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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. Ha, I knew about Art Monk (and John Riggins and Ronnie Lott and LaDanian Tomlinson and every other retread vet that ended up signing in green ). I even knew about Thurman Thomas and Cris Carter somehow finishing up in Miami...but I mean I COMPLETELY forgot about Andre Reed. That's a whole other level of WTFery. And no one should never be sentenced to having to remember the greatest journeyman backup Super Bowl-winning starting quarterback in NFL history*...
  2. Cripes, man...I forgot all about that. If ever there were a candidate for players in the wrong uniform thread.... Wrong uniform, wrong number...just wrong all the way around.
  3. Imma need everyone to just quit it with the _____skins thing at this point. (And seriously, "Pigskins"? Ain't no grown man football team finna wanna be called that!) I can just about guarantee this new guy is gonna dig a deep well to find a suitable and sustainable name...and hopefully one that rolls off the tongue well, and also isn't too stereotypically D.C. (And hopefully that one jack who went and trademarked all those nicknames doesn't get any more wise ideas...or anyone else tries that, for that matter.) I think the best idea they could have had also got trademarked (copyrighted?) by that same jack (Warthogs), so this next endeavor is gonna be bery bery interesting...
  4. Swap out the old logo for the current, and I wouldn't be mad about this at all....swell way to update a classic.
  5. I guarantee you the swoosh has been eyeing up that angle for the NFL for a good while now...they'll keep softening ol' Jolly Roger until finally the and becomes too much and between those and the increased ye Olde Commish caves in. (I give it 3-5 years at this current rate.)
  6. Well you gave the world Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds and Mike Epps, so there's that at least...
  7. That happened back in 2012, my guy. That said, I'm actually amazed it took this long for some team to add a pattern to their primary jerseys...no one's done so since the Patriots left their sublimated striped behind in '02. if EVER there were a definition of BFBS, this is it. This is the poster child for it. This is the Creamerite/Uni Watch (is that blog still a thing?) dictionary image of it. Expect sales of these to blow up around Nashville...and it'll be interesting if they can track metrics of how many of these are bought and shipped to Greater Houston. It's funny but prior to this, you barely saw any kind fo Houston Oilers anything around Middle Tennessee...even the team shop had few Oilers items. That all changes now, I guarantee it. That's actually what I thought the Colts would do...in truth I'd have preferred they do that rather than what they did. Speaking as a former Indiana resident and quasi-Hoosier: not a nann one of 'em, homeboy...not a nann 'nother.
  8. Yo what is up with that 8 in NC State's number font???
  9. To be real, that gray was probably the one thing that distinguished them from aTm at a glance. May be an unpopular opinion, but I also think removing the script from the chests was also a mistake.
  10. Lucky!!! I pass by the place on the regular—just did again not three whole days ago—but have yet to actually go inside, or even to the pro shop. (Then again, finding enough curb to park a bobtail on that end of downtown ain't the easiest thing in the world.) Maybe sometime next season I may get the chance. Do me a favor: take notes of where the best (read: most affordable yet with the best views are) and report back to me so I can start scheming for 2024.
  11. Speaking of contracts, neither Saquon Barkley nor Josh Jacobs reached extension deals with their current clubs, and both are threatening to hold out during training camp and possibly sit out the upcoming season. While we're discussion the fate/state of RBs, this season also happens to be Derrick Henry's last on his current contract. Next offseason could be bery bery interesting on the RB market...whatever that'll be, because right now the rub is there isn't one.
  12. What was/is so wrong about the M-State logo???
  13. Anything in there about the Akron/Canton Pros? I know, old and now exactly imaginative nickname, but it did exist at one point...
  14. If you believe the reports, then, well...the Snatit actually pulled it off. Provided he doesn't become Julio Jones 2.0: the Retread Edition, this can only help Treylon Burks, as he (and all of the other young players) will have a true professional to learn from. Now, we'll see if this Tim Kelly guy actually bothers to use a modicum of imagination in running the offense, rather than running King Henry straight into the dirt like his predecessor did. (Speaking of said predecessor, that guy somehow landed on his feet up in New York, so um uh, yeah...we'll see how he and that Rodgers guy get on this season.)
  15. Ooh, ohh—can I try??? BULLS: primary red w/ black trim, black alternate. (The Bulls seem, to me, like a team that doesn't need a whole bunch of goofy alternates, or really any at all beyond the black—but we all know keeping it that simple don't bring in the merchandising dollars, so ...) BLAZERS: this one might get me flamed, but I really would like to see them swap out the black for either the forest green the Timbers use, or a midnight green akin to the Philadelphia Eagles. But since that ain't gonna happen...primary black and red with gold trim swapped in place of silver. RAPTORS: while I think red and white exclusively could work, I DON'T think it works well for the Raptors. (Yeah, yeah, Canada flag and all that—that ain't what I'm talking about.) Ideally, I'd like to see them pair a brighter chroma of red with a deep dark purple. No black at all (except on an alternate, because Aubrey and all that ...) ROCKETS: This might be the one team for who an exclusive red & white colorway actually works best—they've kinda already showed us that. But imma zag a bit of a different way and say they should darken their red justasmidge and pair it with bright orange... HAWKS: First of all, they need to learn to stick to one primary identity for more than 3-5 years at a time. That said, I'm perfectly cool with their red+yellow...but after seeing their 2023 City stuff, I wouldn't be the slightest bit mad if they change it all up again and go primary black and peach. HEAT: tough one, as they've pretty much had the same primary look since the late '90s. I suppose they're fine the way they are.
  16. Well they brought back the kachina jerseys,too...does that count?
  17. Of course they chose the Jets...because of course they did.
  18. I also can't comprehend whether that horse is supposed to be wearing a diaper or...
  19. I wouldn't put much stock into the black as that's common for apparel—then again given recent trends in NFL aesthetics (O HAI, J-E-T-S-JETS-JETS-JETS), one can never be too careful assuming it's a whole lotta nothing. That said, the particular hue of blue is what's intriguing me. That's pretty much the exact same shade as that which was shown in that picture of JJ Watt working out in red and light blue gear. I'm wondering if the Texans' workaround for IP purposes was changing up the light blue to something more along the lines of bright cyan...that blue has a bit more green in it than normal columbia blue (which is visible right there on that cup). Whatever the case, I'm gonna go out on a limb now and say that some kind of primary color change is 100% happening now.
  20. A quick peek at the pro shop at the RayJay earlier (which I narrowly missed since folks decided they wanna crash ALL up and down 275 today) showed me they're selling both the batwing template version of the creamsicles (that's my name for it, I don't know nor care what it's really called) for about $180, and the now-former template version for about $130. And as it happens, the stripes on those look to be fabric inserts a la the Steelers' construction since about forever. (Always wondered why more teams never opted to go that route with their sleeve stripes...) Anyway, I'm glad I got and still have my personalized* one from 2009—in the original orange—ecause ain't no way I'm paying $180 for one of those.** Whatever the case, hey...at least I can start following my childhood team again. It'll be just like old times.
  21. Sure, long as you can tolerate the sound of throwing pennies....
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