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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. Does anyone know or has anyone heard or read from the players themselves why they do that? I'm sure some do it because it's trendy, but whoever started it probably had a legit reason to...
  2. You mean the guy that was hired to "restore the roar" in Detroit?? Sometimes the parallels--and the jokes--write themselves.
  3. You know it's bad in Lincoln when even live music acts get in on the fun. I spent the weekend down in Omaha...while there I caught a live music show downtown at Jewell Jazz Lounge. Nikki Boulay and her band performed Aretha Franklin's I Will Survive...as an ode to the fans of Nebraska football. She even went so far as to pause right in the middle of the verse, speak a short soliloquy to Scott Frost...and then picked right back up with "Go on now go, walk out the door/just turn around now, cause you’re not welcome anymore..." Had the whole place dying of laughter.
  4. Re: the Rockies, y'all do realize that the fact that their uniforms were in Colorado flag colors was a happy coincidence, right? I also love how y'all are completely bypassing the fact that the Rockies actually began life as the Kansas City Scouts...
  5. Exhibit A of both the bolded: the 2019 Masters. Even though Tiger Woods was back by (IIRC) about a good four or five strokes going into that Sunday, did y'all see how he had them young boys ahead of them, especially Brooks Keopka, completely shook? The crazy thing is Tiger played the course mostly safe, not taking too many unnecessary risks, but him knowing the course plus all that experience behind him gave him an advantage--and somewhere around the 14th hole, I watched, in successive order, each of the younger guys ahead of Tiger just melt under the pressure of intimidation, knowing that Tiger was charging after them (which really had been Tiger's MO well before 2019). By I think hole sixteen, the tournament was Tiger's to take...and it was a glorious sight to take in.
  6. I remember those well...the teal flake definitely showed up under direct sunlight--and especially whenever they played the Colts, mostly due to the superweird lights and shadows cast on the field due to those windows Lucas Oil has at the north end of their stadium: That seemed to be the only condition under which the flake showed up though--it was barely if ever noticeable during night games or if the sky was overcast. And until now I completely forgot they applied the flake job to their facemasks, too. (Actually, until now I'd done a pretty good job in forgetting that particular uniform set even existed...now I've been reminded. Ugh )
  7. It'd be funnier than a mug if Watson pulls the ultimate uno reverse card on the NFL and chooses to sit that one out--or the Browns keep him on the bench--citing "not wanting to be a distraction to the team or the game"* while alluding he/they know what the league is up to...
  8. From a pure color perspective, this is one of the better color-contrast match-ups in the league. Probably even underrated. (Note: I said color, not uniform.) It still baffles me that the Patriots' practice jerseys have the former (and to me superior) number font...
  9. As I mentioned in a previous post upthread, I believe the 24 is a quiet signal for 2024, as in a potential brand refresh or maybe total overhaul. (I also believe that's a current jersey with the piping details edited out.)
  10. Not yet, anyway. Now, as to my suggestion of what to fix: the entire financial structure of the NBA. That is the only big sport where max contracts, mid-level exceptions and protected/unprotected draft picks are a thing (to my knowledge, anyway), and to this non-analytics and not-math whiz, and teams literally build/draft/deal/tank around all that needlessly complicates stuff. So for any of you smart(er) guys, is there some kind of way to simplify all that bullcorn?
  11. I like how no one's mentioned anything about the X Games yet...guess we know where we stand on that
  12. There comes a point wherein too much is too much...and that there is about at point (as several of those "mixtape" alts were). While that's probably one of the best royal blue/red applications I've seen anywhere, the copper is just too much plus it gets lost against the red. Yeah, Imma go with "no" on this one. Block doesn't really connote the idea of "whimsy" or "magic" that goes with a nickname like "Wizards", especially in present day and age. (Also, total aside, but I just now realized we have two NBA teams nicknamed for whimsy: the actual Magic, and then wizards, who [can] use magic.)
  13. I've been staring at this and here's my synopsis: it's entirely possible, especially given how small it is, that someone was given a current #24 jersey to wear, just with the white panels and black piping photoshopped off it. The #24 on the jersey may--as a matter of fact, I'll go out on a limb and say it does--signal a coming uniform update in 2024--and if you've been following Nike football uniform reveals, you know how they love using the last two digits of the calendar year of the unveil as the jersey number. This particular image may signal that the next set of Cardinals uniforms we see will be back to barebones basic, at least for the red and white jerseys. (This too would be on par for the current cycle of uber-simplistic that Nike is on, which also syncs with the Cardinals' own uni history from the mid-90s until '04.) So yeah, I can see it as a coded message that 2024 is when we'll see something new out of Arizona. (And even with that, and now the two-helmet allowance, I still completely expect to see something wild with a black alternate, color rush or whatever, because demands it.)
  14. The only halfway logic I can conjure up is that both teams' color jerseys are two tones of the same hue (blue) whereas orange and blue contrast quite nicely. Beyond that...yeah, I got nothing. (Except the Cowboys somehow always seem to get special dispensation because COWBOYS and all that jazz...)
  15. If the question is about sports I don't care about overall, I'd have to say tennis and lacrosse are the major two. Of course I still greatly respect the athleticism it takes to play both (because Lord knows I couldn't do it), but nothing about the sports themselves really do it for me. For the longest time I'd have said the same thing about stock car auto racing (except we all know none of the care are exactly "stock" and haven't been for decades), but since I can actually understand what's going on on the track, if it's a driver I recognize, I may watch a little just to see if I can follow what's going on. Now if the question entails sports I don't care to watch on TV, then the above two and baseball are it. For me, I have to be inside the park to enjoy the game; I absolutely cannot do it on TV. These days, much the same goes (and since about 2015, has gone) for the NBA. I actually don't remember the last full NBA game I watched--or even half, for that matter. I've seen parts of several games, but never a full one, start to finish. (As an aside: now college basketball is a different story. I actually have watched a few of those. I find that watching games, especially conference tournament games, featuring programs no one knows or has heard of yields some nice surprises. Case in point: Radford University. I forget who they played in 2019--it was another Virginia school not far from Radford--but that was one of the best basketball games I've ever seen at any level, probably ever.)
  16. Time out... what's with the RNATION down the pants leg??
  17. Short of a return to either the pre-shrinkwrapped Teddy Bridgewater sets--even with their current font which despite its wonkiness remains among my favorite of the many proprietary fonts out there--I see no possible future in which this ends well...
  18. That's a whole lotta hype for a whole lotta nothing...
  19. Wouldn't be the first time an owner/someone in organizational leadership attempted to bury the main color Jacksonville is known for. Recall the switch that occurred around the '03 timeframe when the base color of the white jersey's numbers changed from teal to black. I think either that season or the one following--at any rate, by '05--they then adopted the solid black pants with the jaguar head hip logo in place of the striped black pants, at which point they became full-on Blaguars. Now my memory is a bit wonky, but I believe Wayne Weaver was the main one trying to deemphasize the teal then. Whatever the case, they've been skimping on the teal with their away looks ever since then. I don't want to post the '09-'13 uniforms because quite frankly they never should've existed and I don't wanna be reminded of that look, but the primary away look was virtually what it is now: pretty much straight up black and white. I don't know what that franchise braintrust's issue is with the signature teal, but it's beyond annoying that they keep doing all they can do to deemphasize it.
  20. So exactly what "Statement" is this supposed be making again??
  21. Well then dangit...I had enough of that watching the Twins be the Twash last season. On the positive side...at least I'll be able to get "game at Fenway" off my bucket list! (Btw, if any of y'all Bostonites have any decent hotel recommendations accessible by MBTA--and yes I'm well aware of BTMA's ongoing safety issues, but still, I ain't trying to drive--please let me know.)
  22. So what y'all are saying is I should be in for a clown show or a comedy of [personnel] error when I get up there at the end of the month to see the Sox in person...?? (I don't know; I haven't been following them closely enough to know how they're faring thus season. Guess I'll find out, Lord be willing, last weekend of August )
  23. Now it's appearing Hosmer is heading to Beantown...
  24. I can understand some people's beef against football uniform pants not having stripes (okay maybe "beef" ain't the right word but it's the best I got at the moment while fighting off this COVID), but I really don't have an issue with stripeless pants depending on the makeup of the whole uniform and what message one is trying to get across. If you consider a full uniform--helmet, jersey, pants, and for those that have them, socks--a blank canvas to start with, then start painting on only the necessary elements as functionally required (which really the only thing required are jersey numbers in college and jersey numbers + NOBs in the NFL, at least for now), well...you'd essentially end up with what UTA has: I'm sure there's probably an even more "plain jane" uniform out there somewhere**, but even here, all you get is "TEXAS", the jersey numbers, two little dinky sleeve stripes (which probably really don't even need to be there considering the shrinking size of sleeve caps), and their burnt orange color. Some find this boring; some see it as purely functional. Darrell Royal, longtime HC at UTA, had this to say about the Longhorns' uniforms: Hey, that was his ethos. He saw the uniforms has work clothes, and they've been that way since...and those who know about Royal know how much of a no-nonsense man he was. (By the way, that's how you build an identity: declare an ethos, whatever it is, and stick to it.) Back to the point at hand, and why I used Texas' uniforms (and for the sake of this argument, just pretend briefly that the chest script doesnt exist): for as barebones basic as this is, the burnt orange, at a glance, identifies Texas, as that's their signature color; it seems to be that's all they really care about. I see the same in Notre Dame's new alt: sure, there are some decorative details in there (because it is a one-off after all), but it's obvious to me that they intended to make gold stick out as much as possible. (And why not? They are kinda known as the "Golden Domers" after all.) When you first see the uniform, your brain probably picks up the gold first (the helmet, then the accents, if your natural progression is to scan from head to toe); depending on how you're wired, you may see the navy outlines on the numbers next. Then you may see sleeve hoops and the sleeve cap logo, and hone in on that. After that then you may notice the gold ND logo on the front hip (and of course UA's brand mark on the opposite hip). Now imagine if the pants had stripes on them...how much of your attention would those stripes pull away from the details they obviously want the most attention paid to? (Which in this instance I believe is three intricate patterns on the sleeve hoops and cap logos.) What this is is an interesting exercise in visual hierarchy not to mention tasteful restraint...as I'm learning more and more about these fine lines and details, the more open-minded and less restrictive I've become to certain predetermined dogmas in my own brain regarding "good design" and "not-good design", understanding that design itself has something of a scientific process to it. (And before anyone goes there, yes, "plain" too is a design choice. I've seen some say about plain pants that they have "no design" to them...well, being plain is itself a design choice when one looks at the whole thing.) All that said, and as counterintuitive as it may seem to try to scientifically explain something so subjective as one's tastes in uniform design, I just figured it might add a little more insight into the backside of this thing, but not necessarily to change anyone's opinion on it. One other thing: I've long wondered what a straight gold-and-white uniform would look like; this now gives me a REAL good idea. Honestly, this would be my ideal getup for the New Orleans Saints, but I know that'll probably never happen.
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