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Everything posted by TBGKon

  1. True, but Ruby Legs could work as it has local flair, and is a close tie to Red Sox without screaming "Red Sox"
  2. Correct, someone shared this info in the XFL thread in "in general" section.
  3. Probably due to filing legally for the name...
  4. Agreed if MLB goes to 32, the ideal situation is 4 divisions of 8.
  5. i really must not be paying attention, but when did UNIWATCH go to SI.com? I just saw the MLB 2019 preview and was like wait, I missed something...
  6. I said this in the news thread, not the logo thread. They way things are going the XFL would be smart to snag San Antonio and maybe San Diego. Replace Houston and LA or Seattle.
  7. If the XFL can snag the Bandits name for Tampa Bay that would be the best name to make a splash.
  8. But this is just supposed to be an alternate logo. Every shrimp isnt a J.
  9. This makes sense, and I too have heard about Teresa being a real piece of work when she was the owner of DEI's racing team
  10. Maybe someone more local can help me out, but could it be possible that the Kannapolis name be changed to a different regional locale. I know the team was the Piedmont Boll Weevils, so could Piedmot be an option again? Is there another regional moniker that could be used?
  11. I wouldn't call this change "trying to match the Grizzlies parent club". if anything this is a new design, trying to separate itself from the former Giants esque scheme (a former affiliate) that had some dashes of Astros in there.
  12. Yeah someone suggested a 2019 thread, so I created one a few months ago.....
  13. Yeah, Winnipeg seems a bit saturated with the NHL and AHL in place.
  14. Traverse City will be the Pit Spitters Not a terrible identity either for such an oddball name. https://www.mlive.com/sports/2019/01/new-traverse-city-baseball-name-will-make-you-spit-your-cherries.html
  15. Rams had a yellow endzone for SB34 when they won it, also in Atlanta. I kinda hope the trend stays....yellow endzone please!!!
  16. I wouldn't be surprised if the AA replacement team supposedly going there keeps that name.
  17. Im just going to throw it out there, but i frequent another forum for the South Florida Bulls, www.thebullspen.com, and they appear at glance to be using the same forum software as us here. i dont know if the ad agency's are the same, but I dont seem to see as many ad popups on there. Also note, occasionally I see questionable Ashley Madison ads on my PC at work on their network. i know those ads are likely based on browsing history(which on a corporate network of over 3000 folks, theres probably some bad eggs looking at skeevy stuff). Are these type of ads something that can be removed from the distribution list.
  18. I can remember when i first saw Mcnair in a Titans jersey on QB Challenge for the first year. The yoke was such a noticable change to anything in the NFL at the time. I actually got a Jevon kearse Titans jersey the next Christmas.
  19. Copied fro the FAQ thread 12. I can't start a new topic, wtf?As a method of reducing the amount of robo-spammers from popping up on the boards (as well as those who sign up just to make a request then vanish) we implemented a rule that prevented new members from starting a new topic; after you've made three (3) posts around the boards you are automatically allowed to start up a new topic.
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