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Everything posted by colinturner95

  1. I concur. Though I'd do something different with the pants having looked at this again for the first time in four years.
  2. IIRC they terminated their contract alongside UCLA's but there's not a lot of articles I'm finding about Cal's situation with UA. https://www.sportingnews.com/us/ncaa-football/news/under-armour-lawsuit-ucla-675m-settlement/snzvz8nnyecu89pbf2tdbpip UCLA settled for 67.5 mil.
  3. Lake City serves as the second 5A high school in the CDA area, but they don't lack for competitive spirit, going toe-to-toe with the best schools in the state in most sports and with their cross-town rivals. (Quick plug, if you ever get the chance, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho is a beautiful city and if you get the chance, should definitely vacation there) Lake City Timberwolves - Logos: Something I didn't see before this, that they basically have the same color scheme as their cross town rival, just a few shades darker in a few colors. Anyways, they make the colors look good in my opinion, so I personally felt like it would work, even though they list teal as a school color, it hardly shows up on team uniforms and things like that. For the logos, I worked with the Minnesota Timberwolves newer logo, rotated about 90 degrees, adding in a block LAKE CITY above it. Lake City Timberwolves - Uniforms: Much like the CDA Vikings, the uniforms get their start from past football uniforms, in this case, looking more like what I did for LSU in the 72 Project, with shoulder stripes as well as stripes on the sleeve with the number contained in the middle of them. Timberwolf logo on the chest of the home and away. The numbers get a little drop-shadow, similar to the wordmark. Stripes down the pants, socks match their jerseys. Alternate doesn't stray too far from the pack, going for a more traditional double stripe on the sleeves. The hem stripe goes solid, the socks stripes match the jersey stripes and the full logo now sits on the chest. C&C welcome!
  4. Updates first, new team second: I can see Coeur d'Alene now; could the logo's C be silver on blue backgrounds? Jerseys are otherwise solid. Yes, the logo's C could and should be silver on blue BGs. don't know why it wasn't from the beginning. I feel like the gold & black stripes on the hem ought to be switched around on the home & away though; the order feels a bit off as-is. Also curious how the purple jersey would look with white in the place of black on the logo. I went back over the main logo and changed the shadows/details to a tonal instead of a hard contrast color, which allowed the logo to switch to white on the purple jersey. The stripes on the other hand, I didn't mess with because it messed with the balance to me when compared to the sleeve stripes.
  5. Either way, I still feel like the redesign was a good way of updating the brand
  6. If they updated the template and took the pattern off the collar, it would go a long way with these uniforms.
  7. So clearly the new photo-hosting idea did not work out. Gonna stick with Imgur for the time being it seems like. Kellogg HS at one point in time, was competing with the largest schools in Idaho, up until about 1976 when the population centers in the state started really growing to a point that just wasn't feasible anymore. Now, Kellogg currently sits in the 3A division, and their rivals have slipped down to the 2A and lower divisions. Kellogg Wildcats - Logos - In what seems like a rare occurrence among high schools, Kellogg comes equipped with a pretty unique logo already. Simple enough, just added a secondary K logo with a Wildcats script laid in over top of it. Kellogg Wildcats - Uniforms - The football team, at one point, used Baylor's old pants. That peripherally gets used here. Sort of. I mostly liked the cut/angular feel of that stripe and used an offset stripe on top of a sleeve length stripe that runs collar to cuff. They aren't everyone's favorite, but I opted for a upper chest number. Purple helmets, pants and gloves. Now for the alternate. While an additional pair of pants wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility for some schools, it would make for a headache when travelling. However, a set of breezer covers would be just as practical IMO and speaking from experience. So the alternate goes almost all black, same style stripes, just with white pretty much eliminated from the uniform, save for the logo. C&C welcome! Hopefully no more issues with the images moving forward
  8. For a one off event uniform, I think the Vice theme would be perfect.
  9. Painful to watch, but the Bison can't win it every year. I think the minimum stadium requirement for FBS still stands in their way, but I don't know if NDSU themselves even wants to move up. Though I am shocked the FCS hasn't forced them into at least looking into it.
  10. I don't remember where I read it, it might have been in this thread, but the Kraken were asked about why they didn't use the Metros for their Reverse Retro uniforms and they said something to the effect of "keeping all their options open". The Kraken had to know they were getting the Winter Classic ahead of time so it doesn't seem like they'd ignore the Metros for the Winter Classic.
  11. Good to know. that should be fixed now. If not, please lmk.
  12. Either GWG or GwGr for NDSU. I'd lean for the latter.
  13. I think I finally got my fill of the holidays, and recovered from travelling for the holidays. Thank goodness my wife and I chose to drive. First things first, like I always do on a series, I forget things: (I'm also experimenting with a new file-hosting system so fingers crossed it works). I wanted to do a little header for each conference, just to help familiarize you guys as best as possible with these teams, even if it's just a logo. It also serves to show you how some of these teams love to overlap colors and identities in certain conferences and divisions. Coeur d'Alene serves as a northern Idaho powerhouse, as it is one of the largest high schools in Northern Idaho. Despite this, the school doesn't field a club high school team, instead sending a team to the travel hockey tournament, as well as being home to a hockey academy that instead plays in the CCSHL. Coeur d'Alene Vikings - Logos - CDA lists their colors as red, white and blue, but red is often not found anywhere on any uniforms, social media, etc. Their shade of blue was either a royal blue, lighter than that or slightly darker than that. They also recolor and use the Vikings logo, which I felt like it was time to move on from. The new primary logo does retain the Vikings horn logo, but now features it in the counter of the C logo from the new wordmark, seen to the right of the new logo. The shade of blue comes from the midpoint of the Detroit Lions' Honolulu Blue and a rich Royal Blue. Red is still nowhere to be found, instead with grey being used as a secondary color. Coeur d'Alene Vikings - Uniforms - I also was going to shoot for realism in the fact that most HS teams aren't going to bother with names on the back if they have to be replaced every year, but it looked plain and I'm going to scrap that and have NOBs on the backs of the jerseys. Anywhosit, the football team had been using uniforms with Colts' stripes on the shoulders, which lent a lot to the look: The stripes are consistent across the uniforms, resulting in a double stripe with grey cuffs on the white jersey, single with grey cuffs on the blue, and a classic triple stripe on the grey alternate. Primary logo on the home/away jerseys, diagonal CDA with the primary logo in the C on the alt. Pants are simple blue, with the logo on the leg. Socks match their jerseys. C&C welcome! I went back and forth on the blue jerseys' logo and I think the change was what I should have done in the beginning. I also added a smaller white keyline for some added contrast. I also made the change to the white jerseys' yoke, which now lets the stripe match the existing pattern across the uniform.
  14. I (for my senior exhibition Winter Classic project) went with the Las Vegas (hockey) Outlaws. One of a few minor league teams that's called Vegas home. Feels like an avenuethe actual team could work with. https://www.hockeydb.com/stte/las-vegas-outlaws-6523.html
  15. It's World Juniors time, and I'm reminded how much I hate how the IIHF forces these giant ads on the uniforms
  16. these uniforms weren't as bad as everyone makes them out to be. I think what ruined them more than anything was the template changes Reebok had going on around this time.
  17. I was hoping to have more teams posted before I had left for Christmas vacation, but just didn't happen unfortunately. Up next is the first of a few teams from the Coeur d'Alene metro area, the 3rd largest in the state of Idaho. Coeur d'Alene (CDA) Charter Panthers - Logos: CDA Charter is a relatively young school, opened in 1999, and they've made their mark already in state athletics, especially in girls soccer, where their team has utterly dominated, winning 6 championships in the last 10 years. With that in mind, the girls soccer team also contributes a lot to the uniforms, which we'll get into shortly. As for the branding, I couldn't quite figure out what logo the team is actively using. Some sites show the Carolina Panthers logo, other show more of a clip-art style Panther. Both of which I threw out. I was a fan of the updated Michigan Panthers logo which meshed with the Boise State Bronco head into a sweeping panther head. I also favored a script logo for this team which you'll see paired with the panther logo. CDA Charter Panthers - Uniforms: The girls soccer team uses a simple double stripe on their jerseys, which I thought was simple but maybe too simple. I doubled the stripe up on the sleeves and added the phantom yoke stripes to the shoulders of the home and away uniforms. Panther logo on the chest of the home and away uniforms, socks match their jerseys. Pants have the same style stripe on the sides, with the panther logo at the base of the stripe. Alternate uniform gets rid of the shoulder stripes and moves them down to a chest stripe with the script logo front and center. C&C welcome!
  18. I love the technology behind it but its a god-awful design
  19. Hated it from the moment they announced it. the inverse combo is more palatable ... even though its still BFBS
  20. Now I'm super conflicted between "let the North Stars rest in peace" and "the Wild should make the switch to these colors ASAP"
  21. We'll start up in the panhandle of the state, in the AA Inland Empire League, which spans between Districts 1 &2. First team up, the Bonners Ferry Badgers, probably the northernmost high school in Idaho.: Bonners Ferry Badgers - Logos - Bonners Ferry currently kicks it pretty classic in all sports. Their colors are currently navy and silver, but a couple of their other sports use a lighter shade of blue, somewhere between royal and Chargers powder blue. They also use Bucky the Badger in his full body logo self, I scaled it down to just his head and created a sort of classic style HS/Collegiate wordmark for the team. Number font isn't anything special and a single color. Bonners Ferry Badgers - Keeping it simple, the uniforms are what you'd get if the Red Wings decided to feel blue. The home and away uniforms are very much the Red Wings, with light blue sleeves and navy stripes, or just navy stripes when the whole uniform is light blue. LB helmets with navy pants and gloves for everyone. The alternate uniform doesn't stray from the regular uniform just opts for a collegiate style jersey front. C&C welcome! Not the most visually exciting start but if you have anything, I'd love to hear it!
  22. I still think the logos for the Rams are booty cheeks, but the uniforms have grown and continue to grow on me. Plus relegating bone to an alternate status helped immensely.
  23. All of this has been wonderful. Much better than the Doctor Who a**-looking logo you called it. Personally, I like the current iteration, both in logo and with the wordmark under it. I do think, like others have said, there could be a W somewhere in the negative space on the right side.
  24. I've mentioned this many times in many different areas on the forums here - I'm a hockey guy. I have been since I learned how to skate. Naturally, I worked my way up from Mite levels, Peewee, Bantam, up the age chain and up to my U18 days, even going to two National Championship tournaments. But for four years, I did my time at high school and by extension, high school hockey. And this is where the "wishful re-imagining" comes in. [High school] hockey in Idaho sucks. That's as much as I can say with the words that won't be censored. When compared to areas and states like New England and Minnesota, it's just not even on the same page. First and foremost, hockey in Idaho isn't anything more than a club sport, meaning it doesn't get the funding or recognition like football, basketball or baseball. There's also a lack of quality leadership within the Idaho Amateur Hockey Assoc, which is a different conversation. It's the way the cookie crumbles, but doesn't mean that someone like me can wish that it was better. So I hoped to use my talents to imagine what a better hockey world would be like for the HS hockey players in the Gem State. First things first, I'd like to acknowledge @Section30 because it was his Minnesota HS redesign that got me thinking about doing this project. And to that end, Minnesota's set up helped pave the way for what I'm about to present: For starters, under this concept, hockey would fall under the umbrella of the IHSAA, the Idaho High School Athletics Association, and to that end, I felt that a new logo is much needed here. Not that the current logo is bad or hard to look at, but I felt that a more reflexive logo was needed. So the roundel disappears, the state shape persists with IHSAA cut out of the southern area of the state with the spelled out "Idaho High School Athletics Association" underneath, which would serve as the "global" logo to borrow from the NBA lexicon. The reflexivity I mentioned comes into play here, with the first (and only) sports specific logo which replaces "Idaho High School Athletics Association" with the sport of choice, in this case hockey. Now next to that logo, is not a colorful version of the logo, but showing you the administrative districts and help segway us into the next part of this first post. For those of you that aren't familiar with Idaho's athletics, which I imagine is most of you, this should help get you familiar with the teams you're about to see and how things are broken down: Like Minnesota HS hockey, teams are broken into two divisions: AA & A. AA for the larger schools (5A, being the largest schools, 4A and 3A) and A, which is mostly everyone else. Where MN has 8 or so conferences/sections that make getting teams to the state championship easy, Idaho really doesn't break down that nicely: This results in 5 conferences per AA and A, meaning (hypothetically) 5 conferences champs to State, 3 at large teams. Now for the purposes of this series, not every high school will be represented. Idaho's 1A division, its largest by far, has many high schools with an enrollment under 100 students. That right there is not conducive for something like this. Not to mention that some high schools would likely have to combine with others to field a team, but I'm not going to worry about that for this series. In addition to all this, here's a link to a more basic breakdown of teams and conferences: IHSAA Breakdown I'll leave you all with this, and have the first team up shortly.
  25. You sound like me with T-shirts. If it has a cool design on it, its hard for me to put it back on the shelf/rack.
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