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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. What this thread's about to become...
  2. "Battle Jacks"? That'd be a pretty good name for a football team*...but I don't know about baseball. (Reminds me of the Bossier City Battle Wings of the long-gone AF2...still to this day one of the coolest nicknames I've ever seen.)
  3. Well the Yard Goats one actually makes sense--at least to those of us in the transportation biz. Yes, the team brand uses an actual animal, but the term "yard goat" itself actually refers to what's known *technically* as a terminal tractor: Now depending on where you live and/or who you talk to, these things go by all kinds of other names, among them "hostler", "mule", "switcher", [simply] "goat", and "shuttle truck". Those who do the job that requires that vehicle are known as "yard dogs" (as I once was, back in the day). In Hartford's case, same as with many railyards, that thing can be modified and/or specially built to handle rail cars, as well. And here's your Useless Facts Trivia nugget of the day.
  4. Well, being that the 49ers presently play in [what may as well be] San Jose as it is, I'd say the locale name thing is really more a formality than a technicality
  5. But then they'd be the Philadelphia Bells...
  6. Not only that, but if you look at the geography, all of those northern teams are within 300 miles of each other (with Philly and NJ obviously being a lot closer), and Tampa and Birmingham being the farthest apart (if you were to connect the dots in line) at about 550 miles, the 350 miles between Bham and NO, and about 300 miles from NO to Houston. All of those are plenty reasonable travel distances via bus, and just about all except Birmingham offer point-to-point flights to one another (I don't know if BHM has any direct flights to EWR or not). But then, they're looking at starting this thing off in Birmingham (Birmingham Bubble?) for the first season, so there you go...
  7. I know it's limited by the shape of the letterform, but the kerning between the K and N is bugging the mess out of me. They really should have tracked the NIGHTS out more to optically match the open space between the K and N. I also don't care for the shift in shade of [what's supposed to be] gold, but I'm sure that's a stock Nike swatch used for other schools who also have gold as a color. Adding that hypocycloid at the point of the neck--and then naming the thing Knightro--was a subtle stroke of genius.
  8. Cincinnati is an interesting case to me. I know there's a lot of people that wish for them to get back to the Big Red Machine days, and I do get it--but that's also just too easy and too predictable. I've long loved their team typeface for how modern and at the same time vintage it looks and I'd hate to see them toss that aside in favor of drinking the red nostalgia kool-aid. That said, I think if they keep their current font, strip out all semblance of black, and trim their scripts and numbers to just one-layer, that'd go a long way toward both sharpening and freshening their brand.
  9. I don't have pics, but you might can add what was originally Nashville Arena, now known as Bridgestone Arena, to the list. It was finished in '96 as a multi-use entertainment facility (with an obvious eye on attracting pro sports); in '98 the Predators moved in. May fit your criteria...
  10. I don't know that I'd call this a little thing, but it's definitely been aggravating me lately... Derrick Henry has been doing it for a while, but in the past year or two lately increasing number of Snatit Titans players have been electing to go with red accessories with their uniforms...and it just looks so out of place...
  11. I think y'all missed the part where I said "did". That's past tense.
  12. Well actually...if you push the radius out about 40 miles or so due south or northwest, one of those cities does--or at least at one time did--have a CBB power nearby: Indianapolis, thanks to IU being a little over 40 miles south in Bloomington. (Though not a "power", per se, Purdue is about 40 miles the other way up in west Lafayette.)
  13. So THAT'S what they were doing to the place when I went by there in 2019. I didn't know what was up, just that they were renovating the place. Didn't know you were able to see downtown like that from inside the venue. Wellp...we all know money talks at the end of the day, so if building more seats to sell equals more revenue--views of downtown be doggoned--well... ...And getting back to Allianz for a second: not that any of this matters to this discussion, but, relative to its size, MSP probably has more freeway lanes than any other metro in the country not named Los Angeles or Kansas City (actually, I think MSP has KC beat by a bit.) The reason I got used to using US routes going thru there rather than interstate routes is because from a distance its dang-near impossible to distinguish Minnesota's state route signs from regular interstate signs, being that they both have the same color blue background (real intelligent thinking there, MNDOT!): That's necessary info to decode from a half-mile to a mile out when piloting a 74-foot-long 80000-lb combination vehicle on a busy corridor in a metro with some of the most bipolar motorists ever on earth (some act like they'll go to prison if they come within 5 mph of the speed limit; others treat it like Indy Motor Speedway--in the same lanes no less--and don't get me started on the zipper merge OR all that doggone road work going on up there). All that said, the white shield shape of the US route is easily distinguishable (Unless you're in Connecticut or Rhode Island in which case half the time the route sign shapes are just outlines), so...yeah, 52 it is for me. Anyway, back to soccer stadiums...
  14. That stretch of 94 is part of 52. (And 12, while we're at it...don'tcha just love route concurrencies?)
  15. I've actually been to Portland's soccer stadium before. Didn't get to take in a game while I was there though; almost dropped some guap on some of their soccer gear while they were rebuilding it. But yeah, for that place to be stuck down in the middle of that neighborhood like that...for the natives/locals, which came first, the stadium or the neighborhood? (Just curious.) That said, I know it ain't soccer, but seeing Portland's stadium instantly reminded me of Lambeau Field. I've been there twice, and narrowly missed a Monday night game the second time I was there. But if you ever wondered what it was like to have a stadium dropped down in the middle of a residential neighborhood, to the point where your back gate opens straight into the stadium parking lot (and that's for those who actually have gate--some of those lawns just edged right up to the lots)...head up to Green Bay and check it out for yourself.
  16. Maannn...Allianz Field is just over there. It's location just about splits the difference between downtown Minny and downtown SP, and it is literally right off the US-52 freeway get-off ramp...but it is still just, kinda like, over there. There really ain't much around it (yet)--but it is a really nice venue in itself, however. Speaking of nice venues, let me take you on down to Lynn Family Stadium in good ol' Louisville, KY: That's downtown off in the background (looks a lot further away than it actually is; it's probably like a half mile outside downtown). But check out the angle of that opening...you can watch the fun on Malfunction Junction while watching the action on the pitch! (Seriously, if you've yet to experience the hysterical pleasure of navigating that torrid interchange--and all the merges leading up to it--you're in for a real treat the first time you do. And this is after they reconstructed it...)
  17. Oh yeah. That's about the last outpost that's yet to be destroyed by hotels, ferris wheels, and other unnecessary tourist traps. What you saw of the rest of Johnson Beach (the eastern stretch of Perdido Key) is what most of the rest of Perdido and for that matter Santa Rosa Island (on which Pensacola Beach sits, the far west on which sits Fort Pickens) used to look like back in the day--before the unnecessary tourist traps took over and robbed us of our good ol' sea oats and emerald views. Glad you got to enjoy yourself and the Maritime Park while you were down there! What's funny is that's only been there since 2012...where it sits now used to be the wastewater plant and a reef of rocks and dead fish. They moved the wastewater plant further west and infilled the plot on which the actual stadium sits, then built up everything else around it. Even the harbor was rebuilt after Ivan and now the whole Palafox corridor down there has transformed. Definitely not the downtown I grew up with (which is to say, there really wasn't much of one until they built Maritime Park and then spilled the gentrification over to Palafox), but SO much nicer overall.
  18. I saw that earlier on my IG and I about facepalmed clean through the back of my skull. Of all the things to clown my hometown for, at least it wasn't that. Until now... To their credit, though, at least they're being right-out honest about their intent, though. It's meant to be bad. Shoot, they may as well stick a Joe Patti Seafood patch on them jokers while they're at it...
  19. You stay putting on for LR, don't you? But yes, plenty of water. (And right now, plenty of runoff in that water from that OMGWTFIZTHEYTHANKIN 30Crossing bridge project--but we ain't finna talk about that right now.) Hopefully that's all finished by the time I make it back down there... I don't know...from what I understand, the locals/natives will tolerate you, but ain't too keen on people trying to move up in there and take over. And now that the oil money is drying up, they're starting to feel the effects in the local economy (again, this is from reports I get from the buddies I had in the trucking world; I can't vouch for their validity). That said, I've actually been up there before, albeit a long time ago, and it was...different, I'll say that. I don't know that I could live there, per se (despite the fact that I went up there to investigate a job opportunity), but visit, yeah I can do that all day. Side note: do we have anyone on these boards actually in or from Alaska? I half-remember one being around here back in the day...
  20. ^ Let's not go down that road, please... ... And on the topic of the Futures jerseys, seems like they went down the same pathway as the [Expedition League] Sioux Falls Sunfish (yeah, speaking of aqualife in an inland location), who have really matched into the dual-color theme--with same colors to boot: (It's definitely a quirky brand strategy--but it's fun, and fans here in town have really taken to it.)
  21. Ah, so...and yes, I did read about the tenure with Connie Mack at the helm (for 50 years!), but from what you contributed, it seems the Athletics organization has had cheapskate-itis in its veins for a loooonnngg time.
  22. Totally unrelated, but...I did some looking into their history yesterday just because I was curious. And I know the club has set up shop in three different cities, but...one would think a club that has nine Word Series titles, three coming during their little mini-dynasty at the beginning of the 70s that apparently barely gets mentioned in the story of Major League Baseball (not that I'm a knowledgeable historian because I certainly am not), would be better deserving than the mess they're currently enduring/they've gotten themselves into. Sidebar complete--now back to relevant discussion...
  23. Someone get this to the head honchos down in Bloomington, Indiana, like, STAT...
  24. Ask the people who thought it was a good idea to create Star Trek: Picard...
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