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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. The Bills official account said that it's not real.
  2. Their dreams were indeed shattered in those unis.
  3. that looks really good. Looks much better as an M than as a W, even though I can’t describe why.
  4. Two things can be wrong. Not a single person is arguing what you’re saying. And Watson may and should end up being punished worse before this is over.
  5. It really is a shame. It would have been a million times worse had they won it in home in those tops. That would have been a true disgrace. This is a joke right? While their current road unis aren't flashy, they're miles ahead of the "Cuba" uniforms that featured 1) an unnecessary red-brimmed cap, and 2) a 4-letter script which is entirely too short of a word to look even a little bit professional on a baseball uniform.
  6. The road jerseys were great. I didn't love the red and gold on the home, but it's miles better than the curly-w homes. The DC caps could have become classics had they committed to them. It's nothing short of cowardice that they didn't.
  7. This makes no sense. The only way they can promote gambling is to prevent players from gambling. No double standard at all.
  8. I'm not sure I understand this. If the league gives out a heavy punishment, you want them to get sued so a judge can tell them to "get this stuff sorted out"? Isn't that what they would be doing by doling out a longer suspension? It's like, if they give a weak suspension people are pissed, but then when they push for a longer one, people are still pissed.
  9. Obviously once he saw his name being tossed around on the CCSLC he decided to kick it into high gear. Never underestimate the power of this place.
  10. i don’t discount the fact that booing guys and telling them they suck all the time can wear on them and make it tough for them to be motivated to perform (heck, we had a player this year literally say “I effing hate this place” live on the field. So I’ve become a little soft and more supportive in a live setting. But Castellanos has been given a pass by the media and fans up until around a week ago, so I don’t think it’s related to Philadelphia’s treatment of him, unless it’s the perceived pressure that’s getting to him - which is a possibility. I hold to my belief that the northeast is harder to play in than in many other areas, but again, he’s been given a pass due to the way he endeared himself in his first press conference. so I don’t dismiss your suggestion at all, but I don’t think it’s the case in this situation.
  11. Losing the bum Castellanos is addition by subtraction so it doesn't surprise me that they improved. The only way out of this disaster for the Phillies is probably to eat 50 of the 100 million and give him away to some team that wants to take a flyer on him. EDIT: regarding Castellanos, he's also indirectly responsible for a lot of anger that's been building inside me, and that's due to the trashy people that don't know how to pronounce "ll" and call him Cast-a-lanos, rather than Cast-ay-anos. That has nothing to do with him of course, but it pisses me off every time I hear some moron mispronounce it, despite hearing the correct pronunciation a hundred times. It's disrespectful, and if anyone's going to disrespect him, it'll be me by calling him a bum.
  12. It looks like SD is paying the entire remainder of Hosmer's contract, so the Red Sox basically get him for free.
  13. The Phillies have a similar setup, and it held them back for decades since all the partners had to approve what was essentially a "budget". Then they got the new stadium and gave more power to the "managing partner", and the rest became essentially "silent", and that partner can do whatever he wants and basically acts like an owner. It has helped that a good number of the silent partners have died of old age in the past 15 years.
  14. They weren't. They wanted more of a punishment, but agreed to arbitration to avoid battles with Watson and the PA. Either side can appeal the ruling, but here's the thing - the appeal is decided on by ROGER GOODELL, which kinda makes you wonder what's the point of arbitration if he can make the ultimate call if he wants to? So it's basically like this: Goodell says a year, the PA argues so they agree to go to arbitration, arbitration says 6 games, the league appeals and Goodell says a year. The arbitration is basically theater, unless Goodell is just too afraid of the legal challenges. Watson already said he's fine with it (because of course he would be) but he should probably appeal just for fun since it'd be hard to hear a guy's appeal and then give him more time. It would be a defensive appeal - but it won't happen.
  15. Her job wasn't to determine what kind of suspension Watson deserved. He job was basically to consider the precedent the NFL had set for punishments for other transgressions and to decide where he fit into that spectrum, and she claims that what Watson did to 4 women (they can't consider all of the others) wasn't the same as punching your wife in the face and knocking her out. I disagree with her assessment, but I still think it's worth noting what her job was and wasn't. I think the notion of a "non-violent" sexual assault is nonsense, but the bad guys here are the NFL for being so light on things in the past. Had they established more of a precedent, she wouldn't have had any option but to side with them.
  16. It still needs to look good. Some people (not all) criticize all black / all white, but those aren’t the only two bad options.
  17. Wish they had something better than the B logo to put on the front. Since there's orange on the top and on the trophy side, it would look better if there was orange on the name/number side. Maye paint the stripes, or have the number in orange jewels. OTher than that, seems appropriate for a conference championship ring.
  18. How does it make more sense now than in the '70s? The '70s were all about stuff like that. That kind of look today would clash pretty bad with their park, not that there's not precedent for that (Astros come to mind.)
  19. The message board has been justified for at least the 18 years I've been a member, even without all this nonsense.
  20. There's some podcast he does and I hear the commercials all the time on the crappy Audacy app. It basically consists of some guy being "so how you do you prepare - how do you get in a zone when you're facing a great player" and KD is like "it's like, a'ight, you know, a'ight, let's see what you got. I'm like a'ight, let's go. A'ight, OK, a'ight, and that's what sepatetes the great from the elite. I don't even get worried, I'm just like a'ight". That's nearly verbatim. And then the cohost does the unnatural laugh where it's more of a laugh where the back of the tongue is touching the roof of his mouth (basically the "rap laugh") then calms down and is like "whoah, yeah that's why you the man".
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