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Everything posted by Digby

  1. I like the new wordmark but also it seems flimsy. Not sure single-color works here; feels like it needs the weight of a navy outline or shadow. Name/number don’t also has me thinking about the Mariners, and seems a little too fussy.
  2. Jaylen Brown (another union higher-up) has been doing the same thing, a real hit to Celtics fans who thought for a while he was the anti-Kyrie. Tactically reminds me of all the police and firefighter unions who spent last year suing over vaccine mandates.
  3. It's 100% this. Cream-colored fabric isn't a problem in their baseball, soccer or general merch divisions, but when you're now chroma-keying off woodgrain... In many ways it's worse to wipe out a color option for advertising than it is to have a 3" ad patch, IMO. Ick.
  4. Also have to wonder who would want a Tesla after all this? Maybe in the good old days but not in an era where your car is a computer that's forever connected to the manufacturer. I wouldn't trust the guy to not brick everyone's Tesla before long with management like this.
  5. Mid-00s blog bro culture didn't age well, but as a technology, RSS feeds never should've went away.
  6. To the extent that these are ever good, one of the better City lineups across the leaguewide board I think. Just wish they were limited to like, a couple of designated "City Edition weekends" or something instead of sprinkled about wildly. That said, the black/orange Knicks logo, totally devoid of blue, is offensive to me. And I hate the Knicks!
  7. Someone does need to play the role of tall, bruiser striker you throw on when you're down a goal with 15 minutes left and any tactical plans ought to be thrown out the window, so I guess Morris is our best option for that. Or maybe John Brooks would be, hey-o. I don't think any of the forwards in the pool have played themselves into being no-brainers for this squad for club or country, so I'm not too upset about it. Which is kind of the whole problem.
  8. I'm surprised Tim Ream is in -- not upset about it, just seemed that Berhalter didn't "rate" him. No major surprises and I have to imagine the lineup is fairly predictable ... just a question of who's your forward and who's your non-Pulisic winger.
  9. Nets apparently changed their minds about Udoka and are keeping Jacque Vaughn as permanent(*) head coach. Interesting!
  10. I'm holding out hope that the Galaxy go purely surf/skate/vaporwave with the new branding. It fits well with the blue/gold/teal color scheme (and I do think they should elevate the teal some more). If LAFC have seized the glitzy golden age Hollywood Art Deco, Galaxy should go Venice and the Beach Cities. Also a total reset on their on-pitch strategy would help, too.
  11. I'd go with the shield on the left; it's a little bit clunky but the lion looks better as light-on-dark, and the last thing world soccer needs is another simple roundel logo. Nice to see the full club name back on the crest at any rate.
  12. It's one of those stock Adidas template customizable graphics -- really shows how far a good color scheme can take you, when applied the right way.
  13. All the important Bruins players are now on record in the media disagreeing, or at least being skeptical, of the signing now. Maybe it’s performative but it’s also still a pretty notable fight with their own FO. In a season that has been so surprisingly great thus far, why drop a bomb like this in the locker room? Nothing to be gained.
  14. Or lose them both, I guess that's also trivia.
  15. I miss golden goal (but not the weird semi-golden goal from Euro 2004).
  16. Sensational game (at least from the neutral perspective), all 157 minutes of it. Feel like Andre Blake deserved better from his teammates, what disastrous penalties, yeesh. Not sure un-freezing Gareth Bale from his cryogenic chamber to be the hero helps the "retirement league" narrative but it was quite something to watch happen in real time. Congratulations to the long-suffering LAFC fans, who won this despite not making any audibly homophobic chants or hitting anyone with their beer bottles. You've come so far!
  17. Not sure I’ve ever seen a “sorry about your broken leg but here’s a red card. Best of luck” from the ref before.
  18. Jalen Rose already had to make a public apology on ESPN tonight and we’re only at halftime of the first game, so yeah, probably.
  19. Feels like they went past “cleaned up” to “simplified” in a way I don’t love; there was an opportunity to keep the T serifs but play more nicely with the C curve that I think they missed. But it’s not bad. Better this than anything more drastic, or letting nostalgia blindness take over with that dumb M again.
  20. This is it, among the biggest mistakes MLS has made. Too bad some sleazy suits also held the Cosmos brand rights so that was never a possibility either, but corporate franchising of both the teams in our biggest market is horrendous. (plus, we should probably fix the attendance issues for the two extant New York teams before adding a third.)
  21. Probably true, but the NBA has spent years presenting itself as the more enlightened, justice-minded version of pro sports. Can't pick and choose now. Regrettable that the franchise at the center of this situation is located 10 blocks from Crown Heights. And it doubles down on the bad timing when the league that wants credit for keeping the WNBA afloat will also constantly, performatively interview-and-not-hire women for head coaching jobs but will give one to the guy who was :censored:ing a subordinate in his office before he's even served his punishment. Wasn't Tsai the one who got in trouble for letting his WNBA team charter flights too much, too? I guess at least he's clear about working for competition and not morals there. Anyway, back to your point:
  22. Kanye has very clearly gone fully into the deep end of bigotry and literally has not been targeting certain individuals, not sure how much more clear he needs to make it. Kyrie can be difficult to understand insofar as he speaks like an AI trained on a first-semester college freshman who didn't do the reading for Philosophy class but did smoke too much weed. I sort of believe him saying he meant no offense and thinking he is "Omnist" because it fits in with his long-running pattern of changing his religion/spirituality when it suits him. (Another thing that was considered a third rail to criticize him over, that turns out hasn't ended well.) I also believe he is too brain-broken and lacking the self-awareness to recognize something like the hardest of hardcore fringes of Black Israelite teachings is, literally, harmful and anti-Semitic. So, here we are. I think there's been enough of a pattern of nobody ever holding Kyrie accountable for anything, first over dumb basketball stuff and then increasingly non-trivial non-basketball stuff. Also there's been a whole lot of re-mainstreaming of anti-Semitism lately -- let's say since 2017 somewhere in Virginia or so without any black people around -- that didn't start with Kanye West's bad tweets three weeks ago. Probably also a factor in the whole conversation.
  23. Won't get my hopes up for Austin given the current MLS taste for heavy black. I'd like to see them at least do a Bundesliga-type treatment and vary the green/black patterns. Some years stripes, some hoops, given current trends maybe next year is some weird abstract digi-camo pattern with the two colors.
  24. Totally embarrassing for the Nets to wait a week to hand down a suspension — the guise of “we were hoping he’d educate himself and say sorry” passes no smell tests I’ve ever heard of — but obviously in character for the team considering how they handled his vax situation last year. Buy the ticket, take the ride. I just feel bad for the nice old Jewish man with the “you’re gonna miss” act at their home games, and I never thought I’d feel sorry for that guy!
  25. All Ime’s worried about is that the female trainers travel with the team and that his hotel room is far from everyone else’s on road trips.
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