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Bomba Tomba

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Everything posted by Bomba Tomba

  1. This, very much this Even just alterations to the (tired, old) generic block font would be enough
  2. I feel like the Broncos could take a hint from this and make the numbers on their away set orange Distance themselves from the Bears by emphasizing orange
  3. I noticed most of these designs have the V-shaped thingy across the chest, is it really a common design element in rugby?
  4. I'm assuming these include stuff like gold pants for the Lightning, lime for the Concordes, maybe light blue for the Claymores? Also let me guess, Dublin's team is green
  5. I'd put a spike on the top end of the G and the bottom ends of the M, referencing a devil's tail and fork
  6. This would have been dope yeah, but it doesn't feel Londony
  7. Giants have way too little red, maybe outline the numbers on both sets with it?
  8. Lmao I just KNEW this team was gonna get called the London Lightning, although I didn't expect the gold Have you considered a lightning stripe down the pants, or is it too corny?
  9. Replace all the silver with light blue, and change the helmet logo, and it becomes a solid Titans look
  10. I'd have kept the black as an alt, the division is already black-heavy
  11. The radio station I listen to calls it "noughties", and I don't mind As for the ongoing 0x discussion, their only natural usage is just being shorthand for years, which don't start with 0, hence they themselves are unnatural
  12. Yeah, no white/gold, sadly They really should emphasize the gold, starting with returning it to the main pants color, and then using it as a number color on the away Might get hate for this but I liked their gold alts too
  13. That's the thing The insistence of many people to cling to "tRaDiTiOn" is what prevents many great concepts from turning into realities
  14. Gonna have to respectfully disagree with you I gave a reason why I hate leading zeroes, on the previous page
  15. Doesn't make them any less evil tho The best improvement FB will ever make is to shut down Society will improve, too
  16. In the case of 81, Joe Gibbs Racing used it as their part-time car's number in the past because it is the same as their flagship number 18, but flipped I feel like small number flips is one big source of big numbers' presence in any league (except the NFL because they have special number rules) Just to get back on topic, I actually like single digit numbers being opened up for WRs/RBs/CBs (basically "fast" players) Don't like it for say LBs, who are more of a strength build
  17. Nice If your team name is Elks/Stags/something similar, you should be required to use antler helmets Hold up tho, Stags could be a better name because of the alliteration with Salt Lake
  18. For this one I'd remove the extra "suns" on the bottom, as well as both instances of "rays" because having it twice makes no sense
  19. Has anyone picked a number in the 90s range because of their birth year?
  20. That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about the NBA to dispute it
  21. "Moon Hawks" (two words) could be good, simply erase the extra H
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