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The skating......friar?


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SHB, I like 'em!  It's cool how you replaced the friar's bat with a stick.  I'd actually like to see these using the friar as the primary crest, and the interlocking SD as secondary shoulder logos...

I don't mean to sound like a smart-@$$, but why would you include the friar logo when his robe appears nworb-ish in color?   ???


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I don't mean to sound like a smart-@$$, but why would you include the friar logo when his robe appears bad bad color-ish in color?

I was about to say that too.

I really like the jerseys even though I hate the current Padres colors and uniforms.

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Let's make a deal Sharkie...

We stop pointing out on your designs when there could be a shade of brown, and you stop saying things like hey that logo could be worse, it could be brown. Not that when you say that it bugs me, but we have to give in somewhere.

Also I really wanna see your design.

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I might consider it, but before that happens the above parties must edit thier posts where the B-word was purposely mentioned.

Done...  I hope you're happy.  Now re-post your link.


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Done...  I hope you're happy.  Now re-post your link.

you dont have to get upset at the fact that I want some serious feedback. christ.

I even went and removed the "disclamer" on the original post, just for you.

I knew your post was an honest question frylock. but you shouldnt be getting annoyed with me for wanting some sincere feedback for a change.

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Done...  I hope you're happy.  Now re-post your link.

you dont have to get upset at the fact that I want some serious feedback. christ.

I even went and removed the "disclamer" on the original post, just for you

I did give you serious feedback.  Please re-read my original post.

Look...  I'm sorry if I may have acted rudely, but when you perpetuate the "Shark Hates Brown" personna, you're going to get people freaking out when they see brown in any of your concepts...


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well nobody will freak out, because nobody will see -the B word- in any of my concepts.....well okay except for the U of Wyoming hockey jersey I did.

apology accepted. Ive been irritable because of some idiots on fanhome who have no appreciation for good uniform and logo designs but will roll off tasteless political jokes at will.

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