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NBA hockey jerseys


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The deal with the sleeve numbers also applies to the shoulder logos. Make sure they are half way on the front and back of the jersey for execution.

Also make sure theres enough contrast between name and number colors from the jersey. You always want to make those stand out.

This has been one of the better threads to show how C+C can really work if you take it well and work.

Keep practicing and you will be great at this I promise. All that's really left to work on is using the templates right like I said on my last post. Make NIKE look like NIKE and Reebok look like Reebok. Keep working, nice progress!

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I just want to say I appreciate your going back and taking advice and making massive improvements to your designs. That's kind of the point of this community :)




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That looks good... My only suggestion would be to put the numbers in the logo (like they do now) since thats a unique and cool aspect of their uniforms now.

Oh and change the name to blue on the white jersey, there isn't enough contrast currently


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Redone Denver Nuggets


I think the alternate is a perfect place to keep it traditional and not adding any real crazy aspects of it. I think taking out the cityscape and mountain stripes on the arms off it could really be a solid traditional alternate jersey. The home and away are alright. Kind of just look like Colorado Avalanche remakes. I think the outline on the jerseys are too small almost like you can't even see it at all. I would thicken the outline stripes.

Also, the sleeve designs don't really look like mountains either. It just looks like diamonds going up. I would try and make the angles more gradual and smaller instead of so steep on the arms.

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