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Gagne's Streak Over


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Damn, that sucks. Well, he had a good run, and I love to see Canucks succeeding in the Majors. I hope he and the Dodgers win the NL West!

Waiting for ICS response.....

Well his streak had to end sometime.

I saw, I came, I left.

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It had to end sometime it was an amzing streak especially when you consider that a dropped fly ball and booted ground ball and bad throw any error can cuase a tying run to score.



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I wouldn't compare it to DiMaggio's streak. Joe D's was much harder. Gagne has come into non save situations and have blown the game and lost. Not to say this streak isn't impressive. It took skill and a lot of luck.

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Say what you want about closers, but it was a helluva streak. One of the Baseball Tonight people said in the course of Gagne's streak, Mariano Rivera, widely considered the greatest closer of all time, blew six.

As far as streaks go, I think Vander Meer's two consecutive no-hitters is damn near unbreakable. Tying it would be hard enough.

Joe D's is pretty close as well, because managers would have no problem nowadays intentionally walking a hot hitter in all of his at-bats.

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As far as streaks go, I think Vander Meer's two consecutive no-hitters is damn near unbreakable. Tying it would be hard enough.

Dave Stieb actually came two outs away from tying that record.

He was one out away from a no hitter two starts in a row (one a perfect game).


Chris Creamer
Founder/Editor, SportsLogos.Net


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As far as streaks go, I think Vander Meer's two consecutive no-hitters is damn near unbreakable. Tying it would be hard enough.

Dave Stieb actually came two outs away from tying that record.

He was one out away from a no hitter two starts in a row (one a perfect game).

I think he meant "unbreakable" in the sesne it would be impossible to get 3. 2 would just tie the record, 3 would break it.

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I don't think Chris was arguing, merely poiting out others have been close to that record. And who knows one day someone might do the unthinkable and break the record. Thats what makes sport great- the totally unbelievable does happen.

As for other notable streaks what about Cal Ripken's iron man run of 67 billion games in a row, or whatever the record was eventually.


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As for other notable streaks what about Cal Ripken's iron man run of 67 billion games in a row, or whatever the record was eventually.

I hold that in high regard, but that's mostly because he broke the record on my birthday, I turned eight on September 6 1995, and number eight broke Lou Gehrig's streak, that will be hard to break, unless another Cal like player comes along, which we all know doesnt happen very often.



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