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Everything posted by Sec19Row53

  1. @LMU do you happen to have the link to this tweet? It was something like CommanderCorp_ - guessing it was deleted and that's why it's gone from here.
  2. I like the concept behind the Bills, but that logo is too detailed. I don't have an idea on how to cut it back, however.
  3. Defense? Running game? There is no salary floor. Over a rolling 5 year period, teams have to spend a set percentage of the cap to comply. I think it's 85%. Maybe they don't spend it -- I don't know. The fact that they don't seem to run into cap hell might mean that they spend wisely, and aren't throwing big bucks around -- that's actually a sound plan.
  4. Please name a successful WR who has developed in Baltimore. That might provide your answer. Baltimore's offense revolves around the running game, not the passing game. If you are a WR (and it should be unstated, but I'm saying it anyway) and want to catch 100 passes per year, that isn't the offense to showcase your skills.
  5. CONFIRMED! https://northwoodsleague.com/lakeshore-chinooks/2023/03/27/one-weekend-only-chinooks-helicopter-alternate-identity/
  6. Interesting - I was thinking that was the sound of a sewing machine Good call!
  7. I've heard of none of those people, but since you are reading this thread, we mentioned Benkert two pages ago. Oops - 3. New page with my reply
  8. Not all of us if it's a good tournament.
  9. Did you pick them to win it all two weeks ago? Yeah, that's how it goes.
  10. Why was it a bull**** title run? Or does that just mean you didn't like it?
  11. That's not what you said. You said that would leave a bad taste. I'm saying it's a good game regardless of the teams. Show me a legitimate media presence saying what you *think* is the issue. I don't think it exists.
  12. Don't assume your feelings are shared by everyone else. I'll take any two teams in a 4OT game in the tournament.
  13. I'm not arguing with you, but I want to watch good, compelling basketball. The tournament has been that, but it could also have been that if it were bluebloods playing. These two are not mutually exclusive.
  14. Wasn't he also not interested in leaving Jackson State?
  15. Lakeshore Chinooks will apparently be doing a 'what-if' this season. Announcement coming Monday. That looks like a digital camo background. I don't recall what any proposed names were for the team.
  16. I love that we all seem to have different hills to die on. I'll never not chuckle at this one.
  17. Not trying to defend the grand history of Cardinal Football, but playoff appearances didn't exist for a long part of Cardinal history. The number of teams making an appearance has grown, so that 'making the playoffs' isn't a good measure to compare 'now' vs. 'then' in any sport.
  18. The living legend known as Kurt Benkert has signed with the Brahmas. That should about guarantee a title. NOTE - the above post is sarcastic. I like me some Benkert, because backups to the backup are always living legends.
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