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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. I think it's finally clear to me why the silly rule requiring each team to have an all-star still exists.
  2. I know Nike needs for them to have a donzen jerseys to sell, but it would be great if they could wear the Red Rocks as their primary, and then have a "clash kit" that's white based. Then maybe a throwback, and call it a day. The red rock jerseys were too good to simply be discarded like they were.
  3. That's a good way of describing it. I can't tell you how many times I've watched pitchers fall apart the third time through the order despite having normal pitch counts and maintaining their speed. It's hard, and that's why a single-pitcher no hitter / perfect game is so impressive. While a solo no hitter is an impressive feat for the pitcher more so than a ding against the other team, the combined no hitter is just the opposite - a ding against the hitless, rather than anything impressive by the pitchers.
  4. The Phillies had an outstanding radio broadcast for the better part of the last 15 years, but their color guy is half retired and only does home games (sometimes only weekend games) and they have a rotating array of uninteresting idiots filling in while they're on the road. Anyway, here's Michael Bourn yelling "Oh SH**!!!" when Harper got his thumb broke by a pitch. On one hand, I love giving broadcasting spots to non-traditional talent (code for boring-ass white guys), and I love the authenticity that broacasters bring when they don't confine themselves to the established norms. On the other hand, some of these ex-players simply suck at it (I don't really have a problem with using the s word - I appreciate the authentic emotion, even if the network doesn't - but he is impossible to listen to.) Linking because there's a naughty word in the text in the tweet and not sure what the exact rule is regarding embedding tweets that have s-words in them even if spoil tagging. https://twitter.com/_piccone/status/1540898296054554625?s=20&t=Bj4rwnEwKdZAOXTABFv3gg
  5. League rules probably didn't allow it. I assume she was the home team and chose white for the wedding, forcing him to wear dark. There's no other explanation.
  6. I stand corrected, though I wonder if it was a conscious choice to not double up on Elvi. I'm also wondering at what point she realizes that drinking that beer will be harder than expected. Here's another fan in a helmet, though this proves my point, because this clown is NOT sane. Why would you choose to do this? And why would she allow it?
  7. If I was king, combined no-hitters, while still literally being no-hitters, wouldn’t get much fanfare and wouldn’t go down in the record books as any kind of achievement. I get that the days of the complete game are pretty much over, but a no-hitter means so much more when it’s one pitcher completing the feat. It should be celebrated as an individual accomplishment (which obviously requires the team to make great defensive plays, but you get what I mean). These no hitters where 4,5,6 pitchers are involved are just so hard to get excited about in any way. Maybe it’s because I’m getting older, but I remember when the “combined no hitter” was an extreme rarity - I don’t even think I knew it was a thing until the 00s. Now it seems (relatively) commonplace.
  8. did they even bother to make a secondary logo to go with Elvis? All I remember is the NE one that I think was a Zephyr creation.
  9. That's all it takes? Had I known this, I'd have at least 75 fewer warning points. Does this work in international diplomacy too? Lives are at stake!
  10. Got it. Seems like a lot of effort, especially if typing it on mobile. Surely there's some emoji or something that could accomplish the same... but then again, I'm old(ish).
  11. Now that I know that this is "mocking", are you mocking me? Or are you agreeing with me that just because someone else does it that's validation of it working? I happen to think the Seahawks have one of the top sets in the league, even though IMO mono sucks for all but one or two other teams.
  12. I'm spending way too much time on this, but I've been a little obsessed with that Steve Carlton card. The card should show him in a '77 jersey. I was able to find game worn '76 and '78 jerseys, but no luck finding any '77 home jerseys or even photos of him that are undisputedly from the '77 season. Either way, if the '76 and '78 match what they should be, it's fair to assume that the '77 would as well, and that the '78 Topps card is just an old photo, and not any type of prototype or old jersey he had laying around (since he clearly had old jerseys that were twill and stichless.) It's also clear that the switch coincided with the change from chainstitched Ps to twill Ps, which explains why the roads changed first, since they literally got new stock with the darker blue) and were getting them in cycles every x years, and that cycle probably got misaligned from the home cycle when they switched from grey to blue in the first place (or a switch in suppliers, which may have aligned the same way anyway). Don't ever say I don't try, lol! Here's a '76 game-worn Carlton jersey - NO stitch: Here's a '78 - also NO stitch:
  13. I'm old(ish). Can someone explain WhAt ThIs WrItInG mEaNs?
  14. I never said it "didn't work" in some cases - I like those Patriots jerseys, despite the incredible redundancy. Also. just because someone else does it, doesn't mean "it works". The unnecessary star is the least of the issues with that Cowboys uniform.
  15. Something else I just noticed - on the '88 home jersey with the maroon stripes, the stripes appear to be printed (you can't see them through the back) but on the '87 (and earlier) version, they're the woven zig-zag style. I didn't think the Phillies switched to printed stripes until '92. EDIT: Also, I've noticed this before but never thought it was worth pointing out until now - those pre-92 jerseys didn't use a traditional raglan or set-in template. It's a hybrid template that seems to be relatively unique.
  16. They did have the stitching originally... then it was removed from the road (not home), then home, then brought back. That was always my theory too - maybe someone complained after a few seasons? But then why would they allow the home to keep it for years after the roads lost it? One guess would be that since many teams used different suppliers for home and road, they simply waited until they switched? That site I linked to has all the supplier info and I'm sure this could be verified if/when there's nothing else better to do.
  17. The redundancy is that since the Elvis is on the shoulder, there's basically nothing between the two Elvi' from nearly any profile view. In traditional uniforms, the number would be in between and the logo much smaller on the sleeve. Again, I don't think this is a big deal, but it's certainly redundant in this case. It would be similar to having the logo on the shoulder and sleeve. Now since merchandising is such a big thing, and no sane fan walks around in a jersey and helmet, it's fine, but definitely redundant. Trying to make a point that the second 8 in the number 88 is an equivalency is beyond a stretch.
  18. The stitching was removed from the road jersey a few years before it was removed from the home. According to this EXCELLENT site that I linked below (sorry, can't link to photos from it). 1973-74 The road jersey gets a makeover. It becomes a deeper blue, NOB are added, numbers become tackle twill, the little "baseball stitch" line in the middle of the "P" logo is gone, zippers replace buttons. 1975 Home jersey lettering changes to maroon tackle twill, the logo "baseball stitch" line is gone, NOB are added, and white trim is removed. Regarding Carlton, it wouldn't be unheard of for Topps to use an older photo and not expect anyone to notice. It also wouldn't be unheard of for Carlton to have kept an older jersey, or be issued one that they had in old stock. Seriously, check this site out. It literally captures everything, even switches from Wilson to Rawlings to... etc. I have found one or two errors in it latter-day Phillies uniforms (extremely minor and irrelevant to his notes) but it's really a fantastic resource. https://mlbcollectors.com/PHIjerseys.php
  19. The stitching was put back in 1987, which coincided with other changes: 1. zippers switching to buttons. 2. NOB switching from vertical arch to radial. Also, in 1988, the pinstripes on the home jersey changed from red to maroon. EDIT: Also, it appears that the P changed to a solid patch in 1988 (you can see that the pinstripes show through in 87, but they're clearly behind the middle in the 88). 1987 game worn: 1988 game worn:
  20. The irony of Durant making his way back to Seattle via OKC, GS, and BKLN (did I miss anyone?) would be something to see. It would almost soften the blow, because in a way, it'd be like the Sonics returning since the best player that left would be back. Oh also, Rick Ross, who I just learned exists, is potentially buying the 10% of the Sixers that Michael Rubin is being forced to sell. The rumor is that Rubin, who has relations with lots of players and agents and can now offer them endorsement deals, will leverage this to steer players to the Sixers and work some otherwise rule-breaking tactics while still receiving a check from the Sixers ownership group for some BS made-up position.
  21. Is the Eagles now-former wordmark included in the logo slick as a "jersey-only" logo since it'll be on the jersey for up to two more seasons? While it's the Eagles own fault for knowing the rules and messing up their timing (or, not messing it up but just planning poorly), it seems like a minor-enough change to be allowed to get done after this season. Not sure the manufacturers would need much lead time to put a different little patch under the collar. I more feel for all the fans that just bought AJ Brown, Reddick, and Dean jerseys.
  22. Now that sleeve numbers aren't required, they could simply put Elvis on the shoulders, which would be very redundant with the helmet Elvis right there, but not a big deal. I'd welcome that back with open arms - even if in darker blue.
  23. I don't think fading was the original reason for them, but rather that the dye could cause an infection if they got spiked and the colored sock mixed with the blood (hence the "sanitary" sock underneath.) The spaghetti strap looked worked (and I use the term loosely) with teams like the Phillies that had the thick racing stripe, since it just looked like a continuation of the stripe. But other than that, a solid sock is truer to the original intent of the stirrup, which was to literally mimic a solid sock. At the end of the day, the A's ruined everything by introducing the one-piece stirrup with was just a straight line. My little league eventually moved away from traditional stirrups to "T" shaped ones, which were just as bad as you can imagine.
  24. O'Grady dropping some hints? The Sixers pres who hated the black jerseys (and was reluctant to even do the ugly-ass city ones from two seasons ago) is gone, so they'd seemingly be open to bringing these back as an alt (if allowed.) https://www.crossingbroad.com/2022/06/door-is-open-for-sixers-to-bring-back-the-2001-jerseys.html
  25. I dunno. I wouldn’t want a new uniform to have a number font based on this new wordmark, with italics, square corners, and random cut outs like the Es have. I’d much rather something more simple vs an italicized version of the Falcons, which is where I could see it going. or, we’re thinking about it too much and it’s not foreshadowing anything and is simply so that they have a rectangular mark that looks better in most digital applications.
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