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Kevin W.

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Everything posted by Kevin W.

  1. Alright, here we go. I've got several teams' designs completed. Buffalo Sabres
  2. That was a good look absolutely ruined by the Edge transition.
  3. Nah, Las Vegas' lights are a different kind of color scheme from the Miami Vice kind of color scheme.
  4. Alright, slight revision to the tie-down collar. I think that looks better and doesn't look awkwardly wide. The only issue is that since the NHL logo will be right above it on the collar, it'll mean that there'll be a decent amount of empty space below the league logo on the tie-down-less versions, but the alternative is to have a massive NHL logo that takes up the entire vertical space of the collar and that would look very awkward.
  5. And here it is with a faux tie-down collar, because Nike would absolutely do a faux collar for some weight-saving performance-enhancing reason just like Adidas did.
  6. Not that I know of. Alright, I think I've settled on the back view. I have to do some fiddling around with the collar to see if I can make a tie-down version work.
  7. I mean, the engraving on the Cup says otherwise…
  8. Well, I was hoping for an illustrated version like the images @kiwi_canadian posted. I'm trying to create a raster version of the template to use.
  9. Nearly 8 months later, this series is still alive. However, it's about to take a fairly serious change in artistic direction. After seeing the 2022 Nike template IIHF jerseys in the IIHF thread, I've decided to move to an updated template. Fortunately, that thread contains images that are fairly easy to convert over to a raster template, which I've included the front view of above. I believe that this will allow me to make a more Nike-accurate version of the jerseys. I have to test out how a few teams' looks will be on the new template and maybe fiddle around with it a bit here and there, but I'm definitely excited to see how it turns out. Accordingly, everything on the original template will be marked as "Original Template" on the first post and a new section listed as "New Template" will be added. I may update some teams' looks. Most will stay the same, however. Also, due to the fact that I got tired of updating teams' NNOB when captains changed, every jersey will have a captain's C, the name "PLAYER" and a number corresponding to when the franchise was founded or when it made its most recent relocation move.
  10. The Leafs and the Kings lost. I'd say that was a good night of hockey.
  11. WOMP WOMP WOMP That is such a Toronto thing for them to do. Oh man, that's beautiful. Game 7 is going to be such a good game.
  12. The fact that Leafs fans act like they're entitled to Ontario-born players is a big part of why I took the Islanders' side in the dispute. That and I revel in the Leafs :censored:ting the bed in the playoffs every single year.
  13. @kiwi_canadian, is there a rear view of that template?
  14. You forget that no one tops the Leafs when it comes to snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
  15. Or we could just have the Lightning win the next three and put the Maple Laffs fans out of their inevitable misery.
  16. Yes, I know about the original failed Maple Leafs costumes.
  17. No, they didn't remove black entirely. It's still a part of their color scheme, though it's very minimal on the home and road jerseys. However, all three of their post-2008 alternates have either been primarily black or heavily incorporated black as trim.
  18. I'd make the argument that white is the Flyers' secondary color and black is tertiary. Look at the color balance on their home jerseys.
  19. Except that jersey didn't include any jade. Jade trim would've greatly improved the look.
  20. What an absolute shame. Those are the best uniforms they've ever worn and it's not even close. Wayne Gretzky isn't walking through that door.
  21. I'd love to see the Ducks do a majority-jade version of their original jerseys for their next Reverse Retro. As much as I think a white version of the wordmark alternate would work as a Reverse Retro, that would be two white versions of past alternates and I'd like to see them change it up.
  22. The Nuggets are on that level.
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