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dont care

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dont care last won the day on July 8 2022

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  1. I never thought they would allow an official closer finish than 03 Darlington, but they can’t deny that. It was 0.000 seconds. They can’t even score it because it was truly a dead heat.
  2. Makes sense for something in Chicago to have the same branding as urban decay
  3. What I dont like about the mavis scheme is it looks like a car that had gotten damaged in practice and didn’t have enough time to do the whole wrap so the skipped the sides and just put the sponsor decals on.
  4. But it’s never been a rule that alts and city uniforms weren’t allowed in the playoffs for the NBA. If it was the nfl then sure you have a point, or even nhl where they have to declare what their home and away uniforms are going to be for the playoffs and only where those. But the NBA has never had such rule.
  5. The lakers won a championship wearing a jersey they hadn’t wore the year before. Why wouldn’t teams be able to wear what ever they want in the playoffs
  6. A good time for the titans to get a new uniform is tomorrow
  7. Just because it’s going slowly doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.
  8. I think it’s just an optical illusion between the side panel being on just one side, and just different fonts being different sizes.
  9. David Ortiz has worn that jersey before, and I’m sure adding on to a product line that’s already in production is 10x easier that starting a new product line.
  10. Any of the “golden” names are dead on arrival with Vegas.
  11. Those aren’t monochrome, and you’d be kidding yourself if you didn’t say they’d look even better with different pants
  12. Not the first, Chase Elliot’s unveiled his Dale Jr. 2014 Daytona 500 throwback 2 weeks ago. There could have been others. This looks really good, almost like a coors silver bullet with guitar frets instead of mountains.
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