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Everything posted by Digby

  1. Lots of overlap with the northern transplants who moved so they could buy a McMansion and performatively proclaim how much they couldn't stand snow-shoveling a couple times per winter. They're not missed back home.
  2. Revs were competing for Supporters Shield with a pretty similar roster at this time last year. This year they have 4 points from 8 games and lost in historic fashion in CCC. Is a Petrovic-level keeper even more valuable than we ever imagined? What is Caleb Porter doing on the training pitch that's making Bruce Arena, of all people, appear to be a tactical genius?
  3. There's no way a competent branding process can't spin out an identity in a couple months, but the placeholder name schtick fulfills three needs of the design industry as it stands in 2024: 1. replacement of craft with as many stakeholder meetings as possible 2. cynical marketing scheme for the first year of Utah's existence -- drag out a whole extra year of drama and intrigue 3. supply chain issues are still real, but self-inflicted; the likes of Fanatics and Nike who've "optimized" so much that they backed themselves into a new version of total rigidity
  4. Zion and Jimmy both sustaining significant injuries in the "play-in tournament" really rubs me the wrong way. The suits will cry, why can't we get our star players playing more often? Well, stop setting up traps that get them hurt in fake-important games to miss the games people actually care about.
  5. Yeah but of all the owners in the Big Four, who's among the most likely to galaxy-brain the first AI logo, with totally annoying press materials to announce all of it?
  6. This seems blazingly obvious to me, and yet. Feels like we're in some neverending loop for farm-system thought of "It would be better for development to have our farm players train with the 1st team on-site... It would be better for business to build separate brands and serve a different market..." repeat ad nauseum. The Revs are having their team, creatively titled Revolution II (was that the French Revolution?), play a few matches up in Manchester, NH this season. Seems smarter to me than having Gillette look even emptier than usual. But they might be too late with the way various levels of USL teams are taking off around New England.
  7. Jack Edwards just rather abruptly announced that he's retiring at the end of the Bruins season, too. Gotta say that one's come as much more of a relief.
  8. It's not just that, it's all over the broadcasts too. Pregame and halftime shows are more useless than ever, and the studio bros seem to RELISH talking about gambling stuff even as they also awkwardly tiptoe around whatever rules are governing it. Weird uncanny effect that's no fun at all.
  9. I think they've done it as long as the CCs have been around, yeah, but then last year there were other seemingly random times when they'd wear them for a whole series. I still abhor them and I silently judge anyone I see wearing the merch.
  10. Well, edibles are marketed and sold to professional classes for whom weed is no longer a taboo, not the people of the street. Plus old habits die hard. Smoking all sorts of things in public is a societal annoyance that's nothing new though. (Also, side effect of legalization is that corporate dispensary weed suuuucks. It's like if we ended Prohibition, but the only legalized alcohol was Bud Light, and half the bottles came out of the brewery flat.)
  11. Yeah sure but who did those Celtics have in charge? ...wait. (However: One of the most egregious screw-ups is that the Bucks, whose home/road splits this year are hideous compared to their competitor teams, lost home-court for a prospective Knicks series in the 2nd round.)
  12. Oh definitely, he's lost a few steps in recent years. Even despite that I'd rather listen to him than most others; there's still plenty of the echoes of why he was maybe the consummate professional PBP guy in history. (And also it's the nostalgia factor. I still miss Tom Heinsohn, for all his flaws.) The new guy is fine as far as Gen-Z'ers go and has good intentions, apart from trying too hard to go viral. I like that he's not afraid to give it right back to Brian Scalabrine when he's being obnoxious (which is most times). Just tough to get used to Generic Sportscaster Voice on the telecast. Still maddening that Sean Grande didn't get the gig.
  13. Bucks fell to the 3 seed on the final day of the season after being 2 seed basically the entire year. Doc Rivers finishes his half of the season with a losing record. One of the worst self-owns by an NBA franchise I can ever remember.
  14. I think this was the original plan for this City Connect jersey. But they were deemed such a success that they eventually got worn for another series later in the year, and then random series throughout the year, and then the manager said that this season they would be Saturday home game specials, so I don't really know what to expect at this point. But in theory, yes, your point is correct, it just requires a level of restraint from the marketing suits that we don't see much.
  15. It is Marathon weekend, so there's a plausible reason to deviate from the plan at the moment.
  16. It's Mike Gorman's last regular season game doing play-by-play for the Celtics and there's all sorts of pomp around it. Hard to imagine the team going forward without him, he's been as much a piece of the Celtics as any player or coach over the course of my entire lifetime. One of the last of a dying breed, I've always liked hearing a classic Dorchester accent while watching a Boston team.
  17. If you've ever wanted to know what early-era Stadium Series special jerseys would look like when worn in 100% of the games...
  18. The infamous Norby is finally out at ESPN
  19. Best "Connection" will just be raiding the closet of the apartment they're squatting in. Major League RiverCats, baby. The Roots/Soul could really feast if they could get a solid stadium setup in Oakland proper, I think. Seems like the sort of community where lower-league soccer could thrive, especially with the MLS offering being a moribund franchise out where it is.
  20. The turning off of replies is very funny to me. I thought the PR playbook would suggest keeping them open to let the people have an outlet. Not like anyone who watches baseball is unaware of all that's going on with this situation. The ESPN headline on this said the A's are playing here "before Vegas residency", which I thought was unusually clever for their newswriting desk, and also a good way of not just making a Vegas joke but also making it clear how much nothing they've planned will really feel like a home.
  21. This is true, but also why ATL is the worst of all worlds. I've flown out of there and the TSA setup, at least at the time, was among the very worst I've dealt with, and the longest lines outside of the Boston JetBlue terminal in an early holiday-adjacent morning.
  22. I actually prefer the numbers as they are on the right chest under the swoosh, but (pet niche interest alarm goes off) I think it would look better if the swoosh and number were moved up, so that the collective unit of the two is what gets vertically aligned with the crest. As it stands, it's the swoosh only that gets vertically aligned with the crest, which makes the number look more like an afterthought and lends a sense of imbalance to the layout.
  23. I used to prefer the darker shades for the USA (still think the 2011 Gold Cup dark red shirt/dark navy sash was an underrated gem, top 3 for them all-time). For this set the brighter colors work well for me though. I don't mind USA teams being loud and bright, for one, and the royal helps extra to offset them from England. Plus, with SO many of the recent USA kits following the template of a plain white shirt with color cuffs and collar, going royal this time out gives us something different. But yeah, agree with the others that the navy printing is a mistake. (Just please never give us the light blue effect of 2016 ever again for something "different", please.)
  24. Well, design is not just art, design is also context and history and community and usability. Something that hits all the right notes technically speaking and fits into the trend boxes of the moment may not fulfill all those other elements. Sports, in particular, is founded upon a certain pride in messy, flawed history for a lot of people. Personally I think that the Twins brand is one of the stronger ones in MLB, centered on the red/blue mix and the quirkiness of the TC logo. The home set is strong because it does the rare feat of expanding on that history in a new way. Losing one of those colors, or losing the TC hat, is a miss for me for that reason (I know there's a history of M hats but I didn't like those either; this gets into the debate over whether a team should have multiple cap logos or not. I say no, mostly.)
  25. Yeah, I'd agree with that -- nudging the color balance toward navy and the front number would've helped. That or the curly-W only on the front, though that's not my favorite look (more of a beveled-DC guy I think). Obviously they've gone well into the realm of confusion, regardless. One other thing I still want to complain about re: the Twins is that, while the home looks great and has grown on me for the reasons others have beat to death already, it also looks a little bit lonely in the overall set, given the away set's abandonment of the TC and the script, and the City Connect (which is worn too much) losing the red. I know uniform set-wide cohesion and consistency is an outdated concept but it bugs me.
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