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Everything posted by Sec19Row53

  1. Hit batter, win fine (tweaking an olde tyme baseball outfield sign)
  2. Also fun fact about Dom Capers - his hair isn't old enough to legally drink.
  3. Ah. Forgive me for not knowing you were Carnac the Magnificent.
  4. I used to own this autographed Edmonton ball, from Warren Moon's last season in the CFL. My parents were friends with Pete Kettela and his wife. I still have this mini Green Bay Blizzard helmet, signed by two of the then co-owners, Brian Noble (pictured) and Dave Krieg (other side)
  5. That players appeared in both leagues isn't in dispute. You make it sound as if players moved from one league to the other on a season's basis. I did a quick search in that list for Browns and I'm not seeing it. In fact, many of the names on that list don't have NFL experience on both sides of the USFL's existence, or have experience in the NFL in 1987, which 'strikes' me as unique to that three week period in 1987.
  6. Huh? Are you saying that there were players who played in both leagues, one after the other, because they weren't stars? I don't remember that.
  7. No, it will need to make money if the league continues.
  8. But people call it Vegas. Nobody calls it York. I don't think it's comparable to any of those examples. The Seattle pants not matching their helmet is bad.
  9. If someone is gullible enough (to be polite) to think the NFL is rigged, scripted or otherwise not on the up and up, there's nothing that will change that. Note - incompetent officiating is a far simpler explanation.
  10. It's been done before - Houston Oilers 1960-65, plus their 1994 throwback
  11. Would Pete Rose have had two jerseys, one to wear while batting right handed, and one to wear while batting left handed? It's probably already addressed. I don't care to look for it. FAKE EDIT - not a shot at Rose, he was the first switch hitter I thought of for the Reds.
  12. Those Roughneck helmets are distracting. Not a fan.
  13. Agreed with the first, as I've only seen speculation here. I'm not sure that officially is the right term for the second. We can expect new alternates, throwbacks, or regular uniforms and/or helmets.
  14. Meh. I think the fact that they don't play in either the CFL or NFL will make that distinction.
  15. Specific points 1 - Co-signed 2 - Absolutely agree 3 - You lost me here. Soccer isn't as popular as its fans believe that it is. Regardless, what works in one sport doesn't apply to another. If it did, then the NFL (and NHL) never would have had ties because baseball (and basketball) didn't. 4 - Yup 5 - I'm more ambivalent on this one. I agree that fans have to care about baseball, but not all fans lose interest in a game that many people would consider boring or one that causes them to lose interest. We can't fix a problem by changing what we think interests fans if that interest isn't shared by some overwhelming percentage of the fanbase. 6 - See 1 and 2 above 7 - see 6
  16. Where did it say he is asking for his release? Don't confuse 'I won't accept a trade due to my no-trade clause', with 'please release me'. It's not that tough.
  17. The Chiefs and Eagles first played each other in the regular season in 1972. They didn't meet again until 1992.
  18. I'll trust Mike Florio's knowledge over yours https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2023/02/11/tom-bradys-retirement-letter-ultimately-means-nothing/
  19. Not from everything I've read. In fact, as JJ Watt pointed out, you don't even NEED to file any papers.
  20. Because it does nothing to prevent him from coming back. Acting like this is the proof is just being obtuse. Again, he may truly be done, but this doesn't mean that.
  21. Do you know what he has to do to un-retire? File a letter with the NFL. This does nothing. EDIT - I'm not saying he isn't retired. But this means nothing. Schefter knows that, but sometimes you agree to tweet things for favors, either future, current or past.
  22. I work on occasion for Marquette Men's basketball, so I'm on the floor periodically (I'll be working the game against Xavier on Wednesday - I'm at the scorer's table). It has the grooves in the floor for the boards, so it is possible. Clearly the venue has hosted a college hockey tournament, so it can be done. The bigger problem, though, is fitting a schedule into the primary tenant (Bucks) and secondary tenant (Marquette), not to mention concerts and what not. It has the infrastructure, so it's doable. I don't think it is viable, however, as you would be left with (likely) unpleasant home dates.
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