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New WWE Logo?


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I wonder how this classic one would look if you added the little thing on the bottom to make it an "E." It would be similar to the rumored new one, but might look better.

You mean like this


Yeah, that's what I was thinking. It's interesting looking. I'm not sure how I feel about it.

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You are thinking too much into all of this. Since they are now a NYSE company, any change would be picked up by legitimate sources as opposed to the IWC. As Miss Linda said, this is a soap opera.

Women never complain about the logo of "their stories", relax. If the want to change anything, they will give information to stockholders first, rather than all of you fanboys.

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I think since it doesn't actually say "Undisputed" on it, they got away with it. After the title split, it was always referred to as the "WWE Championship," which is what it says on the belt, so it works.

But I see your point.

I wouldn't mind if they used this. (Obviously, without the word "Legends.") But at the same time, it would be nice to have an "E" in there somewhere. But it should be more integrated than it is in the rumored new one.

I wouldn't mind a return to the 80s Winged Eagle version, with a new logo to replace the WWF one of course. That was the best WWF/E Championship belt ever, in my opinion.

IT DOESN'T SPIN ANYMORE, Hasn't since the Monday before No Mercy '07. Yes it's still the same design but still. Although I wouldn't mind a new design, I think it would be a bad business move to get rid of a belt that's selling so well (in merchandise).

Calm down sparky. It's called the Spinner Belt because it still uses the spinning design. And it's one ugly design. I get that it sells well, but if they changed the logo then they would HAVE to change the belt design :D

Of course the "it sells" argument is a valid one, but here's the thing. Stuff like that eventually runs its course. It won't be popular forever, and sooner or later it'll lose its merchandising appeal.

Truth be told, I was always a fan of the "New Generation" variation of the old WWF logo that they used just before the switchover to the Attitude Era.


I love it.

Take that logo, change the F to an E (or just make it a WW design like the current), and change the colours to red and black. Something like this....


well the spinner part was stupid as it always looked like an M cuz it was so top heavy... the spinner on the US belt was cool... that other diamond crusted abortion needs to go its an ugly belt looks like a toy hence the reason it sells so well...

The US spinner both looked better and was more tolerable because it just used as part of Cena's character development. Once he lost it for the last time it was "destroyed" and the standard US title belt was brought back. Unfortunately the WWE Championship variation has yet to fall victim to the same circumstances.

not sure if they would bring back the "undisputed" belt, as its so tied to brock, i believe he had the most time with it... but i like that and the big eagle belt...

This is true. I, for one, would not like to see it return for reasons mentioned above. If they wanted to bring it back, however, they could do it. Have the world titles swap shows again so the WWE Championship is on SD! Then have Ray win it. Have him state that he wishes to wear the same WWE Championship belt that his late friend Eddie Guerrero wore. Bam, the Undisputed design is back, and any association with Brock is gone.

but i love the big gold belt has always been my favorite... i have a Ric Flair Autographed one mounted in my basement.. love it

Likewise. Even if the design is relatively recent, it seems fitting for a title with the pedigree that the World Heavyweight Championship has*.

*The reigns of Vince Russo and David Arquette not withstanding.

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So this is rumored to be a new WWE logo. Thoughts?

I'm not sure I buy it, but some people are convinced. WWE's September PPV poster still has the old logo, which leads me to think that this is fake.

Also, I think it's lame. I don't like the "E." It looks too separate from the rest of the logo.

According to this site they might premiere it on the 900th episode of Raw which is on August 30th.

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That is definitely a fake. Whoever faked it tried to make it seem legit by adding the USA network bug in the lower right corner (cut off in the image linked in the OP, but visible in the version floating around the internet). But that bug would likely never be on any video unless it was something already broadcast by USA (since they insert it, not WWE) which is clearly not the case.

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So this is rumored to be a new WWE logo. Thoughts?

I'm not sure I buy it, but some people are convinced. WWE's September PPV poster still has the old logo, which leads me to think that this is fake.

Also, I think it's lame. I don't like the "E." It looks too separate from the rest of the logo.

I remembered back in 99 WCW changed thier logo just week before Spring Stampede so you could be right but the poster dosent say anything they can still changed the logo.

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Something like this could work...


I just can't stand the scribble logo. Never liked it. Never will. Something i made a few minutes is better than that.

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Something like this could work...


I just can't stand the scribble logo. Never liked it. Never will. Something i made a few minutes is better than that.

I think your logo would be much better than what is rumored to replace the scribble-logo.

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Something like this could work...


I just can't stand the scribble logo. Never liked it. Never will. Something i made a few minutes is better than that.

That's your opinion, and you're entitled to it. While I think the Scratch Logo has now run its course, the original WWF version of it (in my opinion) was perfect for the Attitude Era.

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