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Everything posted by 8BW14

  1. I like everything about the Braves gold uniforms except for the cap logo. The gold outline is hard to see and it makes the A too fat. A gold A would look better IMO
  2. I think it’s gotta be Michigan right? I think the new finish and dark bumpers/chinstrap make it even better
  3. I agree. I prefer it to Kelly green for the Eagles, on the condition that they use the correct midnight GREEN, not the blueish teal color it has evolved to since the Nike switch.
  4. I don’t hate the design of the draft hats, but the fact that they’re black is irksome. It’s especially offensive for navy blue teams and the Browns. What’s wrong with using the actual team colors for the crown?
  5. The Cardinals are apparently bringing Albert Pujols back for one last go-around. I guess he’ll DH against lefties and give Goldschmidt a few days off? Don’t know how much gas he has left in the tank, but it’ll be fun to see him to go out together with Yadi and Wainwright and hit a few more home runs along the way.
  6. Didn’t think this warranted a whole new thread, so I thought I’d share it here. Today’s Uni Watch post featured some fun flags for each NFL team. Some are obviously better than others, but I thought it was an interesting concept anyway.
  7. I just wanted to show my quick and dirty fix for the Elks’ antler helmets. I know it’s generally bad form to put concepts here but I thought showing the fix would be easier than trying to explain what I would do to the helmets. It’s bigger, outlines and more elk-like and less reindeer-like
  8. I have to say I really like the new EE helmet. The antlers could have worked but like others have said, they just weren’t substantial enough. Elk antlers are grand and intimidating, the helmet decal just wasn’t. Maybe it comes back as an alternate helmet down the road, but I think they need to increase the size of the antlers by 20% or so for that to work.
  9. I like the idea for the cardinals but I think it needs to be more gray and less brown. I’d also change the numbers to white on the red jersey, so it has some tie into the helmet. I really like the old-times feel of the whole set but I think the desert color is just a bit too brown
  10. I’m not super crazy about the number font for Cleveland, but I haven’t seen the full set of numbers either. The NOB is a lot, a standard block font would be better there. I think legibility might be an issue from any distance.
  11. Honestly, I wouldn’t expand the NFL at all. I was thinking about St. Louis at the time I was bored with fixing 49ers stripes, so I put these ideas together.
  12. I was getting a little burn out on churning out uniforms tweaks, so I though I’d post a couple ideas for a potential St. Louis expansion team. Pretty much everything is open to change. I really had a hard time coming up with names and color schemes and I’m not super happy with either for both teams so if anybody has any suggestions, I’d be happy to hear them. The Kings crown is based on the crown of the Apotheosis of STL and the wolves logo is recycled, with some tweaks, from a previous Washington concept. This is pretty much just an exercise in creativity, no idea if/when the NFL would expand to STL again. let me know what you think, thanks.
  13. On the topic of the Cardinals’ uniforms, it should be so simple. All they literally need is a red jersey with white numbers and a white jersey with red numbers and don’t touch the helmet. Add some stripes to the pants, put the flag on the chest if you must and stop right there. Imagine a red/white version of the Raiders. If they wanna do a little more, I think they should change the logo’s beak to copper because that’s really closer to the color of a cardinal’s beak and add a pair of copper pants as a sort of fauxback old-timey alternate look. Pardon the shameless plug, but this the last concept I put together for Arizona with the general idea of what I’d like to see: Looking back, the sun ray stripes pointing directly to the players junk is an unfortunate mistake, but you get the idea. I could also take or leave the yoke.
  14. Appreciate the feedback. I’ll be honest, I’ve never seen a Panthers concept that swaps silver for white that I’ve liked. I just don’t like it. I think it could work with a black or blue helmet but I don’t think the logo works very well on either of those shells. IMO, the white pants look fine, but they’re unnecessary when they have a perfectly serviceable pair of silver pants to wear with the silver helmets. I really only included the black pants for a second option and I think they’re a better second option than the white. I think teams with silver/gold helmets really only need one pair of matching pants. I went back and forth on the number font and color on the black and blue jerseys. It’s really just change for the sake of change and I could easily be convinced to keep the white numbers
  15. Here’s an update to the Ravens’ purple for some better contrast against the black. I think it is an improvement Also I’ve got a Titans concept which keeps the meat of their original uniforms but with some updated details. The biggest changes are new logos and some sword themed stripes on the pants and shoulders, new number font as well. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the Ravens’ new purple and and the new look for the Titans. Thanks again for having a look
  16. Presenting the Carolina Panthers: I think the Panthers got it right the first time and the changes they’ve made over the years have only been for the worse. The new logo stinks and the jersey cuts butcher the sleeve stripes and tv numbers. My solution to those issues was to move the stripes lower down onto the sleeve side of the shoulder seam and do a little cleanup of the original logo. I updated the number font and changed them to silver, ditched the wacky helmet stripes and fixed the pants stripe. Let me know what you think and thanks for having a look
  17. Got something new today. I put this together during a couple slow days at work last week. Pretty much everything is new for the Ravens except for the primary colors. I combined the raven and shield into one logo and added a new B logo. The helmet finish is meant to be a black helmet with purple/black metallic iridescent. The iridescence is also featured in the number outlines. The number font is new, but similar and less cutesy, IMO. Stripes are based on the checked pattern in the Maryland flag. I’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts on the new logos/uniforms. Thanks for taking a look.
  18. So a day later, I really can’t say that I like anything about the new Washington uniforms. Every single thing is an absolute downgrade, even the name, which is the least offensive crappy part of the whole deal. Even the burgundy jersey, which is not outright bad, is just wrong. They spouted off all about the history and tradition of their 90 year old franchise, then got the Super Bowl dates wrong and disregarded all of the most recognizable aspects of the teams uniform history. The whole thing reeks of the arrogance and ignorance of an out of touch man-child who desperately wants to be cool like the hip designers at Nike. I could say a lot more but I’m tired of typing. I hate it and it sucks.
  19. Yuck. I am so tired of the gimmicky helmet finishes. Is it too much to ask to keep that beautiful metallic burgundy helmet? Apparently it is and that black uniform is ridiculous. I guess that means we’ll be seeing college style alternate helmets in the NFL from now on.
  20. This is :censored:ing stupid. All they needed to do was slap a W and a stripe on the helmets. Hell, throw commanders on the jerseys so people will buy new ones if they must. JFC, I don’t even get excited for this :censored: anymore because I know it’s just gonna piss me off. I don’t care what the helmets and pants look like. The jerseys are dog :censored:, even the burgundy one, by association.
  21. definitely works better than the flaming T, which I have to admit, is a guilty pleasure of mine.
  22. I didn’t think I would like the forward number placement, but the more I see it the more I like it. Along with the bigger sponsors, I think it allows for some more design on the side panel of the cars. Overall I think the new car looks sharp, but the rear end looks a little stubby. The old fart in me isn’t crazy about some of the “innovation” on the new car, but I get it, gotta stay with the times.
  23. Love the Jets concept, nice update of an old look. I love the color balance of the Titans uniforms but the super traditional Oilers-esque striping clashes with the flaming logo. That’s my only nitpick
  24. Got a couple new ones today. The first one is the Seattle Seahawks. I think their current uniforms are starting to look a bit dated so I whipped up a new set: mono-blue remains the primary home uniform and I kept the number font around, minus the outline. Obviously the striping is based on the logo and the pant stripe only wraps around one leg. It’s a little out there but thats kinda Seattle’s MO at this point. I’ve also got a concept for the Washington Football team too. I kept the basic look of the logos, but went even simpler, more classic-football. I didn’t want to do too much because Washington has worn pretty much the same thing for a long time and I think they have even built some equity into the WFT brand in the last two years. The only real departure from the classic uniforms is the addition of the double stripe to the helmet. The leather helmet returns for the alternate uniform with the W on the sleeves. Let me know what you think. Feedback is always welcome
  25. That’s what I’m seeing. It looks like a “distressed” white/gold stripe to me too. I guess we’ll find out in a month edit: watched it again. It’s definitely a gold stripe with some glare from the window
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