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Kevin W.

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Everything posted by Kevin W.

  1. There have been past Winter Classics with one team wearing a fauxback and the other wearing a throwback. Detroit's 2014 WC jersey was a fauxback and Toronto's was a throwback, for example.
  2. NFTs are a scam that are doing tremendous damage to the environment, so...
  3. No. We're done with that. That helmet needs to stay in the past with Stoops, Rodriguez and Sumlin.
  4. Those would be the worst NHL jerseys of all time if they saw the light of day. The Mooterus and Turdburger are both ten times better.
  5. It was genuinely cringe-worthy how Carrabis wanted to insert himself into the whole Slam Diego thing last year. It was so transparently commercial and his particular fratboy douchebag brand is disgusting.
  6. How many people do you see wearing something like that on a daily basis? That’s for a niche and not for everyday use.
  7. That's an absurd over-exaggeration and you know it. I wear Nike shirts and shorts when I run. Do you know how many Nike logos are visible on the clothing? Two. One each.
  8. I will still celebrate the Blackhawks winning the Cup even if they're walking billboards. Yes, we're here to discuss sports aesthetics primarily, but it's not the only thing that we're here for and some of us support teams for reasons other than what they wear.
  9. There are so many other aspects to the game than the aesthetics.
  10. Agreed. If a simple logo ruins the entire sport for you, that’s ridiculous.
  11. As a collector, I'm torn. I hate this but I will most likely get the patches to make sure any jerseys I get are accurate, especially considering that the replicas aren't worth buying anymore and it's not worth having an authentic jersey if it's not done correctly.
  12. And most European soccer isn’t even that ad-heavy.
  13. If they were going to do that, they would've done it already with the helmet logos. It's not going to happen. There isn't a single owner in the league who is going to put tradition over money.
  14. If the one league out of the five major leagues that resisted having the manufacturer's logo on their game-worn jerseys finally gave in, nothing was off the table for the other leagues. I'm disappointed, but this won't make me give up the NHL. I'm a soccer fan. I've accepted ads on jerseys. I don't have to like it, but I can live with it.
  15. A city-transplanted version of the asymmetrical jersey would've been amazing.
  16. That's always annoyed me about the shoulder patches on the Kachina throwbacks. There was no reason why they couldn't put "Arizona" on the logo.
  17. It's the best home jersey the team has ever worn so it'd be awesome to see it come back.
  18. I get that, but teams can only get so much mileage out of "Look at what we used to look like when we used to win a bunch!" This isn't the dynasty. Winning championships in a certain look doesn't automatically make that look infallible. The Kings won two Cups in the previous iteration of their current jerseys, which went from Reebok-branded hot garbage to Adidas-branded hot garbage.
  19. I know that I'm going to get flak for this but I think the Oilers' current set looks damn good. I get why people have a soft spot for the Gretzky era jerseys but those just don't look as good as the orange and navy does.
  20. I'm still having the issue where I can't stay signed in on desktop.
  21. That makes me very concerned, considering the last time the Penguins wore an alternate as their playoff home jersey, it became their primary home jersey the next season.
  22. He was due to retire next month anyway, so they probably just moved him to a desk job for the rest of his time.
  23. The name "Nationals" still relates to the capital.
  24. I never said that it had nothing to do with the old team.
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