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Southeast Missouri Gets new name


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Caught this here http://sports.espn.go.com/ncaa/news/story?id=1832330 Seems they are destined to tbe the redhawks now, i was in california and missed this. but they don't have a logo yet so throw one to them before this gets any worse at http://www.gosoutheast.com They say they are going to stick with red and black as colors.

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with this type of PC'ing, that is why america is done for.

its the same thing with the confederate flags in the south even though slavery, racism, intolerance and cultural genocide was done on a far greater scale under the stars and stripes than the confederate flag.


General Magus Zeal

Leader of the Mystics of Medina.

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with this type of PC'ing, that is why america is done for.

its the same thing with the confederate flags in the south even though slavery, racism, intolerance and cultural genocide was done on a far greater scale under the stars and stripes than the confederate flag.

I'm not asking this to be smart... I seriously want to know.

If the confederate flag is really about "southern pride," howcome you never see anyone flying the ACTUAL confederate flag instead of the more common battle flag?


Dubya's thoughts on "terrorist" nations: "They never stop thinking of new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

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with this type of PC'ing, that is why america is done for. 

its the same thing with the confederate flags in the south even though slavery, racism, intolerance and cultural genocide was done on a far greater scale under the stars and stripes than the confederate flag.

huh? Is this guy serious?? I mean what team name you call your college sports teams- on the grand scale of things means nothing! But which flag you choose to represent your cultural and political allegiences.

The confederate flag- represents slavery, the nation set up, at least sub consciously, to PROTECT slavery. Givien the history of your nation etc. flying a confederate flag could be seen as an act of treason. Otherwise it is a flag that represents nothing now.

The union flag- represents the whole country- north and south, and represents freedom and unity. It is after all the flag of the United States of America.

You wanna know why Amnerica is done for- becasue some people still insist on fighting a war that was lost nearly 150 years ago. (maybe not in a literal sense but at least in a pyschological sense). Its time to put the flags away and accept your unity.

*steps off soapbox and walks away, dodgin the odd brick thrown from the crowd*

back on topic- who really cares what the team calls itself?? In the grand scheme of things it means nothing


2011/12 WFL Champions

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For one thing, people do attach themselves to teams and colleges, and the name is a part of that. Secondly, it is the principal of PC that upsets a lot of people, including me.

hmm, as I have said before, in other threads, the principle of PC is genuinely nothing new. Its as old as the hills- that the language changes and what is acceptable changes. Thats why the word ' :censored:' for instance was acceptable in some circumstances but isn't now, accept in a very few circumstances. Yes PC can go tooooo far some times, but if the name of a sports team offends people- change it. The people who are offended by the change will forget there upset in a couple of years, the offense caused by the name would continue forever. The Wizards changed there name to suit the political climate. The problem there was the changed it to such a naff name.


2011/12 WFL Champions

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Yeah but who decides? it who are the arbiters? of Political Corectness?

Is this a decision made by the college on the own or by a small minority of complainers who just yell louder.



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Cool, censorship rocks!

Seriously, its how you stop terrorists spreading mis truths, its how you stop people spreading lies. The only problem is deciding who gets to decide what is allowed.

But as I said PC is nothing new. Conservatives may have given it a name to disuade liberals from changing the language et etc. But its true. $0 years ago it was called the 'negro' question. Now know politician would use that word as the world is a better place for it. Yes it can occasionally get taken to ridiculous levels, and then we should all stand up and complain. But its NOT NOT NOT the principle thats wrong.

And besides IMO Redhawks sounds cooler than Indians anyway.


2011/12 WFL Champions

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Well its like the protest over One Nation Under God, the amount of people against that line in less then 10% yet they are vocal and often get their way cuase of it.

As Dennis Miller said if less then 10% have a problem with something they are just going to have to deal with it.

I believe the people who have problems with a team's name is defentley smaller then those who either don't care or like the way it is.

Maybe its not 90-10 but 70-30 as was then numbers in SI a few years back if I recall right.

See often the problem with liberalism and political corectness giving in during situations like thsi was shown on the Simpsons.

Lisa complained about the lights washing out the stars Mayor Quimby dimmed the lights after a crime wave Quimby with an angry mob around him made it permanoon.

The Liberals just react quickly to the angry mob in front without realizng the silent majority.



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Well its like the protest over One Nation Under God, the amount of people against that line in less then 10% yet they are vocal and often get their way cuase of it.

As Dennis Miller said if less then 10% have a problem with something they are just going to have to deal with it.

I believe the people who have problems with a team's name is defentley smaller then those who either don't care or like the way it is.

Maybe its not 90-10  but 70-30 as was then numbers in SI a few years back if I recall right.

See often the problem with liberalism and political corectness giving in during situations like thsi was shown on the Simpsons.

Lisa complained about the lights washing out the stars Mayor Quimby dimmed the lights after a crime wave Quimby with an angry mob around him made it permanoon.

The Liberals just react quickly to the angry mob in front without realizng the silent majority.

You're dodging the point! It's not censorship then! If an orginization wants to change their name, that's their perogative. If they don't, they can just say screw off! It's those who LISTEN that change it, not those who yell! If it's a lower percentage, then they won't change it. If the government was forcing it, I could definatly see your point and I'd agree with you. But you're being needlessly paranoid.

One thing though, if someone from Alberta bought a team wanted to name it the Lazy Maritimers, I know I wouldn't complain. I'd laugh my ass off....

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Ah the silent majority! I have always thought that if they really cared they wouldn't be so silent. And often they aren't. The point of there silence is that they can live with things either way. They may have a preference but realise that whatever there lives will continue pretty much as is once a change has been made.

I know censorship is a tough issue and I don't know what all the answers are, but I know that some censorship is needed by any society to keep order. Its how I know I am not a liberal. I prefer to refer to myself as a progressive.


2011/12 WFL Champions

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Swine take flight worldwide, as I agreew ith Tank on this one...

PC is evil. PC hides the truth, polishes the actual facts of living, and forces us all to live under a guise of 'truth.'

PC is people who can't cope, who can't deal, who can't get overthemselves. It supports the self-important cry babies, and shames long standing tradition.

I'm not saying that there should be sports teams named the "n-words" or such, but harmless things liek Braves, indians, cheifs, etc should be left well enough alone.

Have an inner-city team with the mascot of "Honkeys" and have their mascot be a goofy white guy with red hair and glasses..... i'd freakin BUY THE MERCHANDISE.

PC is the worst thing about america.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




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"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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One of the most frustrating things about "PC" is the stupid race issue. All these people who call themselves "African-Americans?" Hey guess what, the vast and overwhelming majority of you were born in America. That makes you an AMERICAN. You're not African. That would be like me saying I'm Scottish-American because my ancestors from centuries ago spawned in Scotland. Seriously, do you ever hear of anyone else in other countries doing this? Is there such a thing as an African-German? Or a Swedish-Spaniard?

Oh, and PNM, there was a team that did that already. This group of Native Americans at the Univ. of Northern Colorado got outraged when a local high school refused to change their name from the Fighting Reds. So, to get revenge, they named their intramural basketball team the "Fighting Whities," with the logo being a 50's style business man carrying a briefcase, and even invented a team slogan: "Everything's gonna be all white!" Well, their plan backfired, and white people loved the name, sending them tons of congratulatory emails and wanting to buy the jerseys. The team's dejected response: "Some people don't realize what we're trying to do."

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from my perspective I have always thought of the 'hyphenated american' thing as quite positive- it allows people to hold onto there heritage whilst remaining American. What you have to remember is that no other country has based its culture etc on immigration as the US has, with the whole idea of the 'melting pot'. And notro you might not say you are 'scottish-american' but plenty of people say they are irish-american, or italian american or whatever.

And i still prefer redhawks as a team name to Indians anyway. it sounds cooler


2011/12 WFL Champions

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The people who are offended by the change will forget there upset in a couple of years, the offense caused by the name would continue forever.

tell that to Marquette...the Warriors vs Golden Eagles issue still lingers, and the damn name was changed 10 years ago!


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One of the problems with the whole PC thing is, as has been mentioned--who decides?

Another is the backlash, as in those who say their anti-PC, or say they're PI/C (incorrect). The reason that's a problem is that if you define and/or decide your actions etc on being the opposite of PC you're still being influenced by the whole thing--I just try to do what's right, period and don't care if it's PC or not...

So somethings I say and do are PC some are not--but it's not based on being PC or PI/C...

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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Declaring something as PC and is thusly destroying the fabric of everything is the lazy Neanderthal's way of avoiding having to think about anyone but himself.

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POTD 2013-08-22

On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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