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dont care

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dont care last won the day on July 8 2022

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  1. Wasn’t the blue just a spring training jersey?
  2. I didn’t have an issue with the punch, I did have an issue with Ricky’s dad getting involved and trying to choke him. The 47 guys did too and while I don’t condone the chokehold and feel they should be suspended, but Ricky’s dad should have his hard card pulled for atleast a year. He’s the equivalent of a fan not a team member. When it comes to the car I feel like going back to the narrower tire and smaller rims would combat the problems on short tracks. I will reduce grip and doesn’t rely on more horsepower. They can even keep the one lug if they’re determined too.
  3. That’s probably just it being a video games and not being able to get the textures 100% accurate
  4. Or…. Hear me out…. It was a racial slur and needed to be changed.
  5. NASCAR has a history of this tying a money winnings to a race result from Winston million, NoBull 5, and currently with the Dash4Cash, to go in addition to the all star race and clash. I like the return to it honestly. Gives another reason to watch after the season starts hype and before the playoffs. I just hope the last race is at a crown jewel race which would probably be Indy based on how the schedule is currently.
  6. I’m not too upset about this. Sounds like they are trying to reinvent the No Bull 5 program with this but instead following the same bandwagon of in-season tournaments. Atleast this doesn’t add anything into the season like extra games for the NBA but instead is just a cool side plot to the race at hand. I just hope they don’t pull too much time away from the actual races to follow where the semi finalist and finalists are in those rounds.
  7. What is the 26 a throwback to?
  8. Because Dale Sr. doesn’t own any teams in xfinity.
  9. Nah JRM really should be the only team running Jr throwbacks in xfinity.
  10. Technically they race throwbacks every week. Would have been cool to run a Hendrick cars version of the tide ride, or another Darrell Waltrip scheme. Not sure what raja could throwback to, maybe a sprague scheme.
  11. Extremely surprised they were able to use the same logo just replace “LOWE’S” with “HALMAR” since every time Hendrick has ran a Johnson throwback car they have to square off the roof portion to not get sued by Lowe’s.
  12. I never thought they would allow an official closer finish than 03 Darlington, but they can’t deny that. It was 0.000 seconds. They can’t even score it because it was truly a dead heat.
  13. Makes sense for something in Chicago to have the same branding as urban decay
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