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Cleveland Browns concept


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We all know about the Browns' upcoming rebrand in 2015. From some of the comments the people in charge have been making, I'm getting a little concerned. IMO the browns don't need much. Maybe a decent logo (not on the helmet), a few pants options, and a better way to deal with the shrinking sleeves, and they are good to go. Anyway, here's something I was messing with. Its similar to a concept I posted a few months ago in my NFL thread, but I've reworked my template sleeves so I had to change a few things. I thought I'd give a try to the antique white... still not sure if I like it. Thoughts?


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On my home computer, the one I made this on and posted this on, the antique white is just a barely noticable, vaguely yellowish, off-white. But this morning, looking at it on my work computer it seems way too creamy and noticable, almost light beige... not what I had in mind.

Oh, well... I guess that's a fairly common issue wih this stuff. I might repost it with plain white, later.

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I like the antique white and the striping on the whole uniform, but that grey facemask really sticks out like a sore thumb with antique white than regular white. Maybe change it to the antique white as I believe that would really pull the whole concept together.

Of course, you will probably ignore me since we agree on a lot of uniform elements except the facemask. The sad thing about our disagreement is that we don't properly understand one another about the grey facemasks. I believe you think they look old school, where I believe they look cheap and out of place.


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The logo looks much better than the lame- :censored: helmet they use. Also, the use of vintage white is intriguing. However, the grey facemask looks awkward with the whole uniform set. Try to use the same shade of white as the away jersey and see how that looks.



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I hate white facemasks in almost every sitaution. To me, they always stick out and look cheap and ridiculous, like someone glued marshmellows to the player's faces. I doubt I'd feel much different about an antique white facemask. Also, IMO gray is completely appropiate for any uniform that leans traditional.

Plus, the orange shell with the gray mask just looks so awesome. As long as the Browns are keeping the plain orange helmet, I'd never even consider anything but a gray mask, personally.

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I agree for the most part, but I think a white facemask works only on a white helmet, but not always. Anyway, I have to say that I think grey is the way to go too. It definitely is the best choice for the Browns, especially with this traditional uniform style that I love, by the way. I would say though, that the white is a little to "vintage" looking on my screen as well. The logo is great as well. Simple is always better, especially for the Browns. Great work.

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I think this is terrific although I would also like to at least see the helmet with an antique white mask. Maybe you won't like it as you said but antique white is a lot less harsh than bright white.

Going back to the overall concept...unfortunately, the essence of its greatness - a nostalgic look honoring the past of a once iconic franchise - is why it wouldn't have a snowball's chance in today's NFL. It's the exact opposite of the "take any zany crap that comes to mind, invent some crazy font and throw it all on a uniform" approach most teams seem to be taking.

BTW, you're one of the very few posters here whose user name on a concept thread always compels me to take a look. You do nice work.


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I think this is terrific although I would also like to at least see the helmet with an antique white mask. Maybe you won't like it as you said but antique white is a lot less harsh than bright white.

Going back to the overall concept...unfortunately, the essence of its greatness - a nostalgic look honoring the past of a once iconic franchise - is why it wouldn't have a snowball's chance in today's NFL. It's the exact opposite of the "take any zany crap that comes to mind, invent some crazy font and throw it all on a uniform" approach most teams seem to be taking.

BTW, you're one of the very few posters here whose user name on a concept thread always compels me to take a look. You do nice work.

Same here. Normally, I avoid this section like the plague but I saw Browns concept and oldschoolvikings and I had to take a look.

Also, great work, oldschool.




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I think this is terrific although I would also like to at least see the helmet with an antique white mask. Maybe you won't like it as you said but antique white is a lot less harsh than bright white.

Going back to the overall concept...unfortunately, the essence of its greatness - a nostalgic look honoring the past of a once iconic franchise - is why it wouldn't have a snowball's chance in today's NFL. It's the exact opposite of the "take any zany crap that comes to mind, invent some crazy font and throw it all on a uniform" approach most teams seem to be taking.

BTW, you're one of the very few posters here whose user name on a concept thread always compels me to take a look. You do nice work.

Same here. Normally, I avoid this section like the plague but I saw Browns concept and oldschoolvikings and I had to take a look.

Also, great work, oldschool.

Boy, that's nice hear. So many times I'll post a concept and it just drops away down the page. Makes you wonder if anyone is looking. Maybe I can try to tell myself that the lack of multiple comments is a result of how awesome the concept is and no one has any complaints!

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Well, I have to confess that I usually don't comment if 1) someone else has already expressed the opinion I would otherwise share or 2) I don't feel I have anything to add. For the work the concept makers put in I suppose we should all take a sec to say we like it, don't like it, meh, or whatever.

As for why I like your concepts, I think they're creative without being wacky. It may seem like a weird comparison but think of TV comedy writers back in the day vs. now. There were some damn funny shows way before the writers could use language, sex, or even double-entendre. They had to be creative enough to make plain old everyday stuff funny and many were great at it. So it's harder IMO to come up with a good looking uni that is true to the franchise, looks good, and isn't just a bunch of pointy stripes, wedges of color, yokes, and crazy fonts thrown together.


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We all know about the Browns' upcoming rebrand in 2015. From some of the comments the people in charge have been making, I'm getting a little concerned. IMO the browns don't need much. Maybe a decent logo (not on the helmet), a few pants options, and a better way to deal with the shrinking sleeves, and they are good to go. Anyway, here's something I was messing with. Its similar to a concept I posted a few months ago in my NFL thread, but I've reworked my template sleeves so I had to change a few things. I thought I'd give a try to the antique white... still not sure if I like it. Thoughts?


Here's is the same concept with plain old white. Which do you like better?


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I think this is terrific although I would also like to at least see the helmet with an antique white mask. Maybe you won't like it as you said but antique white is a lot less harsh than bright white.

Going back to the overall concept...unfortunately, the essence of its greatness - a nostalgic look honoring the past of a once iconic franchise - is why it wouldn't have a snowball's chance in today's NFL. It's the exact opposite of the "take any zany crap that comes to mind, invent some crazy font and throw it all on a uniform" approach most teams seem to be taking.

BTW, you're one of the very few posters here whose user name on a concept thread always compels me to take a look. You do nice work.

Same here. Normally, I avoid this section like the plague but I saw Browns concept and oldschoolvikings and I had to take a look.

Also, great work, oldschool.

Boy, that's nice hear. So many times I'll post a concept and it just drops away down the page. Makes you wonder if anyone is looking. Maybe I can try to tell myself that the lack of multiple comments is a result of how awesome the concept is and no one has any complaints!

If it makes you feel any better...out of all the 60, 70, however many concept sets I done churned out around here over years past, I think maybe only two of those actually generated enough feedback to make it onto a second page. I used to always wonder the same thing, so don't feel bad. :P

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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