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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. There's some podcast he does and I hear the commercials all the time on the crappy Audacy app. It basically consists of some guy being "so how you do you prepare - how do you get in a zone when you're facing a great player" and KD is like "it's like, a'ight, you know, a'ight, let's see what you got. I'm like a'ight, let's go. A'ight, OK, a'ight, and that's what sepatetes the great from the elite. I don't even get worried, I'm just like a'ight". That's nearly verbatim. And then the cohost does the unnatural laugh where it's more of a laugh where the back of the tongue is touching the roof of his mouth (basically the "rap laugh") then calms down and is like "whoah, yeah that's why you the man".
  2. Which is more formal? Obviously, the aesthetics of baseball aren't directly related to the aesthetics of business so it's reasonable to discard this argument, but in general, I associate colored top / white pants with a BP or "casual Friday" type of look. Matching pants and top actually looks more professional to me - when, just like a suit, it's a dark formal color. I'm even down for black/navy with pinstripes. But definitely not this red nonsense - this ruins everything.
  3. Im on board with this for teams like SF (black), White Sox, any blue team and any darkish team. I don’t really care to see full red like the old Cleveland set or full orange. Belts need to contrast though, and preferably socks are visable.
  4. I didn’t know he was a Red Sox until I just looked it up. That renders part of my statement moot. I should have done that research, so my bad, but as a casual (at best) fan of the game outside of my team, I hadn’t heard of him till his name kept coming up in trade talks. Castellanos is still a POS though. “I don’t have a college degree, I hit baseballs.” LOL, time to enroll in college you washed up piece of overpaid trash.
  5. I hope they end up in a playoff series with the Blue Jays. After the Phillies Castellanos signing (among others), I'd be worried about bringing a guy - let alone a dumb guy - into a market like NY after he's played under zero pressure and practically zero media. You find out what people are really made of. The players around him are so good that maybe there won't be too much pressure and scrutiny on him, but regardless of how he pans out, I'm very thankful the Phillies didn't make the move for someone like him. EDIT: just read that he told the Yankees he'd get vaccinated if necessary, so that tells you two things - 1, he didn't care at all about the Royals and didn't believe in them, and 2, he had "principles", but they just went away once he had a chance to win baseball games. Not a guy I want.
  6. Ironically for those of us that don’t want for people’s brains to be scrambled, an uptick in concussions that can be correlated with the alt-helmet weeks would likely be the only way this madness ends (not that the league wouldn’t do everything possible to hide that info). EDIT: for clarity, I don’t want there to be any concussions at all, just sayin that would make it stop.
  7. the problem is they were worn in ‘94 when all the teams were wearing throwbacks, so they ruined the throwback look by simply putting old logos on their current-colored helmets. The helmets don’t necessarily look bad on their own, but when paired with a throwback it made for an inaccurate mess.
  8. Oh I totally agree. I work 30 miles outside the city and use subway / train (though Amtrak and local service cutbacks are really making it painful now) / bus, and don't drive at all in the city. I really hate the culture that the "sports complex" has created, and I hope this new arena leads to a change among the suburbanites that don't understand how cities work. The notion that it's "privately financed" is kinda not totally true, as the tax payers or system riders will foot the bill for the necessary enhancements, but as a daily user, that's something I'm more than willing to do (provided they're done correctly, which unfortunately is highly doubtful.) They're also encroaching on the city's Chinatown, so they'll need to work with that community to get support, and I'm not sure if there's a good solution there
  9. Unless they got their jerseys in by the 2022 deadline, you won't see those this year. Someone brought up a really scary thought - what if teams not only started mixing and matching helmets with uniforms, but also started mixing and matching decals? Like if the Falcons did put their current decal on the red helmet just for "fun", or the Patriots come out with Elvis on a white helmet for some reason? That's pretty much the only thing that can make it worse.
  10. Per Wikipedia (which matches my memory), technically, the batter needs to make an attempt to avoid the pitch, which you aren't doing if you're swinging (unless you bail at the last second, which occasionally happens if the ball curves dramatically.) Chase Utley shouldn't have been awarded 1st base on probably over half of his HBPs, as he would lean into them rather than make any attempt to get out of the way. Without the other angle it's tough to tell if Machado checked his swing or not, but it sure looks like the right call was made. Official rule Per baseball official rule 5.05(b), a batter becomes a baserunner and is awarded first base when he or his equipment (except for his bat): is touched by a pitched ball outside the strike zone, and he attempts to avoid it (or had no opportunity to avoid it), and he did not swing at the pitch.[1] If all these conditions are met, the ball is dead, and other baserunners advance if they are forced to vacate their base by the batter taking first. Rule 5.09(a) further clarifies that a hit by pitch is also called when a pitch touches a batter's clothing.[2] In the case where a batter swings and the pitch hits him anyway, the ball is dead and a strike is called.[3] If the batter does not attempt to avoid the pitch, he is not awarded first base, and the pitch is ruled either a strike if in the strike zone or a ball if out of the strike zone. Umpires rarely make this call.
  11. That's weird, because when the helmet rule was changed, they said that they couldn't do kelly green jerseys in 2022 because the 2-year-rule still applied so they'd have to wait till 2023 (teams had a limited time to get a 2nd helmet submitted for '22, hence the black.) So now we've had three different stories: 1. league rules preventing any throwback not currently in the guide from debuting till 2023 (this is the story I believe) 2. supply-chain issues (I don't buy it in this case) 3. color matching issues (at least for the Eagles. I also don't buy this, because Nike makes plenty of kelly-green jerseys for other clients.) So now while that article didn't directly quote anyone from the Eagles, assuming it's true, they're directly contradicting both themselves and the league - just like Tampa and at least one other team.
  12. Bears alt look would work so much better if the numbers were navy outlined with white, to match the C on the helmet. Navy pants would probably help salvage it as well. There's just not enough navy to still look like the Bears. They almost look like the Browns from back when they had an orange top.
  13. Using Chrome, I was able to duplicate it just now on two different devices (a desktop and a laptop).
  14. The biggest 2023 uniform change will be the addition of the second ad patch. I thought I read that it was going to be on the sleeve and be on either the right or left - depending on the batter (so it'd be facing the camera as often as possible) which raises the obvious question of if teams will lose the ability to standardize any logo patches, and if the Phillies will have to lose their sleeve numbers.
  15. Yes, I've noticed this on mobile. You can keep scrolling if you move your finger outside of the tweet, but it seems to consider the embedded tweet as if it's a separate app now. Honestly it took a minute to adjust to, but now it's no big deal.
  16. There's an ongoing issue with the search feature that I'd like to point out. When you run a search, if there's multiple pages of results and you click to go to the next page, it counts as a new search, and you get the "please wait for 30 seconds" message, meaning you're stuck when you're just trying to find what you searched for. Also, it counts such ordinary actions as sorting as new searches, meaning you can't even do that. The search feature is light years better now than it was a few years ago, but it's still really difficult and inconvenient to use if you have to be so precise that you nail it on the first try, otherwise have to wait however long just to sort or go to the next page, then if you mess up, start all over.
  17. There's certainly a difference between a black Eagles uniform and a black Lakers uniform, but that doesn't mean that one is any more necessary or valid than the other. They can both be bad / unnecessary / BFBS. I definitely think of the Eagles of the past 20 years as a (midnight) green and black team rather than as a green and silver team, but I still think that the black exists in the proportions it does strictly for merchandising purposes rather than to enhance the identity, and I'd absolutely consider their black alts a BFBS uniform. BFBS doesn't necessarily mean "black when black isn't even one of your colors." Let's say that the early '90s Eagles, who had black number trim, black logo trim, black on their socks stripes, and black shoes, introduced a black jersey - would that be BFBS to you or anyone that's taking such a literal stance on the use of the term? Like, pretend this wasn't just a fashion jersey - BFBS?
  18. Watching a game on Apple TV+ for the first time. Is it just me, or is the audio really weird? I can barely hear the announcers, but the sounds from the crowd and field are extra loud. I've tried every sound setting and it's similar on each. Is this something they do on purpose? I have no idea who these announcers even are, but I'd like to at least hear what they're saying (actually, the way this game is going, I'm probably better off.)
  19. Don't assume that this guy knows what he's talking about. He may be saying "all orange" meaning "orange helmet, orange jersey" and not even considering pants. I really hope teams don't mix and match, but I'm sure they will, because of course they will. The alt helmets should be married to a full uniform, and there shouldn't be any mixing and matching outside of that. Just my preference.
  20. I disagree completely with this. Anecdotally, I see far fewer black jerseys than any other color, and I honestly don't think I've overheard any conversation (or been part of any myself) where anyone's praising the black jersey. I'm sure there's sales statistics that would tell the story one way or the other, but other than the kids on twitter who tweet fire emojis, I really don't think the black look is too popular.
  21. the word was it might take till ‘24 to get the new wordmark on the jersey since it might count towards the “2-year lead time” thing. I don’t recall reading anything hinting at any kind of redesign.
  22. do you have sources for any of this? They absolutely petitioned for multiple helmets so that they could do Kelly green throwbacks, but is there anything that states that they’re trying to have three helmets and doing a redesign for ‘24?
  23. Nobody on the Astros posts here.
  24. OC / DC mean different things on different teams anyway. Just like GM does. I don't see how it matters who has what title, as long as it's clear what everyone's responsibilities are and who's in charge of what. EDIT: titles matter because of the rule that allows teams to block their coaches for leaving for promotions on other teams. It's hard to clearly say that something is a promotion when it may be the same responsibilities just under a different title. But regardless, teams shouldn't be bound by any standardized job titling system as if it's just one giant corporation (which, of course, it is, but I like to pretend it's not.)
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