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Everything posted by AFirestormToPurify

  1. Giroux in anything other than a Flyers jersey belongs here. So weird
  2. Speaking of ads, does anybody know why many teams this year don't have helmet ads? We addressed it earlier in the season and most of us just figured it was just a matter of time before they all had one but some teams are still "resisting" (searching?) Curiously, a team like the Panthers strike me as a team that could use a helmet sponsor yet they don't have one. And on the opposite end of the spectrum, my Habs and the Leafs shouldn't need it but they got greedy anyway. Could it be that no one actually wants to sponsor them, that they don't think it's worth it? Maybe they're waiting for ad space on jerseys instead? Maybe, just maybe we can optimistically hope that some teams decide not to go with a jersey sponsor next year? Very well said
  3. What was deleted, another reference to furries?
  4. Possibly inspired by the inside out Air Max 1s?
  5. At the very least, this is just an alternate. BFBS for sure I'll give you that. But I've already seen plenty of "drip" and "fresh" comments so this is a hit with the targeted crowd lol Anything to distract people from the fact that they haven't won a playoffs series since 2004 I guess
  6. Cool fashion jerseys but why do they have to be worn on the ice? Imagine if they played Tampa in those. The Lightning would look more like the Leafs than the Leafs themselves Oh well. Gotta please the zoomer part of the fanbase I guess Edit: I really hate the hollow numbers trend, though. Those look bad and are so hard to see on TV
  7. I think you misspelled a word. There, I fixed it for you. No need to thank me :^) Hard to make a "new" Blackhawk jersey that doesn't feel like it's been done to death before but those are pretty decent. Not as boring as the last 12 WC/RR jerseys they've worn, mostly cause they're red. They've pretty much scraped the bottom of the barrel for white and black based jerseys but red would be a nice change of pace imo
  8. It's greed. They don't care about the commercial breaks, if they think jersey ads can bring in additional money, they'll do it. Look at the NHL. The richer you are, the more money you want and the less you care about the way to get it and how it affects other people. Just human nature
  9. Oops you're right I must have been wishful thinking, I meant black. They barely use orange anyway Like I said, I'm just nitpicking lol. I still think burgundy would have contrasted just fine
  10. They were still embroidered patch in 2021, remains to be seen if they will be made of rubber/plastic this year. Wouldn't look too out of place I guess since the NHL shield has been a piece of plastic for several years now
  11. Just a few nitpicks Why is Detroit's trim colour white while Toronto's trim colour is silver? Why is San Jose's trim colour orange instead of silver? Philly needed an orange background with black trim and Nashville needed a yellow background with navy trim Not sure why Arizona's trim colour is sand instead of burgundy Otherwise I think the whole package looks pretty good. Reworking the logo in team colours makes it look a lot less boring and corporate. I like the idea a lot. I just hope those are the patches that are gonna be worn on the jerseys and not just used for merch and promotional purposes
  12. I can definitely name names but I won't do it Nope. Again I could name some users but you're acting like this is all in my head and I'm playing the victim or whatever it is that you're trying to say and it simply isn't true Sure but what if both look equally good in their own right? Anyway, I said yesterday that I was done derailing the thread. I said what I had to say and a few users acknowledged that even if they don't particularly agree with me, I made a few decent points, which is all I really wanted to hear lol. I'm not here to change anyone's mind cause I'm not changing mine either. Just wanted to let my (unpopular) opinion on 2nd shells be known cause that's what this board is for and if everybody shared the same opinion it would be boring
  13. Thank you. That's all I wanted to hear lol Which is a pretty stupid thing to say, ironically
  14. Hard disagree. There are too many black helmets in the NFL already. I know, I know, this goes against my argument that the Raiders should try black helmets once or twice a year, but I'm talking about full time helmets here. Teal looks great and would make them stand out more If you don't think this helmet is gorgeous I don't know what's wrong with you lol EDIT: wait nevermind I completely misread your post. My bad. But then again: I think the Packers' yellow helmets and uniforms in general are extremely overrated, but that's just me I guess. I do agree that the Bears should never mess with their helmets. The Raiders could pull off black helmets and pants imo. If they had worn black helmets from the start you'd all be saying silver helmets would look "stupid"
  15. The antlers were better Disagree, worst case scenario, go back to the drawing board and come back with improved antlers. It could have been their thing. Nope, they'd rather look like the CFL Packers. Disappointing
  16. Why are you the only one in this thread who can admit that lol. One of the very few reasonable statements I've seen about 2nd helmets yet It's perfectly okay to prefer things the way they are and not want to mess with a proven, time tested look but to pretend that a white Bears helmet (Raiders in black, Jaguars in teal, Packers in green/white etc you get the point) would look "stupid" or objectively/technically bad is such a close minded and boring way of thinking
  17. So they're already dropping the antlers to go back to being a Great Value version of the Packers? Wack
  18. I have no problem with fashion jerseys, I just hope they never actually wear those in a game. Either way, we will find out soon enough!
  19. Who knows for sure. The timing is just weird, the team just announced a new jersey and the next day, Bieber is spotted with a new jersey. Doesn't necessarily mean anything but it would be one hell of a coincidence if it's not the new alternate they've announced
  20. Not at all. I've spent all day arguing with people, safe to say I'm not assuming anything lol. It just confirmed what I already knew. It's always the same old tired reasons. They don't like the idea of a black Raiders helmet, not because black wouldn't work, but because they've worn silver since the dawn of time. Which is to say, new=bad. Cause there's nothing objectively wrong with a black helmet. All anyone can come up with is, "b-but they've never worn black". Basically, don't fix it if ain't broken + no fun allowed Anyway, once again sorry everyone for derailing the thread. I thought the discussion was entertaining at first but now that I'm just repeating things I've already said because not everyone bothered to read the whole thing (which is perfectly understandable lol), it's no longer fun and it feels like a chore. I'm gonna go at the rink instead!
  21. That's what I've been trying to say all along. Why is everyone so scared that the 2nd helmet will absolutely HAVE to look like :censored: because Nike is this big evil corporation that wants to destroy identities? KNEE JERK REACTION.
  22. Not really. It's just an oversimplification but I still feel it's rather accurate. It's about as annoying as being told Sol is a "stupid" colour. Plenty of people on here are waaaaay more disrespectful than I could ever be, and don't even make any effort whatsoever in explaining their point of view further than, it's uncommon or new, therefore it's stupid I still haven't heard any other reason in favour of not having 2nd shell other than being scared that teams will come up with the most garish and distasteful designs possible. Like this is the only option: And the Raiders POSSIBLY (like what are the odds one in a million?) having a black helmet is just as bad as that monstrosity. Why? Because "we'll they've been wearing X colour for 50 years so any other option in their palette is horrific" The basis of the argument against 2nd shells so far is "change is scary and bad". I'm not making this up, look at the replies I got I'm not a hypocrite either, I've had knee jerk reactions before like when my Habs unveiled a blue jersey, so I know one when I see one. It's just tiring to read about how stupid or dumb a certain pants or helmet colour would look just because some people prefer traditional uniforms, and I find it ironic that I'm the one being disrespectful and belittling for pointing it out without resorting to calling anyone stupid or dumb
  23. Are you really gonna use them as an example? They needed a clean break from their old nickname. Who else is in their situation and needs to make a splash? You're afraid the Colts will use the Commanders as an example? lol They almost need to be treated as an expansion team. It's not like they can go retro anyway
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