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Country team creation


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SO I have been working on this project for school and I have to work in a group to make a new country. One of the options to do was make a sports team. I chse football, cuz it is (in my opinion) the best sport ever C & C much appreciated!

Bluecliff is my country name ( long story ) so here is their national team


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The colourations of your logo make no sense. Why the yellow/blue gradient? Why not a solid blue or yellow?

there are a couple of reasons

1: I thought it could be good it I used all of the colors I used for the gradient in the logo on the uniform

2: I couldn't decide, so I chose the gradient

3: When I posted this, I wanted to have some C & C o the logo as well, so I thank you

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As I said, this was for a school project, and we presented our flags yesterday, so I just finished a team for one of my good friend's countries: Garnarzia

1: As well as the flags, we presented something extra. One person in his group did celebrations and the celebration of the sun was the most important of the celebrations because their main religion is based off the sun god.

2:The arrows, when on field, will be facing the direction the arrows on the helmet is going, because their country "is always moving forward"


I forgot to mention this, but the blackout uniform is for Games played on 11/29 home games (usually played against Garnarzia), is to honor the most important God's birthday in my religion, The water god. The reason I did not put a mainly water oriented uniform and a blackout uniform instead is because the demographics are

Christianity: 50%

Judaism: 27%

Markism(my religion): 23%

Here is Garnarzia


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Experiment with colours in your lion logo. There are problems in general with using gradients, mainly because they can't be used in all applications, which is a consideration for sports logos. For instance, they're fine for digital presentation, so-so for printing, and don't work at all for embroidery.




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I recommend to anyone that wants to design and that uses paint to spend a couple of days reading up on the difference between raster and vector graphics. You really should be using a vector program like Illustrator or at least inkscape(free). Study up on what can be done with those programs, the possibilities are virtually endless. The result can be beautiful graphics with clean line work, symmetrical designs and consistent color. I mean no disrespect to you or your design, obviously you are interested in doing this. I only give this advice to you so you can realize your potential and the paint program will never get you there. Oh and definitely don't think you need to go to design school to get there, I made that mistake. There are plenty of options out there for you to self educate. Now go download inkscape for free, learn to use it study a lot of logo work and try this idea again!

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Be mindful of which version you download. I had lots of problems on my old computer because I downloaded the regular version when I needed the 64-bit version.

Also, be aware that there is the occasional bug when you save your .svg file as a .png. The easiest way around that is to just do a screen capture of your .svg in Inkscape and then create a .png in Paint from the screen capture.




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Given that you probably aren't older then 12, I think you show a huge amount of talent, but like the others said, it does need a little tweeking and refining.

Keep up the work man, you could be a professional someday.

Also is Bluecliffe a Nationstates country out of curiosity? I know there's a bit of a Nationstates following on this board. I myself used to play it back in the day.




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