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Everything posted by AFirestormToPurify

  1. I perfectly understand your reasoning and I respect it. But I still think it's nonsensical for the Avs to wear Nordiques gear. Feel free to disagree. I personally think that when a team moves to a different city and change their name they should wipe the slate clean but that's just me I guess Especially in the case where the old name had geographical and/or cultural references (North Stars, Nordiques, Rockies etc), the re-localized team wearing the old uniforms would look dumb. Like, could you imagine if the Canadiens moved south of the border, changed their name and then 20 years later the US based team rocks a Club de Hockey Canadien de Montreal sweater as a throwback. Insanity, even if just for a game or two. Would make more sense for the hypothetical new Montreal franchise to honor the city's past imo. But again, I understand why some people wouldn't agree with me on this particular take
  2. Yeah it rubbed me the wrong way is how I would put it into words. Like I didn't hate it I just thought it was kinda dumb. I guess the Canes wearing Whalers jerseys should also have rubbed the wrong way especially since I dislike the Canes but at least they kept the colour scheme intact and there's no geographical/cultural symbol on the Whalers jersey that makes it weird for a team in NC to wear it
  3. Not gonna lie, I just looked it up and it's definitely more in the middle than I remembered lol. Either way. You can be pedantic all you want, there's nothing nordique about the state of Colorado
  4. Sure but what makes more sense, a team in southern (edit: not THAT southern apparently) US Colorado honoring a past franchise by wearing the jersey of a team called the Northerners filled with French fleur de lys OR a team in southern US Colorado honoring a past franchise by wearing the jersey of a local defunct team called the Rockies for the Rocky Mountains and with a logo that resembles the state flag? I personally found it a little disrespectful that they even chose burgundy for the fleur de lys on their RR when blue is part of their colour scheme. Well maybe not disrespectful but I think it made no sense at all. I hope next year's RR is a steel blue based pre-Edge jersey with burgundy (the original mid 90s lighter shade of burgundy for extra throwback points and more obvious difference between those and the current jerseys maybe?) sleeves and black gear
  5. I think the years were in reference to a Cup or at least a Cup final appearance in most cases Mostly agree as both teams look great but I am the only one who misses the yellow numbers?
  6. Right, not gonna lie, I kinda forgot the Ducks lol. But I thought BFBS only applied when a team unnecessarily added black to their scheme (KINDA LIKE THE FLAMES DID :^)), not when a team completely rebrands and even changes their name? And what's taking them so long to go back to their original jerseys? Shouldn't they have gotten the hint by now?
  7. There's no BFBS team anymore in the NHL, especially now that the Avs have dropped the black gear and away name and numbers The one team that could mayyyybe drop navy is St Louis but I think their current uniform set is a modern classic and should be left alone. The Oilers also look better in navy and should leave royal and orange to the Islanders who balance those colours much more tastefully but then again I know that's an extremely unpopular opinion around these parts lol
  8. Black doesn't work for the Flames. The pedestal jerseys sucked, the early 2000s jerseys sucked a little less but would have been better with red gear and flaming white C on the red jersey at the absolutely least. The Edge flag jerseys were monstrosities, the cowboy Edge alternate also sucked, they've never looked better than they do now. Both Blasty jerseys were alright as alternates imo because they went in a totally different direction. But still. They got it right the first time Between the Blackhawks, Devils and Senators and Hurricanes to a lesser extent, there are too many red & black teams already I will die on this hill lol
  9. lmao. Doesn't it meant the same thing as mad or deranged or insane? Cause if so, yeah, that's totally what I meant. That buffalo is giving you the stink eye and you pee your pants. As far as corny 90s angry animal logos go, it's always been one of my favorites Yeah, yeah, I know. Every logo needs to be an emoji now but I still think it looked better before and I really hate that trend. Call me a boomer, I don't care. Things were better when artists didn't have to worry about their logo not looking too detailed and weird when shrunk to the size of an ant Oof now you're reaching ahah Not when it's their logo that is black and looking like a burnt out, extinguished flame ;^) Now maybe if they added jumbotron graphics that made the opposing team's logo look black and burnt (burned?) when they score a goal or win a game, now that could fire up the twitter crowd lol
  10. On paper maybe. On the jersey it was not an issue at all imo. I liked the "bug eye" better. It made the buffalo look furious and demented lol. New one looks neutered Just you. Black has never made sense for a team called the Flames. Maybe if they change their name to the Calgary Charred Remains, then sure, black is fine
  11. Am I the only one who thinks the "updated" goat head sucks? It looks soul-less and corporate now, like when the Dolphins and Jaguars switched to their current logo. There was nothing wrong with the original logo
  12. I think it's the usual garish garbage that is fine for AS/PB games and nothing more imo, but I was mostly surprised that so many people were in agreement with you NFL fans really confuse me sometimes. I can't wrap my head around the fact that the Rams are derided almost everyday here for their uniforms and that the same people wouldn't mind the Pats wearing this monstrosity Is it because everybody hates the Pats? lmao
  13. Aren't you the poster who hates any football jersey created after 1970?
  14. Wait I thought people on this board hated rounded fonts with triple outlines (Eagles) and in italics, gradients (Rams), vertical piping (any Reebok era redesign) and random spiky stripes near the neckline (Jets) Those jerseys are a combination of everything wrong with football jerseys and this is what the Patriots should be wearing? I don't get it
  15. That's not an unpopular opinion, that uniform is a mess
  16. Wow an ASG jersey that actually looks good for once Ah yes, the Calgary Charred Remains. They finally got rid of black and look like a team called the Flames should, I hope they keep the black to a minimum, as a trim color at most. I could make an exception for last year's RR though lol. Flaming C in black makes no sense but I like Blasty
  17. That's interesting. You're absolutely right and I can't believe I never noticed that. In 1990-91 only two teams had solid pants, the Bruins and Flyers. By 1999-2000, 20(!) teams had stripe-less pants. 15 teams currently wear solid pants with their regular uniforms which makes sense considering many teams went back to 80s uniforms full time. Unless we count alternate jerseys, then it's 12, which is still pretty high Safe to say it was a 90s trend but we still feel the lingering effects lol. I bet I would have similar results if I counted solid coloured gloves vs gloves that had contrasting fingers, back rolls and cuff rolls I've pitched the idea before but it would be cool if there was a "uniform trends throughout the decades" thread
  18. True. That's also something that bothers me a lot. No outline on the name, one outline on the numbers and two outlines on the logo, that's just nonsense!
  19. Now that's a statement that definitely belongs in this thread lol
  20. I don't like like the stripe on the pants, they could have kept the 2000s rounded font as I thought it looked cool and they were the only ones who used it and the sock striping could definitely be improved to be more in line with either the waist or sleeve striping. Good starting point but far from perfect, the stripes are all over the place Their AHL team were onto something with those socks. Maybe a little too busy but better than 3 thin stripes that are repeated nowhere else on the jersey or pants
  21. You have a point but I have no problem with that personally because not a single person in the whole world would look at those Penguins jerseys and mistake them for the Rangers. Other than the diagonal letters, the jerseys don't have anything else in common At the same time, when they switched to black and yellow it made sense because those are Pittsburgh colours but the Bruins thought it was their thing and looked wrong for them, at some point there's only so many things you can do without looking like you're copying other teams I never cared much for the skating penguin myself, maybe because I grew up with Robopen I guess what I'm trying to say boils down to, I'm glad I'm not in charge of picking what the Penguins should wear cause I'd have no idea They've never truly had terrible jerseys (other than the early Edge uniforms) but they've never had great jerseys either imo
  22. Counterpoint: The 90s alternates are better than the 80s throwbacks that should have never been promoted to full time and the yellow alternate made my eyes bleed
  23. What is this, 2007? https://news.nike.com/news/nike-completes-sale-of-bauer-hockey They still own a few trademarks but there's absolutely no way Nike was involved in the design of those gloves And I'm actually not even sure it was Bauer who decided to put the flag on the gloves, every other brand (CCM, Reebok, Eagle, Easton, Warrior etc) does it so it leads me think that it was maybe at the request of the IIHF or the teams themselves. They even make sticks with flags and country colours on them! Either way, not a Nike design element
  24. Cause the gloves are made by Bauer and not Nike
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