wondering if I should've just started a new thread titled "Redesigning Community College Logos"

Ha! it would be a strong thread. I like the side profile better. Its more unique.

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I would love it if you could do a really awesome update of this old CSU logo.


Instead of black and green and what not, could you do it in the current Forest Green, Athletic Yellow, and White?

Colorado Born and Raised!!


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